Three hours and going to Germany :3

Hi :3

Umm..apparently, I'm bored all day, and my GIMP finally SEEMS to be working (after crashing with one bg for like 4 or five times because of something. And well...I'm leaving to Germany in a few hours so I felt like sharing it with you xD

I'm only proud of it because I very rarely managed to make posters without desaturating the pics so yeah xD

(also, no title since I didn't want the fonts to crash XD)

So, here it is XD

Other than this...
Well, I managed to type down a chappie today. I'm excited about the wedding and seeing my niece for the first time in years... Um... I really hope that the train will have wifi so I can read fics on the way to Berlin, if not, I'm taking a book xD
I'm also tired since I could barely sleep last night xD I hope that I can have some hours of sleep on the train xD
And well.. I wonder what's gonna happen out there... I mean I've never been there before to be honest and yeah xD Plus, I haven't been to a wedding in many years...
And my dress and shoe are so pretty *.*
Okay, sorry for the rant, I'm going to take a long shower now xD
Bye <3


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It looks great and OMG you're going to germany
where are you going again?
have fun in Germany and enjoy yourself there.
you are coming to my country. :)
You make posters? o.e I never knew.
It's beautiful though!
Have fun in Germany ^^
Waaah it looks so pretty *---*
Aaah germany ... Its cool there (somehow xD)
Have fun at the wedding~