↻ 친구⋮ go, jaeun.



 ↻ 친구go jaeun!
jan / because jaeun read quickly sounds like "jan". was made when she was younger and is now used amongst most of her family rather than friends or classmates.

giant jan / because of her abnormally tall height. mainly used by her classmates and friends. it's also her alternate name of facebook
date of birth / age⋮ 21st of July / 18
ethnicity⋮ full korean
Birthplace⋮ busan, korea
Hometown⋮ busan, korea
ulzzang⋮ byeon seoeun / mainly bottom half of gallery
backup⋮ lee "mikki" yeonju / gallery
style⋮ not born with class, not born with innocence, so what kind of style is suited for miss go jaeun? well, let's start by saying that her style's never been an eye sore. nope. it's far beyond that. if it's not the colors, it's the "swag" that comes along with her "party all day, everyday" look. with an endless collection of snap-backs, convers, denim shorts and tanks, it's a wonder  why this girl's stil "y, free and single" - or, that's what jaeun thinks.
[a/n: excuse my horrible style descripts. I always fail at them! ;; ]
EXAMPLES: one . two . three . four . five . six . seven

additional⋮ is known for her tall height, and has a scar on her left arm from a bike accient she was in as a kid.
height⋮ 173 cm
weight⋮ 51 kg
"Do I know you?"⋮No.. You don't...
key traits⋮ jaunty, impulsive, conceited, assertive
personality⋮ do you know what it's like to be a weird, ing party animal? well, I'm pretty sure miss go jaeun knows! who's that you ask? well here, let me tell you. go jaeun is your typical "party-hard" kind of girl. and when I mean party-hard, I mean party-hard. this is a girl who sneaks out of her house every monday to friday to go out to parties she's never supposed to be at. sure she can be reckless, a little carefree and a person who moves to the beat of her own drum, but jaeun has never been a girl to take the meaning of "living only once" to it's initiative. though she's one awesome girl to dance with, she's not stupid enough to be drinking or using her will to persuade people to use drugs. she's dumb, but not that kind of dumb; dumb as in a sense of academics because jaeun's sure as hell she won't make enough to graduate. she's probably on tje border-lines right now, but whatever right? it's not like jaeun thinks she's capable of anything - but, oops. she does. usually, jaeun's pretty arrogant about herself, boasting about how she can spend all the money in the world and how just freakin' talented she is in just about anything (which she really isn't). she's a real bragger too and loves to tick people off with whatever she can. most of the time she just pisses people off without really meaning too, being idiotically blunt and usually 100% honest about her own opinions.

you could ask her, "hey, do these jeans make me look fat?" and she'll look at you with with a wtf look, shaking her head saying, "honey, it's not just the jeans." yeah. she can be a little y, but if you really get to know her you'll see that she's not that bad. yes, she goes on about the most stupidest things, cracks the most weirdest of jokes, has this weird, sick-erted mind, talks a little sassy and sarcastic, and may carry on flirtaious with the first boy she sees (out of bordem and entertainment because love's not something she's honestly interested in), she's truly a good person at heart. aside from all her traits that make other girls cringe at, how she has no shame, jaeun has the decency to know what to do - and when. she might not be the leader type, but if you ask her for help, she'll give you it. when you say your heart got broken, she'll be half-way down to the corner store, buying you a tub of rocky-road ice cream, a box of tissues and renting some movie like "eat, pray, love". when you say someone's threatening to beat you up, you'd better be bringing a net because jaeun's probably out with a bat by now, ready to swing at the first moron she sees. she'll do anything for her friends, or even for people she dislikes (because if she's not bugging them, you can't. "that's my job, betch. not yours.") although 
jaeun doesn't always put her words in the nicest of terms she's still human. look past her attitude, and past her words, and you might find yourself understanding her. with her somewhat bad attitude comes not the best advice giver ever, but sometimes jaeun just knows what to say. just remember, don't come to her for love. "pfft. that shiet's useless. just go on and ing throw it away. besides, you've got me. what could be better than that?"

