J O ▲ H : Dating Agency » oh taehyung ; staff «

nickname - dani or your bbyboo. ;D
activeness - 10jeom manjeom 10jeom!

✗( oh taehyung )  ( january 03, 1989 )  ( 178 cm & 63 kg )  ( gender; male )
background - you'd think that as a kid, oh taehyung would at least have his limits. you'd think he'd
be a little less "idgaf" and more of a cute little bunddle of joy like all the other little kiddies in this
wonderful laynicorny world- but, nope. nope nope nopity nope. sadly, he was not. so, let's just start
by saying oh taegyung was born with a potty mouth. no, seriously. he was. by the time he popped outta
his mama's happy place, the first thing he said was, "holy mother ing, ity-. what the
am I doing here, put me back up this mo'fo's--" n'aaw, I'm kidding. taehyung wasn't born that way. he
was born like erryong else. crying and sobbing like the little infants they were. but, he did catch on a
lot quicker than other kids, especially while growing up. taegyung was unfortunately more intelligent
than other kids. he would understand things better, get things easier, could catch on to this and know
about that. taehyung was basically a living, breathing maniac with a habit of spouting all over the
place, because oopsies, he takes what he hears. yes, oh taehyung just learned better than an average
child would. he'd even skip doing homework because he felt he didn't need it - and guess ing what?
he was right. this kid practically wizzed pass highschool without even craning open a textbook. he was
just some living, breathing machine that took in whatever he saw, smelt, felt or heard. whatever it was,
this kid would take it and cram it into his brain. though he was talentedly smart, he didn't have the
best personality. when he was younger he'd always brag about his smarts. always tell kids off on how
they'd be idiots, and morons. he'd especially do this on his sister, jaekyung, who he loved to call as
lesbian once the word made it's way into his life. as the nerd taehyung was, he was often told to be gay
for his love of being the top student of his class, to loving fashion, romance novels, and all that junk
while he despised stepping out into the world. he hated sports, hated games and even stated one time
that all guys were morons. so, what did oh taehyung grow up to be? well. he became this weird little
match-maker who'd pair people up for the fun of it, having no friends, plenty of brains and all the time
to kill in the world. he eventually learned that he kind of enjoyed watching people actually end up
together, or actually fail to meet up in the end. oh taehyung may have also enjoyed being blunt (and
he still does today), but he didn't always enjoy being this lonesome brainiac who paired every boy and
every girl together - when he himself was alone. shunned a robotic, match-maker forever and ever.

personality traits - sassy // sarcastic // conceited // stubborn //  independent // blunt // assertive

likes - cute n' feminine girls or items // fashion // romance // a girl's smile, laughter // anything free
dislikes - disorganization // crowds // sushi // strong perfumes // sports // rap music // tomboys
habits - swearing // calling people tards // sleeping in // sleeping late // checking his hair or face
hobbies - reading // shopping // cooking // facebooking, blogging // taking selcas
trivia - doesn't like tomboys because he feels girls should stick to being girly // claims to be biual,
because he's easily attracted to men as well //  somewhat a glutton // is really, really bad at sports
// is pretty decent with cooking // doesn't eat anything greasy like pizza, hamburgers or fries and
usually prefers to eat healthy // is super ticklish on his sides // has a fear of bugs ; can't even handle

✗faceclaim - jang hyunjae
✗links - one // two
✗back-up faceclaim - gwak minjun
✗back-up links - three // four
✗style - let's just say taehyung's kinda a fashionista. whatever the stars are wearing, he'll start to trend.
he likes cardigians and scarfs best and is usually seen wearing skinny jeans. he absolutely hates sweat-
pants, teeshirts, sweat-shirts or anything that's sport worthy. anything that involves sweat of any kind
probably won't be in his closet. taegyung likes to have a fashionable sense, and is even the type of guy
to prepare his clothes the night before. as long as he looks good, he'll do all it takes.

love interest - amber liu / liu eunyoung [ f(x)'s y rapper ]
personality traits - laidback // optimistic // cheerful // dorky // charming // playful // humorous
back-up love interest - choi jinri / sulli [ f(x)'s supposed maknae? with short haair juseyo! ]
back-up personality traits - basically the same as above, because it should be a tomboyish character.

     - why did you decide to join J O 
 H : Dating Agency? ; 
no, no. you're mistaken. I didn't apply for this job. I was practically begged into it. you see, I'm
not here because I need to be. I'm here because joah needs me. it's easy for me to say, because
for one thing, I honestly don't think joah would've been so successful without me here. I mean,
I'm not trying to brag, or maybe I am, but I don't give that much of a , but, I think I'm the best
candidate here. I applied because pathetic girls and boys, for an example, my sister-- YEAH, YEAH.
OF COURSE YOU CAN HEAR ME-- oops- sorry. uhm- pathetic girls and boys needs some sort of push.
like a big push. it's not a nudge.. more like a shove. you know what I mean? I'm just here to help
the unfortunate. because to be honest, they're going to need all the help they can get. and again,
I'll be frank, I'm all the help they can get. I'm ing oh taehyung. that alone, is ing enough.

