B.A.P what the hell happened?

After their songs One Shot and Coffee Shop I thought

"Man, B.A.P is on a role! I can't wait tell their next song!" Then I get this thrown at me. Hurricane..It feels like they're going with what's popular again with all the club songs that have been coming out. And I always loved how B.A.P would stand out from the crowd and be powerful and different but this is just another boring, over done kpop song with very bad english. What the is a loof? Himchan I know you can do a lot better than that. 

Where was all the badass dancing and wonderful rap sequences that flowed so right with the singing parts? Where is the B.A.P that caught my attention and made me want to do covers of their songs? This is pathetic. I know for all the people out there  will disagree with me and say i'm being to harsh on them, but if you were to ignore your infacuations for them for just one second, I know you would agree with me.


On a lighter note I like Zelo's hair, it suites him will.


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I agree with you! all i heard was loof loof and at first i thought they were saying woof woof like a dog? ANd then i relized they were trying to say roof? But L and R have completely different sounds so im like what the heck? Coffee shop was ok. I wasnt that big of a fan of it but then Hurricane happen and i was especting some sort of power house song and then i got that?!?! LIek really? What the hell is going on!?! LIke i get they are trying new styles but please no don't!
BR2019 #2
Yeah I agree sort of. They're not the same as before