ღ L a d y F a t e ~ Bridal Boutique ღ || Lee Hyorin

Panda3093 || Abz || 8.5-10
"my heart will ever be at your service"
Character's Name: Lee Hyorin
Nickname: Rin[shorter vers. of her name] || Rinnie[co-workers call her this, they think it's cute] || Mei [Chinese name]
Date of Birth || Age: August 15, 1991 || 21
Place of Birth || Hometown: Hong Kong, China || New York, USA
Ethnicity: Korean-Chinese
Language spoken: English + Chinese : Fluent || Korean : Conversant[did not speak much Korean with her mother in general] || French : Basic

"happiness is anyone and anything at all, that is loved by you"
Ulzzang Name: Jang Haebyeol
Links:  [gallery]
Back-up Ulzzang: Byeon Seo Eun
Links:  [gallery]
Height (cm) || Weight (kg): 170 cm || 52 kg
Style: Rin is very subtle with her clothing. She wears sort of comfortable clothing, that is easy to move around in and stay in for the whoel day round. Nothing too flashy nor revealing. The first time you take a look at Rin, one may think she is pretty fashion forward since she is able to make wonderful gowns; but to be honest, she is not that close to those thooughts. She likes to wear regular jeans with a loose tee-shirt and maybe flats or sneakers. She would wear a hoodie/jacket at times too. She only goes for this style since she sees it as comfortable and simple, also since she doesn't think she can pull off what is "fashion forward" these days. She usually keeps her hair up when working or just in the store.
Extra: ---
"all, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love"
Personality: {No one is listening} - Rin is someone that isn't as jumpy or open as the errand girl; actually, she is the complete opposite. Many see Rin as being "rude," since she doesn't talk nor smile as often as the others. She does smile though, but it is rare whether the smile is true. Rin is someone that works-hard, but is a silent worker. Because she is silent when sewing, one may believe that she is concentrating and looking very closer; but that is only part true. You see, Rin's mind easily wanders elsewhere. Sometimes she would just start singing random songs in her head; however, it works for her. She believes that when she isn't paying too much attention to her work and just going with the flow of the needle and string, going stitch by stitch, then it would turn out better. It doesn't make sense to others though, and Rin can clearly see that when she explains it to them. She is no sewing master or great genius that can sew with her eyes close; no, she just has her own way of getting things done, developing her own technique. Rin is also very creative, she is just known through her stitching and works, not how she looks. And Rin does not care, as long as her work does shine through in the end and make the person that is receiving it, glad.
{I want to hide away somewhere} - Rin isn't a salesperson for a reason. She isn't open and can''t easily talk to strangers. Remember, Rin is very silent; she isn't anti-social though. She isn't a mute either, she just doesn't easily get along with strangers. It takes her a bit of a while to start to get use to being around new people. However, just because she is silent, that doesn't mean she is "defenseless" or "easy" or "innocent," for that matter. No, she may see unapproachable on the outside, but within is a "demon." She isn't rude or mean as people have said about her(b/c of her appearance) but she is very...straight forward. Some think that's a good thing, since she is honest, but others..not so much. "Sugar coat" is not in her list of phrases/words, she does not sweeten up her words to make it sound better; no, she is very blunt and honest. Her words can sometimes hurt others, very much; however, it is not intentional that she wants to make people sad. She just hates to lie. But, only to add with her blunt words is her sarcastic and witty phrases. She is highly sarcastic and her words sure can sting; they may hurt worse than a horse fly's sting. She sure knows how to throw the words right back at a person if they are being not polite.
{I'm trying to smile brightly} - Rin...is a fake. She does not smile is what I mean. She forces her smiles or puts on a fake one. Not many has seen her smile brightly and from the heart; no one except the owner. The owner has seen Rin smile before, so she knows exactly when Rin isn't truly smiling. Rin just isn't the type to smile. She enjoys her work, yet that does not mean she has to smile. Towards customers, she fakes her smile. It is very rare to see when Rin actually does show her true smile.