lastly, we have a side to jaeun that not a lot of people get to see. sadly, she's somewhat of the typical tsundere - where becoming embarassed isn't something she's honestly used to. jaeun's able to initiate skinship, but let's just say that if you're the one doing it first, she'll either feel pressured and try to over-power you, or shrug you off with a pokerface stating that you're a . but, behind that pokerface might just be jaeun questioning why her heart's beating so fast. it's true that she doesn't care about love, but when it happens she gets so confused and will eventually just throw it all away. jaeun's also a little possesive. she gets easily attached to others if they've treated her right, and will end up jealous if you're treating someone an inch nicer, or an inch meaner to someone other than herself. jaeun just likes to feel special whether it's someone liking her or hating her, they'd have to like/hate her more than the other person. in reality, she's not very open about liking someone, or rather, not very clear about her own emotions. whatever emotion she'll feel, jaeun always gets so frusturated, where in the end, she'll end up just.. angry. whether she's too happy, too sad, too confused or just plainly angered, jaeun will think of it too much thinking, "why am I so happy? why am I so sad?!" and will eventually start taking it her frustration out on others. you may end up teased, may end up getting called short, but just remember, it's jaeun who's getting beaten down. so, yes. jaeun's your overall troublesome troublemaker. she's often diffcult to handle, but with presistence, patience and sadly, plenty of love, you'll learn to see that jaeun's nothing more than an idiotic, but gigantic, dork.
  • being in charge of shiet.
  • money. what? she's only human. most of the time.
  • free- everything. food, clothes, movies- you name it, she'll want it.
  • getting complimented (careful, it just boosts her stupid.)
  • to look at herself in the mirror. "damn, jaeun. you're looking fii~iine."
  • getting woken up early.
  • getting corrected and being told what she can and can't do.
  • anything mushy, cutesy, lovey-freakin'-dovey. she finds it irritatingly-annoying.
  • aegyo getting overused. it's okay if it's natural aegyo. if it's forced- jaeun's flipping you.
  • when there's other's taller than her, because she feels she loses all purpose in life.
  • because she was born and raised in busan, jaeun's recieved a satoori accent. this accent usually appears when she's speaking informally (which is often) and especially appears when she's angered. she's able to prevent it though, since some people tell her it sounds weird. she gets reactions like, "ah! your satoori came out!" and she'll respond as "ah, I don't care~"
  • boasts about her height (and appearance) a lot. will go up to someone shorter and say, "SHORTIE."
  • has been playing the acoustic guitar for seven years now, and sometimes has a big guitar strapped across her back. when people ask why, she says that it's all she'll ever need.
  • has horrible school grades, but feels she might take a career in music.
  • when she was twelve she went biking with her little sister, but ended up crashing, landing on her left arm. she was left with a permenent scar, that's a fatal reminder that she should never ride a bike.
  • ^ decides to never continuing to learn how to bike and to avoid them at all costs.
  • has her own car and already has her driver's liscences.
  • hates cold weather like she hates brusel sprouts, spinach and any green vegetable.
  • she'd take a steak, a burger or anything with meat, over a date with a guy.
  • has been in relationships since she was in thirteen, but she's never stayed in any longer than 2-3 months. she's not really a player, but she goes with whoever she feels she might like.
  • truthfully doesn't understand love, and that's why she's not entirely interested. she's never been a boy-chaser, so she'll take whoever comes her way.
  • snorts when she laughs really hard
  • unintentionally hits people when she gets too excited
  • always like to call "shotgun" if she's not the one driving.
  • will never call someone unnie or oppa even if you're older than her. will only make an exception if you're taller than her and if she shows any respect for you (probably not).
  • has a really bad habit of eating, and will even eat your leftovers if you say you're not going to finish them.
  • will never commit to excersizing. takes effort. she doesn't like effort. she likes lazy.
  • skinships a lot, regardless of gender because she usually feels like the dominant one.
  • her facebook's alternate name is "(giant jan)".
  • likes to play angrybirds on her phone when there's absolutely nothing to do. if it's not that, she's texting someone or taking a whole shiet-load of selcas on instagram. "yah, jaeun. what're you doing?" "duh. I'm instagraming."
  • is absolutely terrified of bugs (even butterflies), rodents, amphibians, reptiles, needles, ghosts, the dentist, and even the doctors.
  • swears almost constantly out of happiness, anger, sadness or just because she wants to.
