Han Jung Min ✘✘✘ Application for Xx3


                                Han Jung Min



Get to know you

aff username: Decarion

alias: D

activity: 9


Only you

character's name: Han Jung Min

nicknames: (optional)

age: 18

birthplace: Daegu

birthdate: June 29 1995

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Korean - fluent


Miss Originality

personality: Jung Min is typically seen as an outgoing and fun girl. She is a bit of a tomboy in that she is carefree, honest, and loves cracking jokes. She is the type who would walk up to just about anybody and start making friends. She is somehow always able to make conversation with anybody, regardless of the situation. Because she acts so carefree, even around her seniors, she can sometimes be seen as rude, but that is never her intention. Her jokes can also sometimes be a bit offensive as she speaks very carelessly (like she will jokingly say that she will hit you) and that can sometimes offend others (especially netizens). She can take jokes, and doesn't get offended easily.

She is someone who is confident and proud of herself, be it her jokes, skills, looks, talents, anything. She will bluntly say that she is the best looking of the group if asked who she thinks is the best looking, and she is proud of her vocal capability. She dislikes it when someone interrupts her when she is talking, and will start nagging that person in a joking manner. She is also the type to constantly want to be on screen, and is most comfortable being herself in front of the camera. She would hog the camera, as she likes having attention on her, but she does know how to step back when she feels that there is a need to. If there is a silent and quiet member, she would be constantly bothering her to make her open up. 

When being scolded, she would keep quiet, and just answer "yes." if she knows that she has done something wrong. If she feels that she hasn't done anything wrong, she would question why she is being scolded and would sometimes even fight back if she feels that she is being treated unfairly. Although she acts like a clown, Jung Min is sharp, and is someone who knows her members very well, and is thus able to know when something is not right or if they're hiding something from her (if they're doing a hidden camera, or if something is upsetting them). She wouldn't necessarily pressure them into revealing everything, but she will probe them if she feels that it is a serious problem. 



history: Jung Min grew up under the care of her grandparents. As far as she knows, her parents were never married, and her father had left her mother before she was born. Her mother left her after giving birth, and she was taken in by her grandparents. Despite that, Jung Min grew up a happy child, and thinks of her grandparents as her parents. She doesn't care to find out about her parents, but she is still somewhat curious as to who they are, particularly her mother, She grew up loving music and auditioned when she was 12. She was accepted into SM Entertainment, but decided that YG was the one for her, and thus auditioned for YG and was finally accepted as a trainee when she was 14. While she lives in a trainee dorm away from her grandparents in Daegu, she never forgets to call them everyday. 


1. Horror

2. Haunted movies

3. Amusement park rides

4. Music

5. Headphones

6. Jokes

7. Being active

8. Screen time

9. Games

10. Manga/Anime

11. Beatboxing

12. Classic novels (has her own collection)


1. Depressing/serious moods

2. People who underestimate her

3. Smokers

4. Alcohol

5. Raw food


1. Bugs and spiders

2. Injections


1. Nagging in a joking manner when annoyed

2. Randomly starts singing to show off her vocals as well as to make people laugh

3. Making people laugh

4. Joking/pranking


1. Can comfortably speak in a Seoul dialect, but her Daegu dialect comes up sometimes

2. Purposely uses her Daegu dialect to make jokes/make others laugh

3. Becomes awkward if she is asked to say something scripted (will talk in a monotone)

4. Has terrible English skills and talks English in a very heavy accent but she thinks she's great at English and likes to speak it 

5. She enjoys writing songs and composing, and would usually compose when she has nothing to do

6. Super fangirls over other idol groups, particularly boy bands. 

7. Likes singing other groups' songs to practice

8. Awkward rapping


An outstanding beauty

ulzzang's name: Mikki

ulzzang's pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 

backup ulzzang's name: Jang Hae Byeol

backup ulzzang's pictures: 1 2 3 4 5


One and only fashionista

style: She dresses in very casual fashion, and tends to wear a lot of hats and sunglasses. She has a large hat collection, and is rarely seen without one other than when attending a formal occasion or whenever it doesn't suit the situation. When in the dorm, she will wear her glasses, and tends to prefer wearing them as opposed to contact lenses. Most of her sunglasses and glasses have prescriptions on them so that she doesn't have to wear contacts as her eyes get irritated easily. She only wears contacts when filming an MV or for formal occasions/parties. When at home/in the dorm, she tends to put less effort into her styling and would just put on a shirt and some pants/shorts (and of course her hat). 

       casual: 1 2 3 4 5

       formal: 1 2 3 4 5 

       dorm: 1 2 3 4 5

       club: 1 2 3 4 5


Close to you

family backround: She grew up under the care of her grandparents, and despite them being retired, they are wealthy. This comes mainly from family inheritence, and they now run their own farm. As she was the only child and had no cousins, she was given the full attention of her grandparents. She takes on her mother's family name as she doesn't know her father. 

family members:

Han Min Seok | 68 | Retired | Kind, Loving, Responsible

Han Min Jung | 63 | Retired | Open minded, Good cook, Motherly

friends: Daesung (Big Bang), Bom (2NE1)

best friends: Minzy (2NE1)



love interest: Kim Won Shik (Ravi) - VIXX

how you met? : N/A

relationship status: Senior-Junior (Strangers)

backup love interest: Woo Ji Ho (Zico) - Block B

how you met? : They were trainees together for a short while at SM

relationship status: Senior-Junior (Acquaintances)


The Gold Chain

stage name: Jun

fanclub name: Juniorx

fanclub color: Gold

years of training: 2 at SM, 4 at YG

position: Main Vocalist, Sub Dancer


The end already?

comments: Hope you like it =)

suggestions: None atm

scene request?: I'll tell you if I think of one

anything you like to add?: Nope



Have fun! <3







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