EXO's Growl!

So im sure a lot of exotics have already seen the teaser for EXO's growl honestly i was taken aback by just the teaser and the sound, so im going to do a small review of the teaser because i REALLY want to talk about this! :)


So first of the sound and is DEFIANTLY different from Wolf in a good way. It kind of has this mix between modern day hip hop and kind of maybe a 90s-early 2000 feel. I guess thats confusing but in the first second when it has that sort of beep techno computer geek sound it changed to this kind of softer but still upbeat sound that kind of reminded me of something from Shinhwa or HOT's era. in a very cool way. The lyrics fit the beat well and that last line that: "Euleuleong euleuleong euleuleongde(Growl)" was a really cool way to leave you hanging. All in all Growl sounds so much better than Wolf already, and im kind of wishing SM would have promoted Growl as a comeback song instead of using it as a follow up. Although they're using a better song [in my point of view] for follow up promotions i think it was actually a smart idea, A lot of fans have said that out of all the songs on the XOXO album EXO would have done better promotion wise if they used a different song from the album, and ill agree i was one of those fans. Growl kind of has this hook that fits the summer feel where as Wolf was just strong and powerful. The reason i think it was actually a smart idea is because its getting later in the summer SM kind of passed that hot summer vibe about a month ago, although its still hot its five days till august and soon it'll be fall, Growl had that feel of a sort of dying down summer feel, still upbeat and fun but at the same time sort of mellowing down and soothing.


Okay The dance. Wow at first i listened to the teaser before actually watching it and there was that part i think it was around 0:04-0:05 seconds where there doing like this matrix thing and someone was in the middle kid of like mimicking a puppet master by raising them up and down, i thought that was really cool. This dance itself seems a lot simpler than wolf that had a lot of running and jumping around, i think it would be a lot easier for fans to follow and dance to, although this is just a teaser we never know, and since its SM there may just end up being a lot of jumping, flips, sliding on the ground, and creating trees. I really liked the way the camera panned in and out of the members kind of going around in a crappy way but it gave it a really cool effect, but please tell me i wasn't the only one that noticed how the camera seemed to panned looking straight up at Sehun's crotch [or i at least think that was Sehun].


Their clothes! Oh my gosh they looked good there were like 3 separate outfits right? One was the school uniform/suit and tie outfits similar to their XOXO album jacket pictures right? they looked really good and everything but Luhans ripped sleeves kind of annoyed me. Im one of those people that hate when clothing is torn so seeing that on Luhan was just...No! put it on someone who at least has bigger biceps! Just not Kai...for once hes covering up a bit more than the other members! They also had that hip hopish style at the end where their dressed in street clothes, but am i the only one that noticed KRIS is the only one dressed with a button up collard dress shirt, and suit jacket? Like even DO has a a nice shirt and everything but his shorts and socks still give him the hip hop street look. I guess thats Kris just representing how much better he is -_- [kidding] Someone has to represent the class of EXO right? Okay the 3rd of the outfits, and my favorite is those white shirts with the black straps or whatever they wore in the first few seconds seriously....they looked F***ing HOT! No joke it kind of reminded me of James bond, only these were y asian versioned James bonds, who dance instead of shoot people. But seriously it was defiantly the iest of all their outfits in....any of their MV's ive seen so far, aside from Luhans like...Neck thing from History....that was also y in a sort of way...Same with the time control teaser, all i can even say about that teaser is ! *screw you Kai and Luhan!*

Well thats just my rant over the teaser and i will say i have a lot of expectations for it since i for once really like their song from just listening to the teaser, yes, i did NOT like Wolf from the teaser, nor did i like Mama all thanks to Kai when he does his little whisper "Mama~ Mama~" It sounds like the little girl from the horror movie 'Mama' when she calls out to the demon ghost thing, now whenever i listen to MAMA im scared less because of Kai!


Anyway, tell me what you guys personally thought of the teaser i want to hear you're own opinions :) 




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onewjr #1
Honestly this song deserves to win music back not wolf. Wolf is a good song but I felt like this song was more worthy.