To all the lovely people who requested reviews from me...

I know I sound like a broken record for repeating myself incessantly, but I really am so, so, so sorry. The time I'm taking with these reviews is insanely longer than normal reviewers (yes, I'm calling myself abnormal in this respect, because I seriously take WAY TOO LONG OTL).

What I want to tell you all is that I will definitely be getting to review your stories. However, there are a few things that I think I should mention to you all before you all wonder whether or not I've completely forgotten, which I promise I haven't.

Some of you may know that I've been a little MIA here on AFF until recently, due to my surgery and hospital stay and then exam period straight after. I haven't touched writing or reviewing for months, and only just completed my first review after about 4 months.

Now my main point is that I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things here, but my long-neglected stories will be taking first priority >.< And that means that it may very well be another few months before I complete any more reviews, and there are still quite a few waiting in line. It is also due to this reason that I will not be accepting any more review requests for the timebeing; at least, not until I've completed the ones on my list~ ^^;;

If you're in absolutely no rush and are perfectly fine with waiting for this slow turtle of a reviewer, then you're welcome to, and I offer my sincere gratitude for your patience and understanding ;___; If, however, you feel that you do not wish to wait for that long, then I perfectly understand, and you are free to cancel you request :) (Wallpost/PM me or simply comment below).

And lastly, I'd just like to reiterate that although I take yonks, I will never forget to complete a review I have promised :)

(Awks if I've taken so long that you guys have forgotten that you even requested ._____.)

Here, have some Jjongie aegyo. My hubby asking for forgiveness on behalf of me. /shot


Urgh, sometimes I feel that it'd be so much easier for me to communicate all this to you guys if I had a review shop. BUT SOMEONE AS INCOMPETENT AS ME AT COMPLETING REQUESTS ON TIME WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO HANDLE ONE OTL


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no problem :) we understand :) hehehe
I still love you.
But does that count when I haven't requested from you?
It does now.
Shush with the details.

urh muh gurd, Jongie, your face is adorable~