I wrote a Book about Heechul ;)

Ok, not really..,

But, I did find a place to print some of my Fictions for me in Book form.

It's not for sale or anything.

I just wanted to have them in a more permanant form for me to keep.

So, for $10 I got "Fire & Water", "La Luna", & "My own Personal Shisus" Printed.

I'm thinking of printing "The King's Consort" next.

Here are pictures of my book!

It's 700 pages long!!!



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If u could Selt it (but obviousley that's iligal u have there names with out pernition and etc) I will defenetly buy all of them because I love all ur story
Aahhhhhhhh thats amazing have my fav fic of yours ahhh including the other one the king consort and Lady Hee Hee house of desaire (this will have more than 1,000 pages haha for both series )^^
ElfVipBlackjack #3
If that was actually for sale, I would buy it in a heart beat. Especially the king's consort because that is my absolute favorite fanfic of all time XD
OMG!! i would LOVE to have your book!! too bad it's not for sale TT-TT
Please,let us buy it.
maddallina #6
what if I wanted to buy it?
kay268840 #7
you really should send a copy to henry
Wow that is amazing
Awesome! Was it a walk in shop or somewhere on the internet? If it was on the internet I would be forever grateful if you would send me a link.
Saku-chan #10
oh my ing good..
thats amazing!!!! *-*
too bad that you don't put it up for sale.. ://
that is amazing!
This is so cool. It's too bad you aren't putting this up for sale. I'd have liked a copy of this, myself. You know, you should send this to Super Junior. Haha, maybe not. Nevermind.
mangafrick #13
omg heenim will love this much have you send it one of your book to her
you are greatest!!!!!!