{Nobody wants to love me} - Rin is a huge romanticist. She loves happily ever afters and love stories. She grew up, like any other little girl, reading Disney Princesses story books. Her favorite was always Cinderella, since Cinderella was a normal girl that found her prince charming; Rin had taken that as anyone can find their true love. Rin joined the buisness initially to help woman have a happily ever after with their "prince charming." Rin thought that there is someone for everyone..except herself. Though Rin loves to see two people happy together, she is just very oblivious to her own happiness. She has quite the low self-esteem. She doesn't notice when someone likes her or is trying to confess to her; why would she? I mean, she knows that many see her as mean and rude, so what would be her reason to think that someone liked her? Exactly. She is oblivious to her own "love life," that she "doesn't" have one. Correct, she has never dated nor had her first kiss before. She is a first for everything.
Likes: beautiful melodies || animals || fairy tales || gowns || seeing others happy || rain || sarcasm || praise for her work || art || drawing || painting
Dislikes: liars || b**ches || skinship || heels(hurt her feet) || aegyo || guy-liner || maegyo(male aegyo) || annoying/whining/desperate girls
Habits: sad-bites her lip, prevents from crying || furious-cuss or get violent(maybe) || goes to bed late
Hobbies/Interest: humming(to songs or songs in her head) || sewing || playing with her dog
Fears/Phobia: atychiphobia(fear of failure) || losing her loved ones || not making the dresses the way the owner wanted it
Trivia: Has a shepherd puppy name Shen || fluent in sarcasm || a romanticist || is ambidexterous || has a great poker-face || though she loves her brother, she wants an older sister too || she is pretty felxible || she loves music, can't play an instrument for her life || might stick out her tongue when sewing || lived in China until she was 8 || she has her license, but rather skateboard or rollerblade to class/work || she has a TON of skateboards-name for each || knows martial arts(took it for self-defense) || she enjoys playing sports(isn't afraid of getting dirty) || used to fence(since it helped her with thinking and agility); but only got up to being a C-Strip fencer || She prefers to use her Korean name instead of her Chinese one || To her, Pollen is the DEVIL(allergic to Pollen) || hates guys that have more make-up on than girls || hates the smell of over excessively used perfume(too much perfume) || hates wearing skirts(feels too "exposed" and "open" in them) || wants to find her "prince charming" someday(like in the stories)
"true love stories never have endings"
Background: She was born of a Chinese father and Korean mother. She grew up normally, nothing too sad had ever happened to this girl. No relatives suddenly dying, no fatal illnesses; this girl just had some..social problems. Even when she was young, she would coop herself up with her Princess book instead of playing with the other kids. Kids thought of her as an anti-social and a "weirdo" since she wouldn't be so open and jumpy like the others. She was different, that's for sure; but whether that's a good thing or bad thing is up to her. Rin didn't have many friends, actually none at all to be exact. Until, she went to the 5th grade. There she met someone that actually came up and talked to Rin. The girl's name was Hana, and she was the "sunshine" of the class, the one to always make others smile. She was also Rin's first friend, and is her best friend.
Rin's life in school started to get better after she met Hana. Hana was always by Rin's side no matter what, always there for Rin and made her laugh as well. Rin was grateful towards Hana's presence, since as Rin's school life started to get better, her home life got a little worse. Her family loved Rin dearly, she was the youngest, so they were all extrememly protective of her. But, once her father got a bit of a job transfer, Rin rarely saw or spoke to her father. Her father wasn't a bad man, he just didn't know when to stop working. He is a workaholic and that sometimes interfered with his family life. Rin started to grow a bit distant to her father since there was lack of any communication. But, that doesn't mean she didn't have the rest of her family.
