The Pack || Kang Rachel

The Pack

        in unity
 » Alpha; Beta; Gamma; Delta; Zeta; Omega«
 username: Panda3093
 profile link: 
 ulzzang one: Jang Haebyeol ►  ►  ►  ►  
 ulzzang two: Kite ►  ►  ►  ►  
 Who we chose to be
name: Kang Rachel
nicknames: Rae[shorter vers. of her name, so people called her this since it was easier] || MinJee[her middle/Korean Name] || Rache[Rae-ch; her second most called nickname]
foreign names: Kang MinJee(Korean) | Rachel(English)
d.o.b: August. 15th. 1996
height: 170 cm
weight: 52 kg
birthplace: Rome, Italy
hometown: Rome, Italy; Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity: Korean-Italian
languages: English + Italian + Sarcasm (Fluent) ; Korean (Conversational)
[What the Hell ya do?!]- She is a huge prankster and very sarcastic. She is an expert prankster and pranks everyone at least once. She can't really help it, since it is more of a habit than hobby to her. She has a sharp-tongue that can make any grown man cry. She can make come-backs as quick as lightning an isn't very hesitant in what she says or does. She in not the type to second guess herself, and once she makes up her mind then it is set. She isn't the type to regret her decisions afterwards the action is done. She has much experience as a prankster and has learned to get away with it home-free. She is sometimes addressed as "fox in sheep's clothing"since she is very sneaky, somewhat dangerous, and highly unpredictable. You may think that she is mysterious and likes to keep to herself at first sight, but then the next thing you know is that she is pranking everyone left and right. She also has a straight forward personality, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She is the type to tell someone straight up the truth, she being very blunt with her words at times. She does not sugar coat her words, so sometimes it can be a little hurtful to others. She is very stubborn and doesn't take "no" for an answer. She is also quite persuasive and can turn any situation in her favor. She knows how to use the right kinds of words to get out of any problem, and is able to sometimes make others turn on themselves. She is also very persistent and will not give up or in so easily! Which does portray her as a hard-worker in a way. She is the type to go all in and face any problem head-on. She is head-strong and isn't afraid of the consequences of her actions. She is very competitive and will not back down without a fight. Rachel has quite the list of flaws. She knows she is not perfect, actually she believes to be far from it. She knows her flaws and isn't afraid to admit to them. Truthfully, she may like her flaws better than her good points. She means that they even out one another, so she does like her flaws. Her flaws make her who she is, and if no one had flaws then it would be a boring existence in a way. Since everyone would be too..."perfect." Perfection is only a word, nothing is really considered "perfect," no one is "perfect," and she hates those that act like they are. Besides being a prankster and sarcastic, she also doesn't show much emotion and mostly acts neutral around others, except those she is close with. But, she can also be very devious and come up with the craziest and evilest plans. She is also EXTREMELY dense when it comes to love or anything related to it. She has never "liked" someone before and doesn't know when a guy likes her. Someone could be waving a sign spelling out "I LOVE YOU" right in front of her face and she would either be confused or not notice it all together.
[Oh, baby just tell me why. Yeah.]- She is very smart, street and book smart that is. She knows her way around many places, mainly since she is very curious and likes to explore. She is also smart book-wise, she knows a variety of facts, that may or may not be helpful. She does read sometimes, but she hates to to learn something that is not of her interest. She can slack sometimes, but only if she considers the topic "boring," and if she dislikes it then she would not give any mind to it. So, she is somewhat a horrible listener. If you want to vent out any problems or issues you may have, I would suggest not going to her for advice or just to talk to someone. She is mainly street-smart for she can protect and fend for herself. She knows how to get around on her own, and is able to find her way out of some situations.
