Kyuhyun creates a YouTube account + uploads the Tokyo Dome Sapphire Blue Ocean as his first video


There was a wave of K-celebrities joining Instagram this past week, but Super Junior's Kyuhyun has one-upped them by joining not a photo-sharing social networking site... but a video-sharing social networking site!


He created a YouTube account, and then uploaded a video of the Sapphire Blue Ocean he took himself at Super Junior's Tokyo Dome stop of their world tour!


He tweeted his video (and account) onto his Twitterwriting, "2013.7.28 Super Show 5 DokyoDome Wave!!!!!! The ocean!!!!!! E.L.F's Ocean ^^"


The members can't help but be awed at the awesome wave, which starts off beautifully. At one point, one of the members even comment that it's like watching the stars in the night sky.



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ELFlisa #1
ELF's japan daebak!!!...and fighting for ELF all over the world ...i love you guys so much!!
Sariita #2
ELF's a huge fandom!! <3
Sammiwammi65 #3
Count on Kyu to never join a bandwagon. Lol. What's his YouTube account name?
와우~!!! J-ELFs r jus...짱!!!
fawbnerdy05 #5