Me and braids

I have really long, thick hair and now that it is summer it's simply too hot to wear down. I've always loved braids, but recently I've become obsessed with Dutch braids. I've experimented a lot (currently I have one from my right temple that goes across my head to under my left ear) but I still can't manage a crownbraid. I've tried and I just seem to have too long and fluffy hair, too few fingers and too many cats that think hair is the greatest plaything ever. However the Dutch braids look extremely awesome in my hair and I'll keep trying. If I manage to do it right, I will be sure to upload photos!


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pilikpoplove #1
I kust tried to braid my sister hair with a fishtail braid but it kind of failed. Hair too straight T.T
My mum used to always braid my hair, she found it so fun to just experiment and play around xD
(Btw, my hairs pink now O_O)