[Things are goin' crazy sometimes, y'know?]-She sort of has a split-personality. She can be mysterious and devious around others, but at home, it's a different story. Rachel can be caring and kind, she has a soft spot for her loved ones and family. When at home, she is portrayed as the "perfect daughter" always helping out around the house and cleaning up after herself. She is very independent and can care for herself, but she liked to help her parents out as well. Which makes her very handy and helpful around the house. She only acts this way at home, she doesn't know why herself, but it seems that her parents just made her a better person. She was very loving towards her mother and father. She still acts this way towards her current guardian. She also is the type stand up for what she believes in--she loves what she does, and does what she loves, even if it may go against other's decisions.
  • animals
  • rapping
  • performing
  • dancing | b-girling
  • sarcasm
  • music
  • skateboards
  • rain
  • pranks
  • Italian + Korean food
  • greek/roman mythology
  • her headphones
  • snitches
  • b**ches
  • heels
  • aegyo
  • maegyo(male aegyo)
  • guy-liner(though she knows some just need make-up)
  • annoying/whining girls
  • cheaters
  • liars
  • players
  • skinship
  • playing sports
  • pulling pranks
  • making people cry with her words[lol not a real hobby]
  • drawing
  • painting
  • skateboarding
  • sleeping
  • sad | bites her lip, to prevent from crying
  • mad | tends to crack her knuckles
  • furious | cuss, may get violent
  • tired | punch the first thing she sees when she wakes up
  • annoyed | eye twitches a bit
  • has a secret collection of plushies
  • does not get easily along with everyone
  • dense, dense, dense, dense about love~
  • ton of skateboards-name for each one
  • used to have a puppy, but left it back in Italy; it's name was "Alfeo"
  • very sporty-is very competitive as well
  • she will reflexively hurt someone if they touch her when she isn't looking or doesn't notice them
  • wanted to play the piano, like her mom, but failed miserably
  • surprisingly, and weirdly, falls asleep to club music
  • is not a reader, first sentence of the book and she is out like a light
  • has a great poker-face
  • is ambidexterous
  • fast metabolism(eats a ton, but gains a little...)
  • hates being ordered around
no family is perfect but family is family
background: Rachel was born and raised in Rome most of her life. She grew up learning Italian and English. She was birthed from a Korean father and Italian mother, who bothed cared for her deeply. Her father teached Rachel the most, since he was a teacher anyway. However, Rachel thought that her mother was the most beautiful woman ever and felt closer to her mother a bit more than her father.
Rachel grew up with much support and love from her family. In school she was sorta the "loner" not really into socializing or playing with the other kids. But that changed when a young girl about her age or a year older, forcively grabbed Rachel's hand and played with Rachel. The girl's name was Caterina, and the two soon grew to be the best of friends. Telling each other everything and going over to one another's house often; so often that Caterina's parents were like Rachel's second mom and dad, and vice-versa for Caterina.
However, disaster struck when her mother was having another piano performance one night. Her mom is a famous pianist and has many performances. Prior to the evening, her mother had not been feeling too well, yet she still decided to perform. Bad call. Rachel and her father went to see her perform tonight; however, in the middle of the performance, her mother fell backwards from her seat. This caused a uproar and scared many, especially Rachel and her father.
The next morning, after she was rushed to the hospital, Rachel's mother was pronounced dead from a . Rachel's world crashed down before her.
Rachel did not once shed a tear, but she almost seemed hollow and lifeless. Her father was of coures sad my this incident as well, but being the only parent now, he had to take action. He would comfort Rachel the best he could, although at times he couldn't help but shed some "manly" tears as well.
Years passed since her mother's death, and by passing day, Rachel learned to cope with it. However, like her mother, Rachel found her own passion. Performing. Rachel had an interest in dancing for a while, mostly break-dancing, and her passion for music grew as well. When she asked her father if she could perform as well and go to South Korea to become an idol, her father refused. Rachel was once again heart-broken. However, Rachel didn't give up her dream and passion. She would still work harder and harder, trying to get better and prove herself to her father. Her father saw the intensity that Rachel put herself through. Dancing daily, and rapping to the every song she is listening to. He saw her passion; he saw how muh she loved what she did; he saw her mother in her.
