Looking for a Jongkey Story

So, almost a year ago, I read a Jongkey fanfic and now I want to reread it.

Except, I don't remember what the title was.

And I don't remember what the story was about.

All I remember was Key liked Jonghyun. Jonghyun didn't want to accept that he was gay. I think it was in a high school setting. I think it was Rated M, not entirely sure....

And the only parts I remember was a part where Jonghyun finally accepts Key, and Key askes why did he finally accept him.

Jonghyun said that it was what Key written inside his notebook.

I think he wrote "You're a pabo. You're a pabo because you don't realize how in love with you I am"


So, if you happen to know what story I am talking about, can you send me the link, or title, or anything.

Plus, since it's been a long time, I don't know if the author has been deactivated, or if the story hasn't been deleted.

Either way, thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you if you know the story title.


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