i just want to thank BEAST for being such an amazing group every single second of 2010 (and a part of 2009). you guys have improved so much since your debut date… i can’t believe i didn’t recognize you from the very beginning. but i’m so glad i watched the bad girl mv and became a part of your fandom. i grew and am still growing to be a b2uty. i don’t think i’m a full true b2uty yet, but i am trying and i will support all six of you until your departing days. i hope you six remain forever good friends even when the time comes for you to go your separate ways. to me, you will always, always, always be the my number one idol group. sure, there are better and more talented idols out there, but your perseverance and determination to rise to the top has just… really inspired me to keep believing and work for my guys taught me that there is no such thing as giving up. thank you so, so, so much. you six will never know how much you mean to me; and some say i’m being delusional and stupid for loving six oppas who don’t even know me, but honestly, i don’t care. you guys truly do love your fans and you’re like neighborhood oppas to me. thank you.

and individual thanks to:

yoon doo joon: thank you yoon leader for keeping the group intact and strong. your leadership is so charismatic.. i don’t know how you do it. you’re simply amazing. whether it is through acting, variety shows, or leadership, you have shown b2uties all over the world that you really care for your members and love them like your own brothers. i hope you’ll be able to show us more of those viral selca poses, kkap dances, and dork facial expressions in the new year and on~

yang yo seob: you’ve been through so much, especially that rhinitis surgery. please stay in good health and get lots of sleep. your tweets make b2uties’ days but rest is what we want to see the most. thank you for your angelic vocals and bubbly personality. i’m sure your positive attitude has shined a light to the pessimistic individuals (like myself) that there is always a way to look at things in a brighter a light.

jang hyun seung: amidst all those harsh critics, you managed to stay strong and smile. you are probably the most admirable person in BEAST. being kicked out of big bang and all that… but honestly, who cares? you didn’t give up. you truly followed your heart and look where you are now. your vocals, dancing, and childish personality is beautiful. don’t ever listen to those who dislike you for pathetic reasons. there are a lot of us who love you for who you are, you beautiful and talented boy.

yong jun hyung: you’re not only a fantastic rapper but a singer and dancer as well. thank you so much for keeping the stage so full of charisma whether it was with your soft, slow slurs or your speedy, upbeat tongue twisters. on top of that, you’re such a cute kid offstage; those selcas are truly “joker” material and your obsession over coca cola is…. lulzy. keep those cheeks chubby and never ever forget to smirk in front of the camera.

son dong woon: my favorite princely maknae. how can anyone be so handsome, mature, and cute all at once? i don’t even know, but you pull it off really well. i know you’ve had a hard time with those nasty haters on twitter for accusing you for silly little things and at times i was really worried. please don’t fall into depression and keep your head held high. you’ve grown so much as an idol and proven to all of those critics that you deserve to be in BEAST. listen to your hyungs and take care of them, as well as yourself, selca king.

lee gi kwang: i already wrote an entire essay on you so i really don’t know what else to say. but you, alone, have made such a positive impact in my life, i don’t think there will ever be a way for me to repay you. thank you so much for keeping me happy and sane through the ups and downs of my life. b2uties love you for being your dumbkwang self. you never fail to make me smile. i don’t know how you do it, but thank you. i hope you grow phenomenally as a singer, dancer, actor, MC, and so much more. be happy and please rest up. and never ever forget to smile with those beautiful eyes because you don’t know how many girls’ days you make in those brief seconds.

BEAST, just.. thank you so much for making 2010 such an amazing year. rest, sleep, eat a lot, smile, laugh, stay in good health, and be happy. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART~ <3


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