For What It's Worth


AFF username: cherryxpop
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Your character
Name: Kim Yun Hee
Nickname(s): Yunne, Hunny
M /F?: F
Age & DOB: 17 || March 14
Ethnicity: Full Korean

Yun Hee’s parents both met in Seoul, South Korea where she and her older sister UEE were born and where they both grew up. Yun Hee and UEE was quite close to each other until both their parents began showing favouritism towards the both of them, unfortunately both their parents’ affections went to Yun Hee due to the fact that she’s the youngest and because their mother still treats Yun Hee her little baby girl. UEE didn’t like this and that’s why she became what she is now ‘The seductive drama queen’ while Yun Hee is the total opposite of her.

Due to their parents’ favouritism, UEE became quite rebellious little by little but whenever she gets in troubles, she always asks Yun Hee to cover for her because she always knows that their parents won’t get mad to Yun Hee. Unfortunately, when their parents found out their mother has decided to put UEE to GTH institution where their mother works as a teacher.

Family members:

Kim Sung Kap | Father | 48

Kim Sung Kap is the third base coach of South Korean Baseball Team, Heroes.  He may seem strict, but he is really nice and caring towards his family. He loves his family very much and he can never say no to his daughters, mostly his youngest daughter, Yun Hee.


Kim Sun Jung | Mother | 43

Kim Sun Jung is very caring and supportive towards her daughter especially their youngest, Yun Hee. She still treats Yun Hee like her baby girl not believing that she’s all grown up. After the incident and Yun Hee being sent to GTH, she always watches over Yun Hee keeping an eye every time in case anybody touches her little baby.


Kim Yu Jin/ UEE | Older Sister | 19

UEE is a seductive drama queen, she’s a big flirt and she loves to get people’s attention. She loves the ‘Big Three’ and she has been trying to seduce each of the members since she has sets her eyes on them. She used to love Yun Hee, but she began disliking her younger sister since their parents began showing their affection towards Yun Hee leaving her behind.



-Goo Hara (KARA)

-Kim Heechul (Super Junior)

-Song Victoria (f(x))

-Kim Myungsoo/ L (Infinite)

How are you problematic?:

Yun Hee was put to GTH after she accidentally hit a guy by her car putting the poor guy in coma; the real story about that accident was that Yun Hee just came from a party that time, her parents set that time to be back in their house by 11. She was on the way with only 5 minutes of time left before 11, she didn’t had any other choice but to use the short cut, she wasn’t really familiar with the shortcut so she ended up being lost.

She began being suspicious due to the fact that it seems like a guy was following her since she used the shortcut, she was going to look at her car’s rear view mirror when she suddenly stepped on the gas pedal with her car set on reverse, she accidentally hit the guy leaving the guy who was only just using the road because he was on his way to his house in coma.

Both her parents didn’t have any choice but to put her to GTH institution along with her older sister UEE.

What are you like in school?: Yun Hee usually always get A+ or A in school, she’s very intelligent even if she doesn’t look like she doesn’t have the brain. She’s like a goody-two-shoe towards everyone especially her teachers and people who are older than her.

Best and worst subjects:

Her best subjects are Art, Music and Physical Education while her worst are History and Maths.

She’s very good at drawing and she loves sketching, she’s also good at Music because she knows how to play some instruments like piano and the violin. Yun Hee is also very sportive; she used to go to gymnastics when she was 5 years old making her very flexible when doing some sports.


Yun Hee has a long auburn hair which reaches pass her mid-back and a pair of beautiful, alluring large hazel brown eyes. She posses a model’s body; perfect curves, slim body with not a single fat. However she doesn’t really like clothes showing too much skin, she usually wears clothing in colour of pastels and something cute and radiant.







Name of the ulzzang/model/person: Do Hwae Ji


Not like UEE, Yun Hee is a much laid back person; she’s very cheerful and sweet. She hates being the centre of the attention and she’s very clumsy and easy to be trick by the other. She’s very friendly and nice; she’s very thoughtful to everyone even if she has just met them.

She has this heart warming smile that can melt everyone’s heart without her knowing. She’s very innocent and she believes people really quickly without any second thoughts because she thinks that no one will try to lie to her and trick her.