background⋮ born into a wealthy family of four was how go jaeun lived for the past 18 years of her life. set as the eldest daughter amongst the go family was jaeun, who was sadly shunned into being the little girl who would never grow up. unfortunately, jaeun was also shunned as the no-good, for even at a young age, jaeun was constantly paired up with her younger sister, who was supposedly flawless (even for a girl who was two years younger than her). always being lectured for how she was a bad influence from bringing boys home and talking about how it was always better to do what you want than what other people told her. because her sister was apparently blessed with not only an angelic face, but an angeltic heart, soul and mind, jaeun was outcasted as the runt of the litter - and she was freakin' taller than her parents by the time she was 15! (her parents are on the short side, so they never really understood how jaeun got so tall). during school, jaeun never had the best grades and even then was often compared to her sister. it was also around this time that jaeun learned that guys would only come to her for money, and girls would only come to her with hope they'd have chances into becoming models. it wasn't until jaeun decided that a lot of people acted like crap and ended up keeping quiet about her parents and her sister, when they became old enough. eventually, her sister chaeun became a model (something jaeun should have been, but would have rejected anyhow) and was known pretty well at school. jaeun was both grateful and hateful, because she could boast about her sister all the time, but get pissed by others saying that it'd be hard to believe. even if jaeun grew up wealthy, she was never spoiled. her parents wouldn't allow her to be spoiled, and even then, jaeun wasn't even sure she was a "rich-kid". for a while, jaeun was left unhappy. her parents hadn't recognized her like they did towards her sister, and they neglected her dreams as well as her talents. jaeun felt she was going to be this stupid first-born that couldn't do anything against her parent's will. it wasn't until she met some girls she'd call friends did she learn that even if she was told what she could and couldn't do, she didn't have to listen because she had her own choices. her parents and her sister had choices of their own - so, jaeun's choice was to be whoever she wanted, when she wanted, wherever she wanted - because, that's what just go jaeun wanted.
[ go hanbyok : 55 : father : company ceo (modeling industry) ]
[ go myeonsoo : 56 : mother : journalist (magazine author/reporter) ]
[ go chaeun aka chan : 16 : little sister : model ]
love interest⋮ huang zitao / tao
personality⋮ though having a very intimidating appearance, huang zitao isn't your typical cool guy. nope. huang zitao is far from it. although shaky on his korean, tao's one of those confident boys who aren't scared to prove a point. he's not over confident - just confident enough to try hard to get what he wants. in ways, he's similar to jaeun, except for the fact that girls make him terribly shy, and even if he tries hard, his face burns red and his words come out in stutters. it's not his fault, really. girls have always intimidated him, and always called him names, in which tao had always needed to rely on his hyungs when he got the chance. now that he's older he feels he should stop that and become the man he wants to be! confident, not confident - it's actually different towards different people. but, one thing we know is that tao's very sweet. he's caring and knows when to make a girl smile if he needs too, embarassed or not, he'll finish what he started. now, he's not an entire gentlemen, and he's far from any flirt you'll know, but here we have a guy who'll take his time to get to know you. the type of guy who'll agree to be your shoulder to cry on despite being a little embarssed from time-to-time. this is the type of guy who's extremely dorky, but tries to be cool, only to fail miserably in the end. this, is huang zitao, the type of guy who wants to be cool in front of girls, that'll end with the outcome of becoming a cute and hopeless panda who states, "I-I'm not a boy! I'm.. a man!"
↻ 친구( BREAK ) ( OUT! )
       ↻ 친구extra stuff!
comments : first of all, I'd like to say that the password-- for the song, think of it as a guy singing to jaeun, instead of the song being - well, jaeun's perspective! block b's song explains what jaeun's like in a guy's eyes. LOOL. ugh, I made her background so typical. ;orz I'm cringing. omfg-- I'm sorry. ; ; idek if I made tao or jaeun clear enough. asdfgh-- if it's difficult please tell me because I wrote so. sosososo much. /creys hard. I really love the concept for this applyfic and I enjoy how it's not focused on just love interests~ asdfghj-- ugh. you make me happy. thanks for reading my application! ; u ; btw, I love getting reviews so I'll forward to iiit. asdfgh-- THANKYOU. /creys and crawls away into my pit of shame. sorry for having shiet writing, btw. ugh. ;orz
scene requests :
  • jaeun's sitting in the car (maybe while driving & looking at the mirror or if she's using a make-up mirror) gazing at herself and goes, "ugh. why do I look.. so.. good?!"
  • while they're waiting for someone (idk who. :'D) at a pit-stop, jaeun gets bored and decides to take pictures with random by-passers. (maybe one of them being tao? LOOL.)
  • one of the girls decide to tell a ghost story (depends on setting) and jaeun starts clinging to one of the girls; she screams the loudest.
  • jaeun tries to speak in mandarian to tao, but ends up with just saying, "xiao xiao xiao ni hao bao." small, small, small, hello, bao.



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I really like Jaeun's personality!
She speaks without thinking!
Hopefully, you get picked, I like your character! ❤
LOL! Donsaengie~, your character could either get along with mine(s) really well or they could hate each other's guts (mainly Sara, though, Nayoung doesn't hate). XD
I can imagine Sara telling a ghost story and Jaeun clinging to Nayoung! LOL!