Writing rut hole

So I haven't updated my fic An Exotic Terrain in almost a month and feeling extremely crap about it. I promised to update at least once a week and haven't for a whole 4 weeks. I'm surprized I haven't lost any subscribers yet! (And yes I knoooow that there are some authors that take longer than a month to update, but this is just me being harsh on myself lol. I don't like it when I don't meet my own deadlines) 

With lots happening with life at the moment, my mind has been somewhere else and every time I sit down to write my next chapter, I come out with some sounding line and then like a goldfish, my mind gets distracted and I end up on tumblr or accidentally cleaning my room. (coz we all know how much goldfishes like asian boys and a clean room. lol >>)

And it's not that I have writers block either, coz I know exactly what my next chapter is going to be about. I've just been stuck in this hole of "i'm-a--writer" and can't seem to climb out of it. I'm sure a lot of you can relate to this hole. You get one slightly negative comment and BAM, you find that hole and you fall into it and just sit there wallowing and any good comments you get after that seem void.

Buuuut I gotta move passed that! Gonna take any negativity as constructive critisizm and move on! Can't let something like this upset me any longer and I just have to use it as a chance to grow and develop! :) 

Oh btw I'm not writing this blog entry to fish for those "you're not !" comments. I'm not asking for that at all so don't misunderstand me. I just thought if I wrote this all down it'd help me climb out of that hole I fell into and make me continue writing that chapter! It's half written and has been half written for a whole friggen month. Bad Dialott, bad! 

So yeah. That's it. I'm gonna go eat some cheesecake now and try and finish that chapter off so I can upload it this weekend :) I'm sure once this chapter is done I'll get into my normal routine of updating once a week again :P 


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Zoe_bug #1
I can relate! Btw how's the boyfriend? Has he been able to move on yet? Hope you are doing well!! :)