So, it's Super Junior's 6th Year Anniversary!!!! :DDDDDD /throws confetti

>< I can't believe they've been doing what they do for 6 whole years. They really love E.L.F. a lot to be able to endure what they have. And E.L.F. loves them just as much, as we've gone through a lot, too. I can't imagine what it was like the past six years since I've only been part of the E.L.F. family for about 7 months, but even I can feel the hole left by Hangeng, Kibum, and Kangin (and now Heechul). I was there for when Heechul left for the army, though... That was hard. Seriously hard. Heechul wasn't even close to the top of my bias list, but I still cried when I heard he was going to leave. My tumblr has been spammed with Super Junior for the past two days, and that's perfectly OK with me. I've read so many letters to our boys, and cried during a lot of them. I'm listening to "A Short Journey" right now, and it's so cliche XD But, oh well. I really love these boys, and I'm kind of torn on if it was a good or bad thing that I found them... Good because they're the most AMAZING, TALENTED, PRECIOUS, HILARIOUS, BEAUTIFUL, KIND, and LOVABLE group of people EVER, but Bad: I've cried more in the past 7 months than I have, probably, in the past 7 years of my life. Watching shows where they tell stories of their families, pre-debut struggles, and their problems after they debuted has torn my heart into fifteen individual pieces, each for a member. So this blog is dedicated to them.

























 Happy 6th Anniversary, 슈퍼주니어! ♥









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rinasjs #1
i love this blog......... thank you so much...... happy anniversary boys...... hope all of you doing great....
lovesj #2
wow!! i love the pictures!!!