Her mother is her role-model. Her mother is a designer and got Rin into sewing and designing as well. Her mother got Rin into drawing and sketching out designs and clothing. Her mom was always there for Rin and Rin is extrememly grateful for that. Her mom truly shows that she cares for Rin and somehow finds time to be with Rin. Her mom was always there to cheer Rin up whenever Rin felt a bit lonely. Her older brother is no different, but he is also extremely...annoying. But that is just siblingly love; they both care for each other and her brother is a hella protective of Rin. He is also very loving towards Rin. Rin sees him as a good brother since he is always there for her as well and does take care of her. Rin is grateful for everything that her family has done for her.
As Rin got older her passion for making clothes grew, and it soon became her dream to be a designer like her mother. Her mother an dbrother were very supportive of her, Rin did not tell her father since she thought he wouldn't care. Rin grew up with a passion to pursue her dream and worked hard to make it happen. Rin would sometimes make her own clothing or add something to clothing that she bought. Such as, a plain white tee-shirt, she would sew on some fabrics to make it different. She had an eye for creativity; it was weird but she could just imagine what she wanted to do, and in the end it came out exactly as planned. Rin was very creative, her mom noticed this through many of Rin's sketches when she was a child. Rin had obviously obtained her passion and talent from her mother's genes.
When she got onlder, she decided to move to Korea and study there. She had heard of many good schools that would help her with her dream of becoming a designer, like her mother. So Rin worked hard in getting into the same school that her mother had gone to for college. Rin's hardwork and studying paid off since she did get accepted; though it did mean leaving her family in the states, it also meant Rin was a step closer to achieving her dream.
ღ father || Lee(Can be a Cantonese last name as well) Liwei || workaholic || Rin is not very close with her father, since she barely sees or talks to him. The last time she remembers talking to him when he was not working. But of course, that is very rare. || alive
ღ mother || Lee(Kang) Hyeri || motherly || Her mother was the one that taught Rin to sew. She was the one that got Rin in to her passion of making clothes. Her mother used to work in a clothing shop, and was the one to make the clothes there as well. AS one can see, the genes were passed on || alive
older brother || Lee Youngho(Shen; Chinese name) || supportive || Youngho cares for Rin and is very protective of her. Though Youngho is much older than Rin, they are still very close. He is supportive of her decisions and is happy to see that she can stand on her own. But he still likes to mess with her from time to time. || alive
 best/close friend || Kang Hana || ecentric, bubbly, lively || The two are completely opposing, yet no two people could be closer. They are great friends and reflect nicely upon one another. Hana is able to bring Rin up while Rin is able to calm Hana down.
ღ friend/aquaintance || Jang MinJee || "normal," smart, laid-back, pretty neutral || They are not extrememly close, but they became friends since they are both pretty similar. They have common sense and are witty. Minjee is Rin's sarcastic buddy.
ღ "whatever are souls are made of, his and mine are the same"
Love Interest: Kim 'Chen' Jongdae
Date of Birth || Age: Sept. 21, 1992 || 20
Back-up Love Interest: Huang 'Tao' Zitao
Do you want to create his personality?
ღ NO
If yes, his personality: Narcisstic, arrogant, self-righteous, sarcastic, rude jerk. Many ways to describe the guy, Rin's way of decribing him is "annoying." He is very full of himself and doesn't know when to shut up. He is very sarcastic and can be pretty rude, intentionally and unintentionally. Though he has many bad points going for him(like many many many many, etc.) he does secretly have a soft side. Underneathe that cold and mean exterior is a guy that really isn't so bad. His outer devil self hasn't tampered with his true inner heart. He is a softie by heart, that cares for his loved ones and will do anything to protect them. This guy is also immensley competitive and can get jelly very easily. He hates to lose, and it is clearly shown through his face and rage if  he does lose. He also hates guys going after someone he likes. He is very protective of the person he likes, though he does not openly show it. He likes to keep his trueself locked up inside.
