I'm 26% Obsessed With Death Note

1.Apples are suddenly your favorite fruit. (Ryuk influenced me) [x]
2.You sit or try to sit like L. (easy) [x]  
3.You carry around a replica of the Death Note. [x]
4.You threaten people you'll write their name (ask my friends, they will tell you how many times I do this) [x]
5.You want or have your friends/family call you by the first letter of your name (example:Akemi=A) [ ]
6.You twirl your hair without even realizing it! [ ]
7.Solving puzzles are now your favorite thing to do! [ ]
8.You throw an apple in the air to see if the shinigami catches it (just today!). [x]
9.He doesn't catch it so you say something like "Oh..he/she must not be hungry... [x]
10.You giggle when you see something Death Note related [x]
11.You giggle when you hear something Death Note related. Random person:"You're so..mellow You:..lol [x]
12. You bought the L perfume by Gwen Stefani just because It has L's symbol on it! [ ]
13.After it ran out you kept the lotion and perfume container cause you're relative gets sick when it smells the perfume and you can't buy more :(. [ ]
14.Youv'e cosplayed as a character or more. [ ]
15.You have a folder on your USB with nothing,but Death Note pics and wallpapers!! (I wanna!) [ ]
16.If you weren't a chocolate fan you are one now! (I was always a fan) [ ]
17.If you were already a chocolate fan now you crave chocolate almost everyday! [x]
18.You have Death Note pics on your DSi. [ ]
19.You talk about Death Note so much that your parents are sick of it!! [ ]
20.You play with your lip or bite your thumb when you are thinking. [x]
21.You yell delete or sakujo when you are...deleting something (mentally. DELETE!) [x]
22.You got yelled at by your teacher because you kept writing with a dramatic effect. [ ]
23.You got yelled at by your teacher to sit right!! [ ]
24.After you watched Death Note you didn't feel like watching anime anymore because Death Note is the best anime ever for you! (I LIKE OTHERS TOO! Even though Death Note is number 1...) [ ]
25.You have Death Note songs on your I-pod. [ ]
26.You have the live action movie or anime on your I-pod. [ ]
27.You have Death Note pictures,the anime,the live action, or all three on your phone (well, my tablet. Still counts). [x]
28.You have Death Note: Another Note [ ]
29.You have many Death Note merchandise! [ ]
30.Youv'e tried Kira's English laugh. [ ]
31.You tried doing Kira's Japanese laugh. [ ]

32.You have Kira's English laugh on your Dsi. [ ]
33.You have the Japanese one too. [ ]
34. You watch Death Note Youtube poops. [ ]
35.You write someone's name in your Death Note when you don't like them or they make you angry (JB and someone who was mean to me in primary school). [x]


Multiply by two (mine: 13x2= 26)



Stolen from a Fanpop user, but I edited it a bit and made it into a quiz format.


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hahahaha xD