AFF Username : cherryxpop

AFF Profile Link :

State why you want to join : Because the story plot seems really good and it’s not like any other stories, it’s really unique and different from the others. (It seems like you really planned it all first; before making it).

E-Mail Address : [email protected]






Character name : Yun Hee Davies-Hwang

Nickname(s) : Hunny – She looks as sweet as honey.

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : March 14

Age : 15

Height (cm) : 163

Weight (kg) : 48

Blood Type : B

Place of Birth : Oxford, England

Ethnicity : Half Korean, Half British

Religion : Roman Catholic

ual Orientation : Heteroual

Traits : Innocent and unpredictable






Character Overview : 

Yun Hee is an innocent, looking cute girl. She has the face of an angel send from above, but her outside appearance is the opposite of her inside personality. In the inside she’s really evil and full of troubles, she usually always gets others in troubles due to her evil tricks which she calls ‘having fun’.

She usually blames things she did to another person, every teacher always believes her of course because of her angelic face and innocent feature who would think that such a girl can do such an evil things and put others to troubles?

She always play the innocent, sweet looking girl who is a goody-two-shoes when she’s around teachers and staffs but when the teachers and staffs aren’t looking at her she transform into her evil, rebellious side; who causes troubles to everyone and blames it to someone else.

Yun Hee is used to getting whatever she wants; she was spoiled especially by her parents who don’t really care about her because they’re always away. Both her parents believes that she’s the ‘oh-so-perfect’ daughter, who is obedient, sweet and loving type, but what they don’t know is that their little girl is all grown up and also, she’s the opposite from what they expected.

Her last name is trouble, everyone knows that except for the teachers and staffs of course. Towards the teachers and staffs she acts as the sweet, intelligent student who is a perfect role model to the others.

Many students of course hate her for giving them troubles and of course because she always does her tricks dirtily but sneakily, there are never traces or evidence to prove that she did it. Yun Hee usually preys towards new students because she finds them cute and all innocent who doesn’t know anything about the school. She’s simply unpredictable, no one knows who she’ll pull her tricks to and what she’s going to do next, and that’s why some of the students fear her for that.


Likes : 

-Giving troubles

-Playing the ‘oh-so-perfect’ student role




-Getting what she wants

-Being feared

-Preying on new students


Dislikes : 


-Thunder and lightning



-Being underestimated




Hobbies : 

-Getting people into troubles

-Watching the sunset

-Watching the clouds/skies

-Playing the ‘oh-so-perfect’ student role



-Eating (She never gets fat)


Habits : 

-Batting her eye lashes to show innocence towards the teachers

-Smirking when she thought of an excellent plan

- her lips when she finds a prey

-Tapping her nails when bored

-Blaming her doings to another person


Phobia/Fears : Lightning and thunders because ever since she was little, she was always alone in the house along with her maids because both her parents are gone due to working and travelling, and the first time she heard the sound of it, she was really scared but no one was there to comfort her, so instead she just hid under her bed waiting for the rain or storms to stop.



-Good at cooking

-Really sportive

-Very artistic


Motto in life : Live your life to the fullest and spend every day as if it’s the last.

Definition of Love : Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.


Ideal type : A guy who can comfort her whenever she feels lonely and someone who she will feel protected to when he’s around. A guy who will spend every waking moment along side of her and someone who can change the way she lives her life.


Addicted to : Mr. Kim Bum their French teacher

Favorite Food : Ice Cream

Favorite Color : Bubble Gum Pink


Random Facts about your character : 

-Has a sweet tooth

-Scared of dogs as well as thunders and lightning

-Can be very competitive

-Doesn’t give up that easily

-Loves decorating her nails

-Still sleeps with a teddy bear (She keeps it as a secret)

-Very intelligent even if she’s full of evilness.

-Can speak French and English fluently because she grew up in a foreign country, but she’s still trying to learn Korean.






* Note : You only get the privilege of having one idol as a relative or sibling. So choose whether you want him/her as a sibling or a relative.


Parents : 

Dae-Hyun Hwang | 53 | Father | Alive

Dae-Hyun may seem to be cold and scary, but he is really sweet and caring when it comes to his daughter Yun Hee. He can never say ‘no’ to her that’s why she got spoiled by him. Dae-Hyun is a business tycoon, he’s very impatient and he likes getting everything his way.


