AnimeCon: How to get a sunstroke edition

Hi guys :3

Well, some people might have noticed how yesterday I wasn't even up AT ALL. Not even signed in (hopefully xD) Apparently, I've gone to Budapest to the Summer Animecon.

I thought that maybe you guys would like to read about what happened there. I'm thinking of posting up a few pics, but I'm not sure.

Now, first of all, I woke up a at 5:30.

By 6, I was in the car of my friend's dad who drove us to pick up our other friends, after which, we went to the train station.

We got to Budapest at around 7:20-40 maybe? I'm not sure. But, what matters is that we were on the train for around an hour.

It was nice...We chatted, finished cosplays, had fun.


On the metro, we met this girl who told us how a free bus would take us there. NOW, the bus did come (although almost an hour later than it should have) and WAS free, but the three of us (me, my friend and Ichy, another friend) apparently couldn't get on it, since it was FULL.

FINE, we went there on foot, had to walk more than twice as much as we should have if we got off where we usually do. By that time, it was scorching hot.

About one and half an hour later, we were in the place where the event was held. For some reason sadly, the building where a lot of stuff was usually was closed and this and that were placed at other places, like OUTSIDE.

It would have been okay if we could have just found a silent place for an hour or so but no, cause apparently the sounds from the stage was loud.

Still, although a bit slow and boring, the con was okay. We had fun, got sick and all that stuff xD

THEN, we came home.By train..., We stayed at a playground for an hour or so xD It was fun to finally be with my friends like this and not care about how my parents I fighting (they made up by the way)...


Ya know what? Picture time xD I'm not proud of how I look but...whatever xD

That's a me sitting on some stairs at Budapest (near the train station. Of course I got a nice sunburn again xD

Not mine, but I did get some from it <3

The place where you can buy stuff :D



Me and Ichy. She named the pic We are cute (which is pretty much anothe phrase for her 'attacking' me from the back xD Best friends ARE best friends, huh?xD)


At the station of the town we live in xD

Dunno what this pic is, but it's fun xD

Bonus joke for Hungarian Affers:

Hungaro Miksa (we don't hate Miku by the way, we were bored xD)

That's it I guess :3

Hope you liked this...thing xD



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Wait. I needa go on Computer to see these BRB.
°•°•°•°Oh wow...I begged my mom to go and she said I coudnt .....I know it was really fun...{totally jealous}°•°•°•°•°