✳ ↷ kang sooyeon

 kang sooyeon
✳ ↷ hello there!
uername: fadiahayaa
what can I call you? fadia
activeness: 3
✳ ↷ so, what's your name?
character name: kang sooyeon
nickname(s):  soomyeon; her best friend calls her that; because she loves ramyeon just a little bit too much.
date of birth: 05/21/1995
birthplace: ulsan, south korea
hometown: yeosu, south korea
ethnicity: korean
language(s): korean (fluent), english (intermediate)
blood type: AB
✳ ↷ you look pretty good!
ulzzang: joo
photos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
back-up ulzzang: mint
photos: 1 2 3 4 5 
height: 167cm
weight: 54kg
style: sooyeon is the kind of girl that loves to wear short skirts and dresses. to her, long skirts are pretty annoying -- doesn't mean she doesn't wear it sometimes, though. if she had to wear pants, she would prefer jeans because it's just more comfortable. she only wear shorts at home and when she's doing sports. as for tops, she's not really picky. anything that matches well with her pants or skirt, she would wear it.
photos: c a s u a l + t r a i n i n g + h o m e w e a r + f o r m a l
✳ ↷ let's see if you can stay with others under a home
background: eversince she was born, sooyeon lived with only her father and her older sister. her mother passed away while giving birth to her. it wasn't her fault, ofcourse, but she's always felt guilty about it. her father wasn't a very friendly person and he doesn't interact with his daughters much, especially after his wife's death. sooyeon's sister was pretty close to her father, but sooyeon was like a stranger to him. despite her not-so-good relationship with her father, she always tries to look happy in front of her friends. 
when she said she would apply for the program, her friends laughed at her. well the reason was pretty obvious -- if anyone were to apply for the program, that person would not be kang sooyeon. she's just another normal girl, nothing special. at least that was what they thought. sooyeon was a very talented girl, yet she was too shy to show it. because she has always been compared to her sister, her confidence dropped. her sister was smart and good at many things; things that sooyeon was bad at, like mathematics and sport. but ofcourse, she's got different talents; she just never shows any of them. not yet. at first she hesitated whether to apply or not. it's not like anyone except herself was against it -- her sister totally supported her, and her father didn't even seem to care. because of her sister's support, in the end she decided to actually apply.
personality: sooyeon is a very quiet girl. she never tries to approach anyone, people always needs to approach her first. being the timid girl she is, she never shows her talent to anyone except for her sister. she always thinks bad about herself, saying that she’s not talented and all, and letting her modest personality take over her confidence.  though she rarely shows it, she is actually a quite determined person.  once she wants something, she focuses herself on that thing and doesn’t give up until she gets it. she’s not the type of girl who tells the world about her hard work, instead she does it quietly without no one knowing.  she is also very toughtful about her surroundings, always taking care of the others first before herself. but sometimes this girl can get quite clumsy, sometimes she can even mess up the whole situation with her clumsiness. well, nobody’s perfect anyways. 
`( ramyeon
`( strawberry milkshake
`( ice cream
`( flowers
`( turtles
`( babies
`( rain
`( vegetables
`( carrot juice
`( cooking
`( hot weather
`( mathematics
`( sports
`( bugs
`( bugs
`( snakes
`( gardening
`( playing musical instruments
`( tapping fingers when nervous
`( talking in her sleep
`( she's very good in social studies
`( her sister and her look like twins
`( she goes crazy when she gets a bad score on social studies but doesn't care when the same thing happens with her mathematics score
`( she has a pet turtle, and anytime she's sad she lets out her feelings by talking to the turtle
`( she once had a boyfriend, but he cheated on her and since then she swore not to ever have a boyfriend again
`( she goes to an all-girl high school
`( she's always awkward around boys, but somehow she feels quite comfortable around sandeul (teacher; this trivia only applies if sandeul's the teacher though)
✳ ↷ undiscovered
teacher: lee junghwan (sandeul)
age: 21
personality traits: cheerful, caring, sometimes annoying, funny, patient
how you interact: at first, an awkward atmosphere can clearly be seen between the two. sooyeon, who goes to an all-girl high school, never talks at all. even if sandeul asks her questions, she always gave very short answers -- sometimes even just a simple yes or no. but as time passes, thanks to sandeul who always tries to crack jokes (his jokes are really lame and never funny btw) to loosen the tension between the two, they became more and more comfortable around each other.
back-up teacher: shin donggeun (peniel)
age: 20
personality traits: quiet, toughtful, fierce, mysterious
how you interact: sooyeon and peniel don't talk much. unless it's a very important matter, the two of them prefer to stay quiet and do their own things. when sooyeon does something wrong, peniel would get angry right away (he's really scary when he's mad, i'm telling you). but after he calmed down, he would always feel guilty and apologize right away. 
✳ ↷ everyone needs a shoulder to lean on, yeah?
`( kang namgi - father - 45 - police officer - strong, easily annoyed, unfriendly - 1
`( kang jiyeon - sister - 20 - college student - easygoing, kind, creative - 5
`( kim yoomin - best friend - 18 - student - ambitious, bright, warmhearted - 4
`( choi haeju - friend - 18 - student - courageous, enthusiastic, friendly - 2 
rival: -
✳ ↷ since you are here, let's do an interview!
hello, what's your name again? : my name's kang sooyeon. /smiles slightly
how old are you this year? : i'm eighteen years old.
how did you find out about this show? : i was walking around in the park, and someone gave me a leaflet~
why did you decide to apply for the show? : well, i was known to be the talentless girl in school, and i wanted to show everyone that i'm not talentless. besides, i wanted to try something new, too.
show me your talents, yeah? : /sings IU's good day and dancing along to it
okay that was great! so, do you have interest in any kpop groups? : not exactly, but IU is really my biggest inspiration! 
noted! we'll notify you if you are chosen for the show! thanks for applying! : thankyou very much~ /bows politely and leaves
✳ ↷ so i guess we'll meet again?
comments / questions: i hope you like her! thankyou<3
suggestions: -
password: [ one | two ] 


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