Caitlin Davies-Hwang | 48 | Mother | Alive

Caitlin is a really caring mother; she loves their daughter, Yun Hee very much and gives her almost everything she wants. Caitlin is a perfectionist; she likes everything to be perfect, even if it’s just tiny things.


Siblings : none, she’s an only child.

Relatives : 

Mi-Young Hwang (Tiffany) | 17 | Cousins | Alive

Mi-Young is a lady, who puts all of her efforts to whatever she does. She’s a very hard worker and she puts a hundred percent to everything she does. She’s very caring and nice towards everyone even if she just met them.


Social Class : ‘A’ Class

Actual Background : 

When both Yun Hee’s parents were young adults, they were both wild and party animals. Her dad was a Korean who came from a rich family in Korea; he stays in Oxford just to go to Oxford University whilst her mum was a British just like the others, ordinary, plain but wild. It was one night when both their lives changed. They were in a club, drinking and partying along with their own friends when they accidentally woke up wrapped up with blankets sleeping next to each other.

It took them both into surprise due to the activity that accidentally happened to them, weeks later the result was positive and her mum was pregnant to her. It changed their life forever because both their parents (Yun Hee’s grandparents) want them to marry each other because of the child. They can’t disagree to their parents, so they married each other. They still lived in Oxford of course to finish their studies first.

Yun Hee was soon born; it was a struggle to both her parents who learned to love each other during the days when her mum’s tummy was started to grow bigger and bigger, but every single day when Yun Hee was born, both her parents woke up and never regretted doing what they did because it bought them someone who became really precious to them. They plan on never telling Yun Hee that she was an accident of course because it will seriously wound her inside.

They then moved to their state in South Korea when Yun Hee was about 14 years old. They own a lot of houses in different countries and Yun Hee’s father was a very famous in the business world entitled as number one business tycoon.






Appearance : Yun Hee has this innocent yet cute face, everyone thinks that she looks more like Korean than British which she had from her father, she originally has dirty blond hair which reaches down her waist she dyed her hair into chestnut brown because she hated the color and she doesn’t like being called idiot due to the fact that she’s a blonde, she has hazel brown eyes, pale skin tone and slender figure.


Links :


Ulzzang Name : Seul Ki


eye color : Hazel Brown

hair color : Originally dirty blonde, dyed it to chestnut brown

hair style : She has straight hair but wavy and curly at the middle until ends.

Usually wears : She usually wears something which is pastel colored or bright and cute. She loves wearing skirts and shorts, shorts the most and dislikes wearing jeans due to the fact that she can’t really move that much when wearing one.


Casual :


Formal :


Others :






Note : List of Subjects & Teachers


School Year : Sophomore

Type : Old Student

Best Subject(s) : 

1.     English

2.     French

3.     Physical Education


Worst Subject(s) :

1.     History

2.     Korean Literature

3.     Chinese Literature


Grade Point Average : 3.0 - 3.5 (B - B+)

Club Activity : Art, Drama and Physical Education

School Rank : Prep

Persona : Innocent Trouble Maker






Note : If you choose Boyfriend, B1A4, Block B, 4Minute, Rainbow, Wonder Girls, Infinite, ZE:A & Teen Top to be your partner please write their personalities in full detail since I am still not that familiar with those groups. :)


Love interest : 

1.     Jonghyun (SHINee)

2.     Ryeowook (Super Junior)

3.     Kikwang (Beast)


Favorite picture of them : 

It’s also in order as above.





Relationship : Love-Hate


How you met : 

Jonghyun – Yun Hee randomly blamed Jonghyun from her doings, Jonghyun received the punishment instead and from that moment he promised that he’ll have his revenge to Yun Hee.

Ryeowook – In Physical Education, both of them always fight who’s the best.

Kikwang - They both met in Drama club, they were paired with each other.


First impression : 

1.     Jonghyun: She has never actually met Jonghyun before, she just randomly picked him because he was the first one she saw entering the room, but if Yun Hee must admit it Jonghyun is really handsome and hot, but of course she would never admit this to him.

