Solo Singer (Jung JinRi)

Solo Singer

Jung JinRi




Jung JinRi

Username: Panda3093

What can I call you: Abz

Activeness: (8.5-10/10) 

Name: Jung JinRi

Nickname/s: Jin || RiRi || Jinnie(hates the nickname)

Age: 17

Birthdate: August 15, 1996

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog

Personality: [I put up with it] - Jin has two personalities, one off and on camera. Her off screen personality is very different and opposing to her on screen one. When off screen, she is very quiet around others, especially those she doesn't know. She is a "keep-to-herself" kind of person that likes to just have time to herself and think of her music. She is majorly passionate about music. Not only because her whole family basically has something to do with music, but she also feels a connection to music as well. She likes to come up with her own tunes, and sometimes it just pops up at random times. One cannnot tell when Jin will just come up with some random lyrics or a rythm, since she can be inspired anywhere. But, although she may seem quiet and a "loner" on the outside, she is very sarcastic and witty. She has a sharp-tongue and isn't afaid to use it. She is blunt and straight forward with her words; and sometimes that casues trouble. Her words can hurt at times, so bad that it could make some cry or feel bad about themselves. Though she does not intentionally mean to be rude, she also does not like to lie. So she doesn't lie. Instead she would say what's on her mind. Not only is her witty comments the problem, but she is also a bit...dense and stubborn, not a good combo. She is stubborn she does not enjoy being wrong, and will stand her ground no matter what. She is dense because...she has no clue what "love" is. To her, love is like a language she doesn't understand nor ever learned. She has "loved ones," like family, but actually loving someone that isn't a relative, is something she hasn't done before. She is extrememly dense on that topic, and it is shown. Someone could be confessing to her and she wouldn't even know what the guy meant or what he was doing. She can't even pick up the "not-so-subtle" hints that guys would drop for her if they like her. Not to mention, she steers(?) guys in the wrong direction. She plainly and openly uses the words "like" and "love." She could be saying that she likes a guy, and tell him that, but she would actually have no romantic intentions behind it. Her words and actions cause a major uproar.

[Is this all I'm worth?] - Her second personality and appearance, is her on screen appearance. In this appearance, she is no longer the loner she was before and has now changed directions. In this new attitude, she is now very open, outgoing, and spunky. Complete change, right? She can be quite talkative and is cautious of her words. She is quick on her feet, and is able to just make up what she is going to say when it comes down to it. She has a great poker-face, and no one is able to tell that beneathe this outgoing girl is a quiet and witty one. Many see her as nice and pleasant when in this state. Her happy attitude is very infectious and her actions and words can make many like her. This is her "better side," as many(others in the company) may say. Since they seem to enjoy the happy-go-lucky, bubbly, and outgoing girl a lot better; though that is not who she truly is.

Background: Born and raised in Busan with her mother, father, and brother. She is 4 years younger than her brother, yet they seem to be pretty close. Her older brother is quite protective of Jin, since she was the younger sister. Though Jin is a girl that is able to stand up for herself, he still thinks she needs protection. Her mother and father are both performers that are pretty well known. Her father is an amazing pianist while her mother has a wonderful voice. Her brother is also one to have musical talents. He inherited their mother's genes and was able to sing very well as well. In a family of all excellent performers, Jin felt a bit pressured, worrying that she may not be up to par with her brother or may not have a musical talent at all. However, that doesn't mean her passion for music was gone. Jin loved music as much as her family. She started to sing a bit on her own, but did not think she sung that well. Her mother worked with her brother the most on his singing. Her mother truthfully did not care much about Jin. Though Jin started to improve bit by bit in her singing, and started to gain her own voice, her mother didn't care. Her mother would never tell her this-though Jin could tell it were true-but her mother believed that Jin's talent would drop and that Jin would never be a performer like the rest of them. Great mother, right? Jin was never truly close with her mother, her mother favored her brother the most and seemed that she only needed to make at least one of them a star. Though Jin felt left out a bit without her mother, she still had her father that cared for her. Though Jin failed horribly when trying to play the piano, her father did not mind and would even play lulling tunes for Jin when ever he noticed she felt down. Though her father was no singer, he was the most supportive of her. Jin would sometimes also have her brother by her side, but she knew it wouldn't last. Daehyun was 4 years older than Jin, so they soon seperated. By that time, Daehyun had already signed with an entertainment and training to be an idol. Her mother was of course proud of Daehyun, but even though he was gone, that doesn't mean that she would now focus on Jin. Her thoughts on Jin was already passed not believing in her, she now just thought Jin was hopeless and useless. However, though she didn't have her mother like Daehyun, Jin still trained herself. Jin would practice her singing daily, going an octave higher at times.

By the time Jin was in high school, she has immensley improved in her singing, her father noticed and her mother couldn't care less. Jin wanted to be a singer, no matter how many times her mother said she would never make it, it was her dream to perform. She wanted to do what her brother also dreamnt of doing and was currently doing; singing. Jin did not have the guts to perform openly without something giving her a push first. She found that something when she went to audition for an entertainment. She ended up singing of course, the judges could see she was passionate and trained hard in her singing. They saw what her mother said she didn't have; talent. Jin was accepted as a trainee into the new entertainment, Elphant Ent. Her mother had no faith in Jin, she thought that Jin would either give up or never make it. However, she no longer listened to her mother's words and went against what her mothe thought; and she never regrets making that decision.

