J O ▲ H : Dating Agency » oh jaekyung ; client «

nickname - dani or your bbyboo #2. ;D
activeness - 10jeom manjeom ing 10jeom!

✗( oh jaekyung )  ( nov 06, 1990 )  ( 177 cm & 54 kg )  ( gender; female )
background - when one thinks of oh taehyung, you think of a fiesty, sassy bastard who doesn't give a
about what you want to do in life. when one thinks about his sister, oh jaekyung? the word "giant"
and "lesbian" quickly come to mind. why would that be? because oh jaekyung had been questioned
about her uality since the day she step foot into the world. why she demanded short hair? why she
had a love for all that stupid crap guys liked? nobody knew. they just knew, that in all circumstances,
god had accidently made oh jaekyung a girl, giving her a lovely pair of s - by accident. not on
purpose. but, why was she so damn tall? at the time of elementary, girls her age would be shocked to
see jae rolling around in the mud with the boys, playing soccer oreven chasing freakin' frogs. they
were shocked to hear that she hated the color pink, hated skirts, dresses, princesses and cake and would
die happy if one day her dad came home with a sports car rather thana white, ing steed. way back
then, jaekyung would never care about what others had to say about her. she was used to being called
weird, strange, out-of-the-ordinary. she was used to being mistaken as a boy, used to being called a
damn giant, and was especially used to being "dumb" in comparison to her more feminine, fashion-loving,
smartical bastard of a brother, who had no friends, no interests, and what jae called a horrid personality.
unlike her brother, jae loved the outdoors. she especially loved excersize, which her brother would cringe
at. she liked it, because she was good at it. which was odd because what her brother liked, and loved,
she disliked and hated. what she was good at, her brother wasn't. what her brother was good at, she wasn't.
she liked sports, he hated them. he was intelligent, while jae gave no s about school. in the life of jae,
there was only what she liked and nobody elses. she didn't need a guy to be happy. she didn't need to
have make-up to feel pretty. she'd continue to love herself in her giant, lesbian glory, and was sadly, too
god-ing stubborn to change that. as of now, she's known as frugal. but, jaekyung calls it "herself".

personality traits - outgoing // modest // charismatic // straightforward // lazy // oblivious // impulsive

likes - sports (esp. basketball) // shonen manga // coca cola // spicy food // food // sleeping in
dislikes - alcohol // bubblegum // books // cats // anything having to do with work
habits - drawing on herself // always late // forgetting // snacking // keeping her earphones on
hobbies - eating(?) // basketball // soccer // listening to music // learning to play acoustic guitar
trivia - doesn't swear as often as her brother does // her favourite food is pizza //  currently taking
guitar lessons // attends basketball games on saturdays, soccer on mondays // works at starbucks // has her
driver's lisences, like taehyung (forgot to add that lool) // treats her car like her baby "MY BBY! ;A;" // is
a horrible liar // is extremely clumsy and often walks into doors, walls and trips over air or her own two feet
// secretly had a really good singing voice

✗faceclaim - han hyeyeon / kite
✗links - one // two
✗back-up faceclaim - jung daeun / lee taegyun
✗back-up links - one // two
✗style - usually nothing to fancy. as long as it's wearble, comforting and not at all feminine. jae usually likes
to wear something sporty, like shorts and tanks. she's usually wearing sneakers, convers, skinny jeans, or sweat
pants along with hoodies, sweaters, teeshirts and tanks. she has a love for beanies, small earrings (which she
usually only wears on her right ear) and wearing fake glasses.

love interest - kim jonghyun [ shinee's dinojjong ]
personality traits - charming // funny // idiotic // dorky // considerate // romantic // somewhat flirtatious
back-up love interest - lee donghae [ suju. as. the other dino. but I want jjong. ]
back-up personality traits - same as above cuz asdfh-- yeah. 

     - why did you decide to join J O 
 H : Dating Agency? ; this content is not available.
     - matchmaking experience ; this content is not available.
     - how many couples have you matched before? ; this content is not available.
     - status ; - this content is not available.

     - why did you come to J O 
 H : Dating Agency? ; 
because my stupid of a brother keeps dragging me back here. he keeps telling me "you don't have
a choice", and I keep telling him to get off my case. if only he understood that I'm seriously not into
dating right now. taehyung's just so darned persistent and won't listen. as for a real answer, I guess I'm
just.. here. who knows, maybe my of a brother might actually find a match for me.. I don't even
know. I'm just.. taking a wild guess here. it's like saying taehyung'll wake up smelling the roses.. we'll
see what happens. there might be hope for me.. but, it depends on my own opinion, really.