How did you meet? [optional]
How did he propose? [optional]
Relationship: The two don't clearly see eye to eye. At first he really gets on Rin's nerves. Rin sees the guy as an "annoying idiot." There is tension between the two, and one can plainly see they don't like one another, but that is only on the outside. Within them both, they know that they make each other's lives interesting. Though they don't notice it yet, they both know that their feelings for one another are growing bit by bit. Though they both choose to deny it.
Love Rival: Choi 'Zelo' Junhong
Relationship: He is a year younger than Rin. She sees the guy as a little brother and clearly treats him that way. Though he does have a crush on Rin, she can not clearly see it while others can. She is oblivious to his actions and feelings towards her, she believes they are like brother-sister. Though Junhong knows that is how she feels, he is determined to make that change.
How did you meet? [ummmm....]
 "a successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with
the same person"
Position applying for: Seamstress
Any working experience?: 
When Rin was in High school, she worked in her mother's shop many times(such as over breaks and summer), and has even some experience making clothing for others. Her mother has even sold some of Rin's hand-made clothing that she believed "should be shown to the world!" While Rin believed "Why would anyone want to buy what a High schooler made?"
When Rin was in her last two years of High school, she had done some interning before at clothing boutiques, and learned of many different sewing techniques that one can use to obtain different stitches and patterns to meet with the customer's standards. In High school, Rin has worked in her mother's clothing store and has interned at other well-known boutiques where she lives. She has a major passion for making clothes, and will try her best to get better no matter what!
Tell me about your dream wedding: A beautiful wedding that one only sees in fairy-tales. In a gorgeous white church during the day where the light shines through the windows. A long aisle where the bride will walk up and meet the groom at the end. A magical wedding that almost seems unreal. It will be shining and beautiful flowers everywhere. Sometime during the Spring where the sun is shining and the flowers have bloomed. Yes, truly a magical day. *snapss out of it* Ah! Sorry for ranting.
Wedding Dress: A beautiful pure white dress and a long flowing sort of veil. It is a sort of classic and nothing too over the top or greatly unusual in a sense.
Final Interview: (1) Fate? Hmm, when I was younger I would've believed that it must be fate that you find your true love and live happily ever after with them. But, now I believe everything has been done for a purpose. I believe everything has it's purpose and that everything one does is what becomes fate. There is no "coincidence;" I believe that everything is done for a reason. However, I do believe "fate" is considered a reward yet a curse; such as karma. If you have done something well, then fate will reward your good deeds; but if you have done something wrong, fate will punish you. [b/n: lol, sorry if it's confusing; I can rewrite it if you like > n <]
(2) I have grown up most of my life reading these fairy tales. During my childhood, I idolized these Disney princesses for their strong will and their great personality. I can not say that I hate one; they are all to different to be specified as why you would hate them. I may as well say one is my least favorite, but I don't hate any. My least favorite would be Ariel of the Little Mermaid. The reason? She disobeys her father. I believe that her curiousity just got the best of her. She should be lucky to have such a caring father, one that will listen and communicate with her; no matter how busy he may be as the ruler of the sea. But, instead she goes off and (that so-called) "fate" punished her for listening to someone that her father told her was bad. However, I also feel semi-close to Ariel. Even though she may have done some wrong-doings at times, her father still forgives her for that; and loves her all the same no matter the decision she chooses. I can relate to that, except in stead of a father, it is a mother who I have by my side.
Suggestion/Questions/Comments: None, I just hope it's good enough >< I fixed some things, so I hope it's fine; but I know it might've actually made it worse. But, if there is anything else, just tell me and I will fix it asap ^^ thank you~
Scene Request(s): ---
Let's leave it to Lady Fate. What word strikes your interest?
Is there anything else you forgot? :) Cracks me up everytime > u < lol
thanks for applying! Good luck and may
Lady Fate be  in your favor~



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ooooh, you followed the app's format! /sobs but why no working experience? especially since you're applying for seamstress. O.o anyway, thank you for applying! i will post the review soon! ^_^