Likes: animals || sneakers || sarcasm || skateboards || sports || music || rain || spicy foods || b-girling || horror films || raps || hip hop || pranks || her headphones

Dislikes: cheaters || liars || players || skinship || heels || snitches || b**ches || aegyo || maegyo(male aegyo) || guy-liner || annoying/whining girls

Hobbies: playing the bass guitar || playing sports || drawing || painting || pulling pranks || sleeping || skateboarding

Habits: sad-bites her lip(doesn't cry) || furious-cuss or punch someone/thing || mad-cracks her knuckles || annoyed-eye twitches

Fears: losing her loved ones || atychiphobia(fear of failure)

Trivia: has a puppy name Shen || falls asleep to clubbing music || will randomly start reciting lyrics of English or Korean songs when there is an awkward atmosphere || is ambidexterous || hates being ordered around || tons of skateboards || dense about love || does not easily get along with everyone || has a great poker-face

Appearance: Jang Haebyeol

Links: 1 2 3 4 5

Back up appearance: Kite

Links: 1 2 3

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Style: she has a tomboy or hardcore sort of style. She wears sort of dark clothing, yet she is not goth or emo. She doesn't like dresses nor skirts or heels; she rather wear tees with jeans and sneakers or boots. She may wear beanies or hats at times as well; she also sometimes wears a jacket/hoodie.

ex: 1 | 2 | 3 | 45 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Extra: ---

Father: (Jung Minho)-(52)-(Well-known Pianist)-(alive)-(9/10)

Mother: (Jung Hyeri)-(48)-(Famous Singer)-(alive)-(1/10)


Brother: (Jung Daehyun)-(20)-(B.A.P)-(alive)-(8/10)


(Amber Liu)-(20)-(F(x))-(alive)-(9/10)

(Jennie Kim)-(17)-(YG Trainee)-(alive)-(7/10)

love interest: Choi 'Zelo' Junhong

Personality: The aegyo-filled, innocent, cutesy guy. The type that you wouldn't dare see in a fight or having powerful emotions. This guy is nothing but..cute. Many girls fall for him because of his good-looking exterior and his cool ability to rap quickly. He is the ultimate flower-boy! good-looking, cute, innocent, and the total opposite of Jin's trueself. This guy seriously needs to lay off the sugar. He always seems so hyped up and energetic, as if a kid high on sugar. He doesn't(or rarely) know anything "nasty" or gross, despite being a teenager, so Jin and her blunt attitude just keeps ruining his innocence, bit by bit.

how you met: Technically before the debut: They were truthfully childhood friends...sort of. They lived in the same neighborhood when younger, but Jin moved to the states one day. They knew one another, but weren't really on great terms. Zelo use to torment Jin when younger to gain her attention and wanted to befriend her, but of course pulling someone's hair and messing up their work isn't really the best where to becoming friends. But, once she left, his chest sort of hurt a little and he found himself missing "befriending" her everyday. He threw a tantrum once realizing and being told that she left. He felt as though it may have been partly his fault, and regrets hurting her to this day.

relationship: more than aquaintances yet less than friends

scenarios? ---


 back-up love interest: Kim 'Chen' Jongdae

Personality: MAJOR TROLL! He loves to goof off and tease others. He may seem all nice and cool on the outside, but his sharp tongue and quick wits can make anyone run home and cry. yes, he is VERY sarcastic and blunt with his words, he can even tell that sometimes he may have gone too far; but his pride won't let him apologize. He can be a bit stubborn at times; hates it when people disagree with him or say "no" to him, he doesn't throw a tantrum he just ticks the person off the whole rest of the day. He can become quite the jealous time, though he may not seem it. Yes, he would try to hide his jealousy on the inside, where no one can notice it; but when he sees a girl he likes with another guy, he may have a smile on, but there is fire burning in his eyes.

how you met: Met at MBank. Jin went on before EXO, and when Jin was done she passed by them. Some complimented her a bit, while some (*cough*Chen*cough) had been a "little" critical. He told her it was okay, and that for a soloist, she wasn't that great. Telling her she should have been in a group so the others could drown out her singing a bit. The guy ticked her off and got on her nerves. From the very beginning, the two got off on the wrong foot.

relationship: "rivals"/aquaintances

scenarios? + Chen annoying/teasing Jin by back hugging her

+ Scandal breaks out that the two are "together" since there are many photos/scenes of Chen either hugging or going very close to Jin

Position: Soloist

Vocal Twin: Ailee

Rap Twin: E.via

Dance Twin: BoA

Stage Name: J.Ri (Jay•Rie)

Persona: Poisionous Wallflower

Fanclub color: XXX #cc66cc

Debut Album: Never Forget Yourself

Debut Song: U&I (Originally by Ailee)

Anything Else?

Suggestions: ---

Password: Just.Rights(solo fanclub)


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