☯ Lee Hyorin ↬ Rat

Lee Hyorin
name  Lee Hyorin
nickname(s)  Rin(about everyone calls her this; prefered nickname cuz it is a short vers. and easy of her name) || Rinny(Chen; likes to ) || Rin-Rin(grandmother; called her this ever since she was little, it just stuck)
gender  female
date of birth  8/15
age  18
height/weight  170 cm/52 kg
home town  New York, USA + California, USA
ethnicity  Korean-Chinese
language(s)  Chinese + English : Fluent || Korean : Conversational || French : Basic
visual  Jang Haebyeol
links  gallery
back-up visual  sasyo
links  gallery
description  She is a total tomboy. Not really a fashion icon, but she dresses okay. She wears jeans and a tee with sneakers unlike other chicks that wear heels with a dress or skirt and blouse. Nah, she was never in to the frilly poof-poof stuff, she always disliked those cause she thought they were too...weird. She hated dresses and short skirts, but heels were like the devil to her. She never liked heels, because she could never keep her balance on them.
Tattoo-on her left wrist instead
persona  Unpredictable Trickster || Fox in Sheep's Clothing || Poisonous Wallflower
key traits  sacastic || blunt || dense || intelligent || "bipolar"(split-personalities) || a bit rebellious
in-depth personality   [What the Hell ya do?!]- She is a huge prankster and very sarcastic. She is an expert prankster and pranks everyone at least once. She can't really help it, since it is more of a habit than hobby to her. She has a sharp-tongue that can make any grown man cry. She can make come-backs as quick as lightning an isn't very hesitant in what she says or does. She in not the type to second guess herself, and once she makes up her mind then it is set. She isn't the type to regret her decisions afterwards the action is done. She has much experience as a prankster and has learned to get away with it home-free. She is sometimes addressed as "fox in sheep's clothing"since she is very sneaky, somewhat dangerous, and highly unpredictable. You may think that she is mysterious and likes to keep to herself at first sight, but then the next thing you know is that she is pranking everyone left and right. She also has a straight forward personality, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She is the type to tell someone straight up the truth, she being very blunt with her words at times. She does not sugar coat her words, so sometimes it can be a little hurtful to others. She is very stubborn and doesn't take "no" for an answer. She is also quite persuasive and can turn any situation in her favor. She knows how to use the right kinds of words to get out of any problem, and is able to sometimes make others turn on themselves. She is also very persistent and will not give up or in so easily! Which does portray her as a hard-worker in a way. She is the type to go all in and face any problem head-on. She is head-strong and isn't afraid of the consequences of her actions. She is very competitive and will not back down without a fight.
[I Am the Best!]Rin has quite the list of flaws. She knows she is not perfect, actually she believes to be far from it. She knows her flaws and isn't afraid to admit to them. Truthfully, she may like her flaws better than her good points. She means that they even out one another, so she does like her flaws. Her flaws make her who she is, and if no one had flaws then it would be a boring existence in a way. Since everyone would be too..."perfect." Perfection is only a word, nothing is really considered "perfect," no one is "perfect," and she hates those that act like they are. Besides being a prankster and sarcastic, she also doesn't show much emotion and mostly acts neutral around others, except those she is close with. But, she can also be very devious and come up with the craziest and evilest plans. She is also EXTREMELY dense when it comes to love or anything related to it. She has never "liked" someone before and doesn't know when a guy likes her. Someone could be waving a sign spelling out "I LOVE YOU" right in front of her face and she would either be confused or not notice it all together.
[Oh, baby just tell me why. Yeah.]- She is very smart, street and book smart that is. She knows her way around many places, mainly since she is very curious and likes to explore. She is also smart book-wise, she knows a variety of facts, that may or may not be helpful. She does read sometimes, but she hates to to learn something that is not of her interest. She can slack sometimes, but only if she considers the topic "boring," and if she dislikes it then she would not give any mind to it. So, she is somewhat a horrible listener. If you want to vent out any problems or issues you may have, I would suggest not going to her for advice or just to talk to someone. She is mainly street-smart for she can protect and fend for herself. She knows how to get around on her own, and is able to find her way out of some situations.