     - dating experience ; 

so far, I've only been in about.. uhm, two relationships? sadly because I wasn't entirely interested then,
I had going on, basketball, clubs, and sadly school. my longest relationship would have been.. six
months. pretty much. and that was only my second one. my first one only lasted about four to five weeks? 
we were just trying it out, so we weren't even that serious. I was kinda hung up on my last boyfriend.. just 
because he was my first experience as a real boyfriend. I was younger back then, so I was a
bit more curious? my first was when I was sixteen. the second was when I was eighteen. uh, I hadn't picked
up from dating since then, so my brother keeps trying hard for me.. hasn't worked out though.. sadly.

     - any past relationships? if so, elaborate plz ; 

my very first boyfriend was with this kid- uh.. choi.. min? no. min-- oh! right, right! choi minho! yeah. I
think we only dated because we were friends back then and everyone around us were dating each other,
so- we just went at it. went out like everyone else, hung out and all that, but we weren't entirely into
each other I guess.. so I dumped him. or rather, we broke up with mutual feelings. I can't remember how
it all went down. the uh- breakup. I remember a really awkward hug and never speaking to him again. I
guess.. it kind of ruined our realtionship, considering we shared out "first kiss" - more like a peck - but,
"first kiss" then too. plus, he was younger, so that was an issue.. as for my second, last and more serious
relationship, I was dating a guy named.. named uh.. kim.. hyunsomething. I'm sorry, I have terrible
memory right now- uhm! we were in the same classes together, always walked home and
we were practically bestfriends at the time. he didn't judge me, didn't care how I acted and all that,
and I found myself going out with him around the last year of highschool.. unfortunately, his dad got a
new job and he had to move and all that crap. we hadn't officially broken up, so we tried catching up and
stuff, but- we ended it anyways after a good month or so. we actually ended all contact afterwards, since me
and mybrother started moving around too, and it was awkward because he'd talk about his new girlfriend and
stuff.. I haven't talked to him since, and I actually don't.. remember much of him. oddly. I don't know why,
but I think I purposely got myself to forget about him. that's how serious I was. all I can remember right
now is his smile- that's about it.. man, this gives me one of those, "where is he now" moments.. kinda
makes me wish we hadn't cut each other off.

     - status. if dating, state who & do you want to end up with this person? - 
if I were dating someone, taehyung wouldn't keep bringing me here.. so, yeah. I'm single. I kinda
have a job, so dating's not even supposed to be a priority right now. I play soccer games too, so
that occupies a lot of time, to be honest. but since taegyung's so damn persistent.. ah. whatever.
at least he's doing something for me- despite him pairing me up with these.. really.. odd types of
guys. (Taegyung: THEY'RE CALLED GUYS WITH PERSONALITY, JAE!) guys who are too much like
you, tae!.. ugh, what am I gonna do with this guy? seriously..


✗comments? - lesson learned: READ THE MASTERLIST.. actually, I'm kind of happy I didn't because I
would have submitted CRAP. CRAP I TELL YOU. anyways, I'll sum jjong and jae here? xD jae's a lot like
haruhi from ouran, while jonghyun's this dorky, idiotic pabo who was too dumb to realize he shouldn't have let
her go. jae's just this really tomboyish girl with a lot of thought I guess. puts others before herself, unlike her
brother? she's a lot nicer, but isn't afraid to state her own opinion - nice and gentle though. ; u ; she's just this
real big (or tall) cutie, dork mess. thing. who gave up on love. and she takes the easy way out all the time cuz
she's stupidly clumsy. "! I forgot my keys-- .. oh well, there's always the bus.." AND YEAH. ASDFGH-- THANKS
CHARACTER. that's what I meant earlier. a minor character. LOOOL. NOW I SEE WHY WE BOTH GOT CONFUSED.
;orz Iwantareview. you're working on the others too right? and I already have a song. for jae and jjong, so don't
worry babe. ;D just click here.

✗suggestions? -

  • jjong finds jaekyung unexpectedly (idek, during her guitar class?) and jae's singing "goodbye summer"
    while she plays the guitar. /creys and that moment of jjong's' heart getting captured
  • taehyung introducing jonghyun and jaekyung, except only jjong remembers her at first, while jae can't.
    and yes. tae's the one hooking them up. xD
  • jonghyun sees jaekyung at work, and tries to talk to her, but misses his chance somehow (starbucks, btw)
  • jonghyun starts to realizing that he's missed jaekyung so god-ing much.
  • jonghyun tries to confess, but something backfries, ruining the entire thing.
  • jjong was supposed to get engaged, but his girlfriend called it off- that's why he's here. and fate brought
    him to joah - who brought him to jae.. psst. fate is tae. or- that's what he says. "it was me. I did it. me."

✗password - J O  H 


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