He finally gave up and told her the news on her birthday that she could go to South Korea and train to become a performer. To which she was greatly happy about. Her father soon after supported her all the way.
family members:
father | Kang Minho | 50 | college professor | strict, protective, caring, loving, fatherly | Rachel only has her father left. They are very close with one another. Her father was always there for her as well, and vice-versa, when her mother left. Although her father did not agree to lettig her being a idol at the beginning, he saw how passionate she was in her songs/raps/dances, so he gave in and supported her and her dream.
mother[died] | Kang(Di Stefani) Rosetta | 47 | well-known pianist | gentle, caring, kind, hard-working, inspirational | They are quite close to be truthful. Her mother is always there for her, and plays Rachel a song whenever she is feeling down or mad. Her tunes are very soothing and lulling that is calms Rachel right down. Her mother is highly protective of Rachel and truly does care for her daughter. That being why it was hard for Rachel and her father when her mother had left.
the allies:
best friend | Caterina Stefano | 17 | student | care-free, stubborn, cutesy, nice, kind, child-like | Though the two are like opposites, they balance one another out nicely. Caterina is like the bubbly and cute girl that loves sweets, while Rachel is the laid-back and sharp-tongue gal that isn't afraid to beat up someone. Caterina is always able to make Rachel smile and laugh, and as much as Caterina hypes up Rachel; Rachel is able to cool down and make Caterina relax.
friend | Euna Kim | 19 | Former YG Trainee/College student | nice, kind, supportive, go-getter, smart | euna Kim is like an older sister figure to Rachel. She is like the older sister she never had. Euna has gone through the trainee life before, and even though she dropped out of it, she helped Rachel through the hard times as well. Rachel also respects Euna a lot since Euna is a fonominal(?) rapper, and Rachel truly looks up to Euna for that.
friend | name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with charac[did not socialize much]
the enemies: 
Rival | Kim Junhee | 21 | Idol(EvoL) | harsh, cold, a bit b**chy, arrogant, childish on the inside yet mature on the outside | When Rachel was in Stardom, she was not very close with the group EvoL in general. But her "relationship" with Jucy(Junhee) was the worst. The two never saw eye to eye, and sometimes they would glare at one another whenever they saw each other. Their decisions and ideas are opposing, and so are their attitudes and personalities. Though they both are pretty "witty," Rachel is a bit different from Jucy. The reason being that Rachel is a bit less b**chy.
 in the pack
trainee company: Stardom Ent.
duration of training: 2 years + 3 months
trainee history:Switching companies was difficult; they would just flat out refuse when she had stated that she wanted to leave the entertainment. She left for many reasons; the CEO seemed a bit sketchy to her, and when she feels that something isn't right, she was taught to GTFO of there as soon as possible. Also, the other trainees weren't a problem as much as the ones that already debuted. Rachel felt okay towards Block B, it was like having older brothers to mess with, but EvoL got on her nerves, especially Jucy. And why would she stay if she didn't like the company nor the groups there? However, she was finally able to leave and switch after the horrible incident involving the CEO(ya'know what I'm talking about...).
Upon entering and joining Unity Ent. she felt a lot safer and liked the people and CEO there. Unlike her previous entertainment, the company didn't feel as threating and felt a bit welcoming. The trainee years were hard, and she worked daily to get down the routine. Sometimes overworking herself too much and passing out or gaining a fever. But, the thought of performing in front of others was her drive and will to keep going.
persona: Poisonious Wallflower[being neutral and barely showing emotion, she is not noticed much(being a wallflower). But that is only how people see her, since she really has a sharp-tongue that can make people cry with her words(being "poisonous").]