2.     Ryeowook: Yun Hee always thought that Ryeowook was amazing in sports compared to her, but she likes annoying the guy.

3.     Kikwang: Yun Hee has seen Kikwang for a lot time, but she has only met him when they were paired up, her first impression of him was that he’s really good in Drama, he should be an actor. He memorized his lines really quickly and he didn’t even had to read anything from his sheet of paper.


Their personality : 

1.     Jonghyun: Jonghyun is the handsome, bad boy type in school. He’s very good at everything especially in Vocals and sports, he has an amazing voice and he’s a really good athlete. He usually gets into trouble from cutting classes and all, but he hated that fact that he had to catch Yun Hee’s doings, he was really annoyed to the innocent, looking girl and swore that he will take his revenge and make it even worse that what she did to him.

2.     Ryeowook: Ryeowook is really caring towards his friends and hyungs. He can be very competitive sometimes and really annoying throwing tantrums to people. He find that Yun Hee was quite cute even if she was one of the school’s trouble makers and he loves it when she starts trying to irritate him when it comes to sports saying that she’s better than him and all.

3.     Kikwang: Kikwang is quite impatient, he’s really good in the subject and club Drama, he can memorize his speeches really quickly and he doesn’t really need or uses his sheet of paper when it comes to practicing, he also thought that Yun Hee was quite good in drama as well, and the two of them were a perfect compatible match to each other.


Any special moments with that special someone : 

1.     One Friday after school, Jonghyun and Yun Hee were quarreling because Jonghyun did something really, really mean as his revenge to Yun Hee, they then got accidentally locked in one of the academy’s room without any way out and no one can help them because no one can hear them due to the fact that all of the students are already gone to their family and houses or dorms. Jonghyun for the first time acted different towards Yun Hee, he became caring and thoughtful because he knows that they will be probably locked in the room for longer than they will be expecting to.

2.      Yun Hee one lesson got hit by the ball in the head and fell, wounding one of her knee. Ryeowook was the one who carried her all the way to the academy’s clinic (or hospital) and acting like she was going to die or something due to the fact that after they arrived to the clinic he lost his cool.

3.     Kikwang and Yun Hee were both partnered in a play as the main characters in the Drama Club. Yun Hee wasn’t really good at memorizing her lines and all, so she asked for some helpful advice from Kikwang who offered his service to help her and they can also practice together.  


Rival : Yoona (SNSD)

Why you hate them :  because she’s one of the queen bees of the school and Yun Hee is really, really fed up with her acting all innocent to the teachers (like her) but acts like a b*tch to everyone else. Yun Hee believes that Yoona uses her face and body as an advantage to achieve higher grades.


Friend(s) : Other applications, Nicole (KARA), Hyuna (4Minute)

Best friend(s) : Hara (KARA) – Hara is simply full of fun and very bright, she’s very childish and she usually acts like a 5 years old.

How you became best friends: Hara and Yun Hee became friends because they were in the same class and they also both have a lot in common, especially they both act like a ‘miss goody-two-shoes’ when it comes to their teachers.

Other relationships : Nope, no one.

Who you end up with : Jonghyun




||Extra Info||


Describe your character in one sentence : Yun Hee acts like an innocent darling angel when it comes to elders and teachers and staffs, but she’s an evil trouble maker who blames her doings to another person.

Pick one letter from the word P R I D E : I

Does your character engage in premarital : Yes

Has any form of vice(s) : Sorry, but what’s form of vice?

Wait, you're okay with rated scenes right? : Yes

Why do you want to be picked for our fanfic : Because I believe that this story is going to be one of the kind especially because it sounds really good and really exciting, so I figured out that why not take the chance to apply? At least even if I didn’t get pick I still had fun applying for it.

Do you think your character is good enough for this fanfic: Well not really compare to the others who applied, but at least I gave my best shot?

If you get chosen would you comment all the time : Yes

Would you unsubscribe when you're not chosen : Nope, I would still support the story because like I said it’s one of a kind.

Anything else you want to add: I’m still quite confused with form of vice and this application form was long but fun! :D

WTFudge? : Mr. Choi Seunghyun or TOP


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