If you could all read this... EXO Sasaeng Trouble...

If you could all read this and click the link, for EXO

This is the most inconsiderate, rude, saddening and just creepy thing I have ever read...
Fans can just be so rude It breaks my heart to know there are fans like this
I love EXO deep down but I wouldn't do these things...
When they became famous they agreed to deal with fans but this is just ridiculous...
Saranghae EXO 
♥ sorry there are mean, rude and inconsiderate fans out there... 
I don't hate these fans, I don't think they are BAD people but, they shouldn't act like this...
Please don't bash these fans, please don't be rude....
Deep down they are fans but this is something that means you should keep your emotions down.

Click Link and Read... Keep your emotions under control though... I tried 
EXO Sasaeng Trouble


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