fanclub name: Poisons
fanclub colors: XXX #cc66cc
position list: 
  1. Alpha -  Lead Rapper | Sub Dancer [2]
  2. Beta - Lead Vocalist | Main Dancer[4]
  3. Gamma - Main Vocalist | Sub Rapper [5]
  4. Delta - Lead Dancer | Sub Vocalist [3]
  5. Zeta - Main Rapper | Sub Dancer [1]
  6. Omega - Jack Of All Trades [6]
 we never stop lovnig
love history: Rachel is drop-dead dense about love. She may seem book/street smart, but when it comes to the opposite or dating, her mind goes blank. She has no clue when someone likes her or when she is being confessed to. The worst part is that she loosely uses the word "love" and "like" a lot. She may go up to a guy and say she likes him, when actually she would have no romantic feelings behind it and think of the guy as a good guy. She has NEVER dated, nor had her first kiss.
desired girl/boyfriend: Choi "Zelo" Junhong

personality: The aegyo-filled, innocent, cutesy guy. The type that you wouldn't dare see in a fight or having powerful emotions. This guy is nothing but..cute. Many girls fall for him because of his good-looking exterior and his cool ability to rap quickly. But, his "aegyos" and "cuteness" is too overwhelming for Rachel to handle and she just barfs(not literally) everytime she sees the guy. He is the ultimate flower-boy! good-looking, cute, innocent, and the total opposite of Rachel. Rachel thinks of him as the guy version of her best friend(Caterina) since this guy seriously needs to lay off the sugar. He always seems so hyped up and energetic, as if a kid high on sugar. He doesn't(or rarely) know anything "nasty" or gross, despite being a teenager, so Rachel and her blunt attitude just keeps ruining his innocence, bit by bit.
how you wish to meet or how you met: They don't exactly see eye to eye. Though they don't hate one another, it is there opposing personalities that stand in the way. They both have similar passions and hobbbies, but their thoughts and actions are too different. If they were to even "date," the roles would be switched and really it would be Rachel as the guy of the two.
They met when Zelo was sneaking out of his room with his disguise on. He and s were having a "free-day" finally, so he decided to go out for a walk by himself. He had a snap-back cap and lens-less glasses on and a scarf, despite the heat, to complete it. He walked right pass the group of fangirls(and boys) that stood outside of their dorm. Zelo just chuckled at their obliviousness(?) and kept on walking, until he bumped into something. More like someone. The girl was just listening to the songs on her phone, while listening to music she noticed nothing around her and didn't see the guy either until they clashed.
Zelo apologized to the girl and helped her up, she said nothing and only took off her headphones to try and hear what he was saying. Until she noticed her dropped something on the ground. She picked up his cap and lens-less glasses, then handing it to him. He started to freak out when he was about to thank her. He kept shouting out how his "cover was blown" and that "they" were probably gonna find out soon. And as if on cue, there were some girls nearby him, shouting his name and gathering around him and asking for an autograph or a hug. The girl, aka Rachel, stepped out of the way so she doesn't get pushed and stepped on by a bunch of crazed fangirls. She started to once again walk awake from the scene and listen to music. The last thing on her mind was "What a weird guy." [b/n: she doesn't know all groups(especially rookies) of Kpop. Only the ones that have been out for about 3-4 years already and already have a well developed fandom.] 
back-up: A Pack member - someone who is very kind and not up-tight, pretty laid-back, but not lazy, guy. May be sarcastic enough to throw some witty remarks right back at her. Also, the guy would be able to stand Rachel's attitude no matter what, and would like/love her even though she can be a bit blunt/rude at times. A guy that would protect her and stand up for himself as well. Someone that won't go back on his words and protect his loved ones.
this is the end
questions/comments: nothing, just hope it's good enough >< also, I used some things from my old app, I hope that is okay, if not I will just change it ><
requests: ---



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No its perfectly fine ^^ I d that at times as well ~ I have only one question, If I'd be able to change the position of your app? As in you'd be in the group but as a diffrent position.. Would that be all right with you?