So... It's like real life vampires? O.O

I was surfing through the dream trance part of youtube (not the best idea) and I came across a song called vampires... Okay, so I really love vampire stories/animes, but I'm terrified of blood in real life (I can't even handle when someone near me has a small scratch) so I can't watch live-action movies or anything too graphic. I'm actually really scared of Dracula-like vampires as well... I prefer Vampire Knight ones xD

But anyway, someone on the video commented (quote):

"I am a real modern vampire, please don't make stupid stereotypical comments, it's very insulting... ask me anything and I can answer it"

So I was just like... well that's creepy. But when I scrolled through the rest of the comments, there were so many people asking questions and she was answering them all, including how she "feeds" and all that... and apparently there were more like her! I was really freaked out and scared at this point, but I was still like "this chick's insane." And genius me decided to check out her channel. In her activity, she had mentioned stuff like it and a few of her likes were actual... like news clips and documentaries on vampire culture currently in America and their supposed leader and it was just all disgusting and I'm scared now and I'm gonna go watch little kids shows or something. IDK THIS IS TOO WEIRD EVEN FOR ME >.<



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KittyIsNotAHipster #1
Whaaaat? That's just freaky. >.<
HarlemShake #2
That is just creepy