[Things are goin' crazy sometimes, y'know?]-She sort of has a split-personality. She can be mysterious and devious around others, but at home, it's a different story. Rin can be caring and kind, she has a soft spot for her loved ones and family. When at home, she is portrayed as the "perfect grand-daughter" always helping out around the house and cleaning up after herself. She is very independent and can care for herself, but she liked to help her parents out as well. Which makes her very handy and helpful around the house. She only acts this way at home, she doesn't know why herself, but it seems that her parents just made her a better person. She was very loving towards her mother and father. She still acts this way towards her grandmother. She also is the type stand up for what she believes in--she loves what she does, and does what she loves, even if it may go against other's decisions.
  • not the type to socialize(so she has a limited amount of aquaintances/friends)
  • does not easily trust another
  • Is very sporty(loves to go out and be active by playing many sports)
  • She loves skateboards-has a ton of them and has a name for each one based on where they are from(made)
  • falls asleep to club music
  • always has her headphones with her
  • not a morning person-she WILL hit the first thing she sees if she is tired
  • hates to cry - hates tears; hates seeing others cry and can't stand when she cries || bites her lip to prevent it
  • has a great poker-face
  • fluent in sarcasm
  • hates reading - always falls asleep before she can even make it to the second page of the book
  • her loved ones are her life
  • furious- not afraid to punch someone in the face if they piss her off too much
  • has high tolerance for stupidity though - but if someone pushed her buttons, they are DEAD
  • never went on a date/had her first kiss
  • dense on love(can't tell when being hit on or being confessed to)
  • plainly uses the word "like" (ex. if she thinks you are a good person she will straight forwardly say "I like you," but may have NO romantic feelings in her words)
  • hates sweets, loves spicy food
  • fast metabolism(eats a lot, but doesn't gain much)
  • hates being told what to do(ordered around)
  • she is ambidextrous(ability to use both, right and left, hands)
background ↬ Rin grew up as a child that loved to go out and be active, but was held back from that because she was also one to become easily sick. Her family was never overflowing with wealth from the beginning, but their family was held together by support and love; sounds cheesy, right? But, it doesn't if that's the only real thing they had left.
As years went by, Rin's health issue had started to get better by passing time, where she was finally able to play outside and run around freely. Her parents were glad to see the young girl was finally getting better and becoming a lot more alive. Though she still had to take some medicine that was subscribed to her so she would be able to have an easier time fighting off viruses and whatnot. It helped in speeding up the process with white blood cells(if that even make sense??? ><).
Rin loved her parents and the feeling was mutual. It was a happy family but of course to keep the family going the parents had to work. They had to go on many trips, so many that they were soon rarely home often. Rin's parents knew that there lack of being there was not fair to Rin, so they decided that just until everything gets a bit more sorted out, Rin would stay with her grandmother(mother on her father's side).
Rin was sent to live with her grandmother in California while her parents stayed in New York to continue their work and busy schedules. Rin of course missed her parents dearly, but she knew that it was for the best.
Her grandmother still took care of her all by herself. Rin was truly grateful for all that her grandmother has done for her. But by the time it was time for Rin to leave for college, Rin decided to leave the house as well and either move into the dorm or find her own place and go her own way. Rin had told her parents about staying in California and her plan of going to UCLA; her parents were very supportive and encouraged Rin all the way, even if they were not physically there all the time.
Rin had told her grandmother, and although her grandmother would truly miss Rin, she knew that it was Rin's decision and had no real say in it. she had helped Rin in packing her things and Rin had decided to move into the dorms and pay her way for college by working at part-time jobs. her grandmother was proud that Rin had grown up so well and was becoming very responsible.
Rin had moved into the college dorm, and she was luckily able to room with her best friend that also got accepted in to the college. They are also co-workers at the nearby cafe.
Rin does miss her grandmother of course, but she knew that it was for the best that Rin should go her own way from then on and make her own path towards her future.
lifestyle ↬ Rin used to stay with her grandmother, but left to live on her own when she started college. Rin goes to UCLA, and she is working to pay off the debt she owes to pay for the school. Since her family was not overflowing with wealth from the beginning, Rin planned to work to pay for her college and education and necessities(textbooks, computer, etc.), even though her parents and grandmother offered to pay for it, Rin declined.
Rin has an average life of going to college, then after having to work part-time at a nearby cafe as a part-time waitress. Rin doesn't know what she wants to officially do yet, so she is switching from majors and minors every so often, not completely aware of what her future holds.
