Hiatus starts real soon :3

Hi guys :3

Apparently, tomorrow night I'm finally going to Germany. Will be back by  Wednesday. I'll try to take photos and well just...sometimes blog or something but considering how we're attending a wedding then exploring Berlin I'm not sure if I'll manage to.

Then, yesterday, I managed to watch the Hunger Games. Now, I read the book, too, and for the first time EVER, I preferred the movie. I'm not sure why, maybe the Hungarian translation of the book was off (I just couldn't you know 'feel' it for some reason) maybe it was written without the emotions I'm used to (as I said, I don't know since I didn't read the original version, so don't hate on me) but yeah xD Even if a ton of important things were left out in the movie, I felt like it was better than the book *shrugs*

Umm... about my adventures with creepypastas. I read My little Pony ones, I read Pokémon ones and just plain original ones but none made me scared before (MLP fans might know Cupcakes, Flutterflies, etc., NO, not even them xD) BUT...Spongebob ones are creepy and sad and yeah...

And well.. I watched Despicable me 1-2 a few days ago (or in Hungarian, Gru) and it's wow. I loved both :D

That's it I guess xD

Sorry for the weird blog, I'm procastrinating from writing


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gingah4evah #1
To tell the truth, even the English version of HG . There is no emotion, just events, and sometimes I was happy when people starved because that was the only emotion ever... Not very well written though. It was 75% about Catpoop (or whatever her name was) getting makeovers :/
wow, not even cupcakes? that one creeped me out... my twin brother made me Watch all 3 seasons og MLP and then other videos and movies... he tells me that it's mostly men who Watch MLP... MLP isn't really that popular in Denmark but I have seen Rainbow Dash on a pyjamas a couple of times... Which don't make sence to me since it was for children and MLP is in English so the kids would have a hard time understanding it and stuff... aish just ignore me, I'm just rambling...!
Have a safe trip and have fun!!!^^
nessie-chan #3
Where in Germany are you goin?
*is from Germany*
Have fun ;)