Conversations With My Brother: The Visit


posted this on my tumblr, if you'd like to follow:




"just about..not really."

"i’ma coming over today…"


"…or tomorrow. it’s today though. hmm, i’m bad with this time difference."


"you forgot?"

"nope. well…yeah. i don’t know. last week’s been pretty heavy. i forgot everything you all told me."

"don’t worry. i’ma be there for the Pumpkins, not you lumpkins. ahhaha"

"yisssh…is that why you shaved all your hair? Billy’s gonna love you."

"i’m not gay. he’s anti-gay. but we make men gay. okay?"

"so i suspect you actually did shave for Ray. the one who died?"


"so. where you staying?"

"i’ll bump at jo’s. but you’re gonna love me more when i tell you the surprise."


"be stayin’ fora week."



"what in the world for? you got more girls back home than you could try here, boy…"

"those girls are friendzoned. i’mma get a special girl. my first love. with awesome build and horsepower."

"from here to bring there? you’re insane…"

"she’s my first love, fergadsakes."


"i got a week to find her."

"sure. we’ll help you if you need any. gimmie a call when you get here. looks like jo and i need to get you drunk with soju at the uncle’s bbq place, too."

"i don’t get drunk."

"neither do i, boy. that’s why i don’t drink. but jo wants to initiate you there."

"i owe you a suffocation."

"wtf. don’t even try…."

"i’m getting in now. flight’s taking off."

"safe one. turn off your phone."



so, my brother’s coming to mosh himself and buy another girl. -_-"

what in the world is he going to name her this time…


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