She has a pretty average and consistant life of going to morning(or afternoon) classes then going to work part-time.
family ↬ 
Grandmother  Lee Nara | 84 | retired | kind, caring, generous, wise, helpful | her grandmother took care of Rin those many years that Rin's parents were very busy and that their jobs and schedules were hectic. Rin is extremely close with her grandmother and cares her grandmother dearly. She is always there for her grandmother, there to help her, care for her, and vice-versa.The two do not have much wealth or an extremely joyful life in general, but they have each other, and that was all that mattered.
[not gonna add her parents since they won't play a big role ><]
friends ↬ 
Only close/best friend  Kang Hana | 18 | college student/part-time waitress | happy-go-lucky, random, cheerful, clumsy, cute, kind, total opposite of Hyorin | They reflect off of one each other nicely. Hana brings out the best in Rin(like how Rin's grandmother does) and Rin calms down the jumpy Hana. Hana is sorta like Rin's partner-in-crime when it comes to pulling pranks. Though they usually get caught together since Hana can't keep shut for too long. They are very close ever since Middle School. Hana knows of Rin's past troubles, and is always there to help and support Rin. They also work at the same place.
rivals/enemies ↬ 
rivals  Park Inho | 19 | college student | smart, high ego, studious, hates losing(competitive), self-righteous | rivals since high school and ever since he declared them to be rivals. This all happened when Rin just happened to have once studied for this exam for a class, and Inho just "happened" to have been the reigning top student(usually placed first for tests) in the class and grade in general. But he consistant record ended when he found that he was pushed to second place while Rin just luckily happened to have received first. Rin wasn't one to really care about her grades, as long as she passed and her grandmother was fine, that was all she cared about. Of course, Inho was furious to have been beaten by not only a "girl"(ist) but also a "slacker." He saw this as a challenged and even went up to Rin and declared that he accepts her "challenge" of making it to the top. Rin was dumbfounded and had no clue what he was talking about, but shrugged and agreed to whatever he was saying(really just hoping he would leave). So the fateful challenge was set and the only one to have really kept track of all of this, all these years, was Inho. | Rin looks at the guy as though he is just any other person, she looks at him with her neutral expression while he snarls at the sight of her. Truthfully, Rin does try her best at times, but she has never really done it for a competition, she just thinks of it to be amusing that he is trying so hard and loves his expression when he sees that she sometimes may get a higher score than he on exams. Inho still sees Rin as a rival that doesn't take the challenge seriously, which only pushed Inho more to strive and become better than a slacker.
zodiac ↬ Chen
animal  Rat
talisman/tattoo  He wears his talisman coiled around his wrist & his tattoo is on the under of his forearm.
personality  One word: "TROLL." There is nothing else to say! He is seriously the guy to play the most trick on the other Zodiacs, and his powers give him sort of an advantage when it comes to fooling around with others. Cause he can seriously make them do ANYTHING. He is a "devil" in hot guy human form! When he is around, you know that something is up; he may even show it with his signature little smirk(which scares everyone since they don't know what's coming to them). But of course, he had to be a little sane to have become a Zodiac. Yes, he is a secretly, not very open, caring guy. He doesn't go around spreading love; nah, that's not his way of showing he cares. As weird and sick as it may sound, he shows he cares by pulling pranks on them. Since it is suppose to be shoing that "he pays attention to them and watches over them," although that may sound stalker-ish, he really does care about the other Zodiacs. He does not mean to cause any permanent or physical harm(not always at least). He pulls the pranks to lighten up the mood. He really is the one that is the "life of the party."
relationship  He is a teacher...that Rin just wants to punch in the face. He is the kind of teacher that just gives her a push and powers then expects you to learn on your own. He has even said, "The best way to learn, is by figuring it out yourself." To which Rin has learned that the guy just may either be a complete jerk or lazy; maybe both. But, at times when he does "help her," cause he notices her struggling a bit, he helps her by...almost killing her. Not kidding, he puts her in  a situation where she has to learn how to use some part of her power to help herself out of the situation before she could become very hurt or die. but, he is also the type of teacher that pushes her to her limit(literally) and maybe even pass that, which only may hurt Rin a lot more. But, of course since he can't kill off his successor, since he doesn't have the time to find a new one, he would make sure that she wouldn't get fatally wounded or hurt in anyway. Since once again, it's not a good thing to go killing off your student. So in times of trouble he can be there for her, but really he thinks that she will obtain a better experience of learning by her sorta teaching herself. Rin cannot tell whether she is thankful or just think the guy as a psycho.