     - matchmaking experience ; 
if that includes the days before my employment at joah, then I've been doing this since I was born.
I mean,I was practically match-to-the-making the day my parents decided to get it on - thus creating
me. I wasn't there for the making of course, obviously because that's some sick right there, but
I've beendoing this since I was a kid. I've tried to get.. "friends" on dates and all that jazz. even my
younger sister, who I'll admit, isn't as dumb as she seems-- OKAY. HONESTLY. I'M HAVING AN
SIT DOWN AND WAIT FOR YOUR ING TURN!-- ah, so as I was saying, I'm pretty experienced.
for actual experience though, I've been working here since I was 19, so a well over four.. five years
maybe? I don't even know, but I've been doing this since forever. like, legit. since forever.

     - how many couples have you matched before? ; 
that's actually.. a pretty hard question. uhh- perhaps around 18-19 different couples each year? so,
whatever that adds up to I guess. I'm not doing any math right now. not in the mood. maybe later.
I don't really know. I just know that I've been successful with most of these couples. I'd have said more
but, most of'em weren't so ing stubborn. like my siste-- SERIOUSLY JAE, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO
ANNOYING! sigh. sorry for the outburst again.my sister's just one of my.. failed-to-be clients. I'd have
a record of 20 couples this year if she didn't turn down every guy she saw. the moron's a ing lesbian
I tell you. a god, ing lesbian.. you'd think she'd be interested in one guy, right? nooope. "i'm naawt interested." kuh. what a joke. can't even learn to let her hair grow~ that's why I'm here for her. yet she
won't let me.

     - status. if dating, state who & do you want to end up with this person? - 
I'm currently single. yeah, yeah I know it's hard to believe-- YES IT IS, OH JAEKYUNG. IT'S ING
BELIEVABLE, OKAY? I'm too busy matching couples. It's easier than finding a match for myself. I don't
really care about my relation with anyone right now. if I am, the girl better be ing perfect because
that's my ing standard. if she's not as handsome- er, pretty, smart or as talented as I am, then she's
to the boot. any girl who's given the ability of being just as fantasticly gifted as I am can go right ahead
take me into their arms. if not, then please them out. if they're bothered by the light I shine,
then they can ing head for the door. it sounds harsh, but really. that's how it is.. anyways, are we
done here? my if getting knotted up.. these chairs are so ing cheap.. also, I bet you're just dying
to get started with me sister right? cuz I was a total ing joy. a total, toootal joy. right?

     - why did you come to J O 
 H : Dating Agency? ; this content is not available.
     - dating experience ; this content is not available.
     - status.; - this content is not availavble.

✗comments? - taehyung's basically this super magical sassy-pants dood. he's a person who loves to be right
hates to be wrong above all else. pretty much your "sorry-not-sorry" "the truth hurts" kind of guy. "hey, be
honest, do these jeans make me look fat?" "pft. honey, if you wanted me to be honest, I wouldn't have called
you over.. and please, don't be blaming the jeans.
" hnngh. I would have handed this in earlier, but youtube,
exo, vixx and my friend kinda took that attention away. LOOL. sorryyy! I'm gonna be working on taegyung's
sister now! her name's jaekyung, and she'll be a bit of his polar opposite, except she's just as sassy and bickers
with tae a lot. :'DD I HOPE I DIDN'T MAKE IT TOO.. UHM.. IDEK. I feel like I wrote too much. ;orz KK. BBY,
I BETTER GET A REVIEW, CUZ I LIEK REVIEWS A LOT AND YEAH. /THROWS SARANGS ERRYWHERE DESUUU. HEARTUUU! thanks for reading my application desuuu. ; u ; I had a lot of fun writing iiiit. NOW FOR TAEKYUNG-

✗suggestions? -

  • jaekyung (sister) starts to tickle taehyung in his office or whatever, and they start going around in circles
    like in the cartoons where they're going around the tables and desks and taegyung's like: "OHMY,
  • when taehyung first meets amber, he accidenly calls her a "sir", because he hadn't noticed amber's real
    gender yet.
  • can we say amber and jaekyung are friends? cuz, I want jaekyung to introduce them together.
  • amber feels like taegyung's too much of buzzkill and drags him out to get some air and have fun despite
    his protests and struggles. "are you crazy?! I have a job!" "you're the one who's crazy! get a life, tae!"
  • quote: "don't call me TAE. it's ing taehyung!" "then don't call me JAE. it's ing jaekyung!"
  • quote: "there's no way amber's cute.. no way.. I didn't think it, didn't see it. that smile meant nothing.
    amber ing liu's a lesbo. a lesbo, lesbo, lesbo. she's not cute, nope, nope-" "wow. well, thanks tae."
  • taehyung tries to get his sister to wear something girly, and dress her up but she kicks him in the
    and runs away
  • taehyung starts to scold both amber and jae. "you guys are girls! girls! with s and everything! go
    wear a dress or something! jae, you stop wearing my clothes- that includes my ing boxers!" "dude, 
    you wear your brother's boxers?" "yeah, they're pretty comfortable-" "YAH, THAT'S NOT THE POINT."


✗password - J O  H


back to the agency!


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