I just found this fic today:


"What Do You See?"  by creexs2


I've read some fanfics that made me teary, definitely... But I can say with honesty that this is the first one to make me actually cry.

Sure, it's a fanfic, and some parts aren't real, seeing as how the author wrote it from the view of being SHINee's manager...


The ring of truth and sense of realism regarding their individual personalities are undeniable.  This story pretty much exemplifies my fears and worries of what SHINee goes thru when the cameras are off.

It's a little lengthy and wordy in some areas, but it's not a very long fic (6 chapters).  The descriptions are very angsty, emotional, and probably painfully close to the truth (though I personally believe Key hangs onto more of his diva-ness and confidence off-camera than is portrayed here).

It was, in it's own way, a bit hard to get thru because of the realistically emotional notes it strikes.  It pretty much smothers you in angst thru most of it, but ends in a way that makes you let out the breath you (didn't know you) were holding.   

It's a big, gray cloud that you fear has no silver lining...but then you reach the end, and you can finally see that silver twinkling in the distance.


Here's the link:


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creexs2 #1
Thank you so much for reading my story, and even more so for actually going through the troubles of dedicating a blog post for the story.
I'm so sorry it made you cry >< It wasn't my intention to sadden anyone with the story (although it seems like it has), which was why I had actually hesitated in posting the story at all. But thank you for giving it a chance and for thinking so highly of it!

You're right, that I'm sure the boys aren't truly as upset as I may have made them to be :)

Once again thank you so much for reading!