first meeting  Coming back home at night after her job as a waitress only taught her to never go home alone ever again. Since, when she was passing by this random guy that kept looking at her, she tried to avoid eye contact with the guy and hope he justs keeps walking on. Well she was right, he kept walking on...with him grabbing her arm in the process and dragging her with him. She was about to scream until he put his other hand over . He brought her to an alley and when he was gently releasing his grasp from and aroun dher arm she openly shouted "! MOLESTER!!" Which made him(b/n: I'm just gonna say Chen from now on :P) put his hand over again.
"Don't scream," Chen ordered Rin. Rin just kept shut and stared at the guy, cautious of his next action. But, when he pulled away she took that as a chance to...kick him in the crotch. He effectively went down, and Rin made a sprint for it home.
The next morning when Rin awoke from her bed, her right arm felt sore, as though a hundred needles were poked into her arm at night and engraved a picture. When she rubbed her arm, hoping to sooth the pain she looked down and saw a rat tattoo that was never there before.
back-up zodiac ↬ Baekhyun
back-up animal  Pig
back-up talisman/tattoo  wears the talisman around his neck & tattoo is on the back of his neck
back-up personality  Diva, what else is there to say? The guy seems a bit creepy to Rin, always knowing and seeing where everyone is. The guy has quite the temper as well, just make him a little annoyed and he will go off; he is like a ticking time bomb. Never diss his guy-liner, that is if you value your life. He is a pretty sensitive guy, girly almost, that CAN BE caring if he wants to. But, like Chen, he doesn't openly show his love, unless it is to himself. Yea, this guy is a camera or attention in general. He loves to be praised on his style and looks, and all of the comments just go to his "getting-bigger" ego. He is girlier than Rin, an actual girl.
back-up relationship  Pretty similar as the one before. Rin thinks of the guy as a bit of a bass-turd. He rarely teaches Rin anything at all and just gives her the power to mostly figure it out herself. When he does "help" it is only when he gives a short demo, and tells her to copy it. And the thing is that he will only show it to her once before making her do it as well. Usually she is left on her own to figure out how her "mentor" does it. He pushes the girl to her limit and even beyong that. By the end of each "lesson" she is usually either already fast asleep or close to death. This guy rarely shows mercy when teaching her, well not really teaching but pushing her. She even made the mistake once of "dissing" his guy-liner, which of course made him go into his "diva-mode," and Rin was practically dead by the end of his rant and being shot at by his laser eyes.
back-up first meeting  A chance meeting; Hana and Rin were going to the make-up store, a place that makes Rin just wanna puke her guts out, to buy some make-up for Hana. Hana is the girly-girl of the two, and that's fine with Rin as long as Hana doesn't force any make-up onto her. Anyways, they were walking in, and while Hana was over by where the eye make-up was, Rin looked around with no interest in her eyes at all. She just sighed trying to remember why she agreed to going along with Hana; but when looking around she saw a strange "girl" that had a boy's hairstyle. Rin wondered whether that girl was a tomboy(for the haircut) or a girly-girl(for the make-up), but once the "girl" turned around, Rin got her answer. It was no chick but a guy. Rin had a bit of a confused face on wondering why the guy was at a make-up store. And once again she got her answer when she saw him put on some eye-liner. Rin was a little shocked, since she has never seen a guy apply make-up, but hey, she isn't one to judge so she kept her opinions to herself.
On their way out of the store, Rin accidentally bumped into someone that was on their way out as well. The person dropped their stuff, so Rin helped to pick it up, "Sorry, I didn't see ya." She apologized.
"Just watch out next time." The guy replied then giving his "award-winning" smile. While Rin just looked at the guy weirdly thinking 'What is up with him?' rin's reaction only confused him(Baekhyun) and made him think that something may be wrong. Just to try again he tested his smile on Rin's friend, Hana, and it worked like a charm. Hana was nervously shifting her weight to one foot and then to the other with a deep blush on her face.