UEE, her older sister, always tricks her which she always believe and in the end UEE always tells her that she never learns from her lesson on being very innocent and caring to everyone.  She loves her sister very much and she doesn’t really care about their parents affections towards her, she’s ready to give it up just to get close to her older sister again.

Yun Hee is very bright and intelligent; she gives a hundred percent towards everything she does. She hates seeing fights in the school so she always tries to stop it or make an effort to try to. She’s very determined and strong willed; she always tries to get anything that she wants with her own hands, working hard for it.


-Pastel colours

-White roses




-Ice Cream






-Dogs (She’s scared of them)

-Lightning and Thunders


-Being the centre of the attention



-Avoiding eye contacts when lying

-Trying or making an effort to try to stop a fight when she sees one

-Biting her lower lip when she gets humiliated or when she’s feeling shy

-Tapping her fingers when she’s bored

-Going to classes earlier than the expected time

Love interest?: Choi Seunghyun (TOP)

Their personality & your relationship:

Seunghyun is very arrogant and an ultimate playboy, he changes girls like he changes clothes. He also has this book with a list of all the names of the girls’ in the school, he plans to date everyone in the list including Yun Hee , a girl who aren’t like the others.  Yun Hee has taken his interest since the start but it really annoys him like hell whenever she sticks her nose to his business and fights.

Seunghyun and Yun Hee doesn’t really get along with each other that well, Seunghyun always tries to get Yun Hee’s attention and was in his list on who he still hasn’t dated yet. While Yun Hee always tries to avoid him and pretend that she didn’t see him. Seunghyun is just always annoyed to the fact that whenever he’s in a fight, it seems like Yun Hee is always out to try and make an effort to stop the fight or call some teachers.

Due to his bad grades, Yun Hee was also assigned to tutor him until his grades improves.

Anything else?:

-She has a tattoo on her lower back due to a drunken promise (link of how it looks like)

-(Well because I already started typing how they met and just realised that it was only personality and relationship at the top, I guess I’ll just put it here in case so it’s not a waste of effort?)

How they met:

Yun Hee met Seunghyun in the cafeteria, there was a rumour flying around the school that the school’s Drama Queen’s sister has just transferred in the school, students were talking about it all the time with the questions in their mind ‘Is she just like UEE?’ or ‘Why do we need another in the school? We already have enough.’

Seunghyun was quite surprise that there was another girl in the school especially she’s the school’s Drama Queen’s sister’s. UEE has never told him or anyone he knew that she has a sister, but the thought that disturbs him the most it ‘does UEE’s sister as pretty as herself?’

Seunghyun was out to find out along with the other two members of Big Three when suddenly they saw an unfamiliar girl chatting and laughing with Hara and Victoria. The girl was beautiful with big alluring hazel brown eyes and a quite pale complexion, some of the girl’s feature kind of resembles UEE so he thought that it must be the school’s drama queen’s sister.

He was going to try and introduce himself towards the girl when suddenly he was approached by UEE. Everyone’s attention in the cafeteria was set to the both of them, even UEE’s sister along with Victoria and Hara stopped laughing.

“Seunghyun, I haven’t seen you for ages.” UEE spoke with a seductive smirk across her face

Maybe it was her plan all along, she knew that he was going to try and approach her sister like she does to their new students in the school.

“UEE-ah, I heard you have a sister and she just moved here.” Kikwang said with a playful grin plastered across his face.

“Yeah, she’s actually here right now.” She said calmly and turns around to look at the new girl who was with Hara and Victoria, “Yunne.”

The girl just gave out a small frown biting her lower lip before saying, “Hmm?”

“Yunne, meet school’s Big Three. L.Joe, Kikwang and Seunghyun.” UEE introduced pointing at each of them, “And guys this is my little sister Yun Hee.”

“Annyeong Haseyo, Yun Hee imnida?” She introduced before bowing a little and giving a little shy, smile.

Seunghyun then began thinking that maybe his theory was wrong, the school’s drama queen’s sister is not like her after all.

WTFuel?: xdxd


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