'It worked on that girl, but what's wrong with this one?' he thought to himself, wonderinng what happened.
"Here's your make-up." Rin said after putting all of his spilled make-up back into his bag, but he forgot of the make-up and took Rin's wrist dragging her away from the scene and pulling her somewhere else. Rin tried to get loose, but it would'nt work so in the end she just slapped him, which effectively made him let go. Rin then made a run for it, leaving Baekhyun touching his now sore and red hand-print that she left on his face.[b/n: lol sorry if it's too long ><]
tattoo  Tattoo is on her wrist with the tail sorta coiled a bit along her arm. Her talisman(rat) is a necklace that she always wears around her neck. || For the pig her tattoos on the back of her neck. Her talisman (pig) is a necklace that she wraps around her wrist to make a bracelet.
in character
Why do you think you were chosen as the next Zodiac?  I don't know why to be honest. I even ask myself that question; why me? I am nothing special. But, I would like to believe that it is because I want to help others. Or maybe he may have seen a bit of himself in me. Being pretty quiet around others and cautious of my surroundings, I am not always noticed and looked at as sort of a "weak loner." But, I would like to asume that he may actually see that I am not what everyone else thinks. Although, I am not a hundred percent sure of the reason myself.
How do you feel being a successor of a Zodiac?  Scared, yet strangely glad at the same time. But, wouldn't one also feel the same? What I mean is that being strangely chosen as a successor is much pressure and I sometimes feel I cannot reach his expectations or anyone's expectations of really being able to become strong enough to be the successor. However, I do feel glad to have been chosen. This does make me feel glad that even though there are biliions of others to choose from, that he picked me; meaning that he may believe in me and think I am capable. I am truly grateful for that.
How do you feel about your Zodiac mentor?  Ummm...*nervously rubs neck* He isn't a bad guy, if that is what you mean. Okay, okay; to be honest, he is actually an okay guy, though he does have his moments where I feel frightened a bit to go near the guy without feeling cautious of his actions. He is unpredictable, as I may say. He does push me to my limit and maybe even beyond that (which makes me want to kill him in the end). Though he can be sorta a "troll"(like a huge "troll") he does give off a sort of "aura" where it helps me in trusting him bit by bit. And I do hope I am able to trust him in the end.
What is the Animal like to you?  I was never a fan of rodents, yet I get stuck with one(and I'm not alking about the animal this time xP) Okay, okay; the animal isn't that bad, he was easy to get along with...sorta. Well, he could be a little talkative at times, but I get fairly along with it because of it's quick-wits as well. But, on the downside, it makes people think I'm a bit.."off." Since even though I (and Chen) can plainly see the thing on my shoulder or by my side, it seems that I am just talking to myself when I'm actually talking to "it." I'm just grateful that at least I'm not stuck with a naggy animal.
What will you do with the powers once you are an actual Zodiac?  There is no set answer. But, the only thing in my mind at the moment is helping out others. Protect my family and those around me. Even since I was little, and before all of this happened, I only thought about standing up for myself and others.
Would you sacrifice yourself for the balance of the world?  I will only sacrifice myself to help and protect others, that is my main reason and purpose. I don't want anyone hurt, so yes, I would go forth and sacrifice myself if it is to save others. I would even be willing to harness all the pain that came with it. I am not scared to lose my own life, but I am afraid of someone else losing their's.
out of character
username  Panda3093
preferred name ↬ Abz
activity level ↬ 8.5-10
password ↬ Whoops! I forgot one more thing I wanted to mention was.....and I forgot again x(
question/comments/concerns ↬ I really hope it's okay and sorry for all my y grammar and spelling and punctuation >< I have been known to always having to revise my app in some way, so please tell me if something is messed up ^^
scene requests ↬ (lol I at scene requests...)
  • Meeting her mentor(of course xP)
  • Her mentor pushing Rin to her limit by putting her in a dangerous situation-in the end when she passes, he just nods his head in confirmation
  • Pushed to the point where she wants to give up-but her mentor persuades her to somehow still try and train no matter how hard it may be
  • First time her animal appears-she tries to kill it, not realizing that it is speaking to her at first
  • Chen being the "troll" he is, pulls a prank on Rin, but she gets him back by giving him a taste of his own medicine



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