▌┊ACE : 에이스 ↷ kwon joori。





kwon joori!



username: haekyung


activeness: five because I have no life sob



character name: kwon joori / juliah kwon

abori (idiot-ri) / because she's often seen as a dumby. used mainly by her older brother, and bestfriend.
julie / used as a simplified version of her english name. was made and is mainly used by jaehyung (joshua)
babe / used by kris, because joori gets extremely ticked off "I AM NOT YOUR BABE, YOU STUPID ANGRYBIRD!"


age: 19

birthdate: 03/01/1994

birthplace: los angeles, usa

hometown: seoul, south korea

ethnicity: american-korean

languages spoken: korean [fluent], english [fluent], mandarin chinese [conversational/learning]


height: 164 cm

weight: 52 kg

bloodtype: o



ulzzang: soyu



backup ulzzang: lee geumhee

hyperlink: gallery


fashion style: the same as the visual's; light, feminine, and often seen as a "summer-y feel"

hyperlink: yi / er / san / si / wu



personality traits: childish, clumsy, optimistic, persistent aka the annoying little

personality: who's that you're pointing at? oh, joori? that weird little dork- riiight over there? ahh. well, first of all, I may want to warn you: don't be fooled by her innocent appearance. because believe me, she certainly isn't. although her look of a cute n' adorable baby-face might be a little mis-leading, kwon joori is not what she seems. behind all the visuals comes a very dorky little dumby who just can't seem to get enough of taking life's toll. yes, it may be frightening to believe, but joori's actually the type of person who uses the horridly-made quote of, "living only once". call it lame now, but by the time joori's through with you, you'd probably understand. what comes in mind to kwon joori is that she's awfully childish. there's never been a time where she wouldn't try to crack a joke, or try to proceed to as much skinship as possible (despite your protests and pleads for her to stop). this here is a person who's just too head-over-heels in living a happy life for miss juliah kwon does not believe in a harsh reality; in a world where there can only be fun, and in a world where the youngsters of 2013 should be treasuring their youth, is where a girl named joori is found. she may come off as a little bit pushy at first, when she tries to immediately get close to you with a hug or a cling to the arm, and she may be a little too chirpy for some people's tastes, but hey! that doesn't mean she's a bad person! sure, she trips over air at least 7 times a day- so what? it's not as bad as when she's running into walls, or walking into doors! it's especially not as bad as when she's being that dumbly forgetful, booger-of-a-girl who may or may not forget your name on the first day! psh, that means nothing. clumsy, yes. forgetful, maybe, true. but, she's still the lovely, optimistic idiot we all know and love! or.. might not want to know.. and might not want to love. meh. but, that's all up to you anyways. kwon joori may be skilled in being a very optimistic person, where life is full of bubbly rainbows and sunshine, but that doesn't always make joori the most appealing person out there. to be completely honest, joori's plain-smack annoying. more of a derp, but we'll get to that later. one of those reasons being that she's painfully persistent. when she wants something, she'll do just about anything to get it. whether it be doing the chicken dance or kissing the very nubs of your feets - as long as she gets what she's aimed for at the end, she basically has no shame. another point is that joori's so gosh-darn clumsy! she could be walking down the hall, nothing in front of her, in a pair of sneakers, and by the next second BOOM. face-first to the floor without a reasonable explanation.

there's also being stupidly gullible. to the point where being gullible comes to being as dangerous as joori is with candy. (S-U-G-A-R. JUMP INTO YUR RASHING CAAR SAY SHUUGA RUSH. SHUUGA RUSH). it's not your typical gullible too. nope. I mean, this is a girl who's believed in a man swooping down her chimney every christmas to bring presents to all the good boys and girls for at least 16 years of her life! he's the guy sees you when you're sleeping and knows when you're awake, no? if the news hadn't been broken to her, she'd still have been leaving milk and cookies by the living room fire. so, in other words, what comes to this dumby's gullible-ness also comes to being stupidly oblivious. which means, that she doesn't always get things the first time around. sometimes this state of oblivious may cause joori to becoming a little insensitive to the most common of things. where joking isn't really meant to be "just joking". to add to this comes her honesty. blunt she is, and not always aware of what she's saying comes honest abe (remember, santa's never liked liars). you could be coming up to her one day with the coolest freakin' hat ever, only to hear joori with "omg. wtf is that", without giving it a second thought. and joori wonders as to why she's abused (frequent hits from her brother, bestie and members, I would say). last, but certainly not least: we have the fabulous fail-to-aegyo-cry-baby who often whines when things don't go her way. yes. if you thought it by now, you'd be correct. kwon joori is certainly indeed a pabo, pabo'd, pabo. now! I think I've got her covered! by now you're probably thinking, "omf what an annoying little poop". welp. if you were, then congrats! you've just understood the ways of the juliah kwon! although she may be an idiot, extremely annoying, stupidly oblivious, moronically cheerful, too-much-of-an-optimist, a stupid-freakin' , a cry-baby, a child, a gosh-darn pabo and of course, you're casual scardey-cat.. kwon joori's still a loveable person (maybe). sure, she may have forgotten she's practically an adult, and yeah, it's hard to get used to her idiocy sometimes, but if you're patient (and a little less of the tempermental side?) you'll learn to see that joori's just a dorky (and derpy) girl who wants to show the world how much fun it is to live. if you can make past joori, you can make past anything! cuz, she's got sarangs. and she's not afraid to use them.


background: born in the usa, raised in seoul. now how do you suppose those two things add up? well, first I'd like to point out that miss joori was indeed born as "kwon joori", but being born into an american country, joori was technically born, "juliah kwon". growing up in the lovely pits of L.A, with joori's two-loving (but, strict) parents, and awesomely, cooliotastic older brother joshua, joori had been living in america for a well over 15 years. there she picked up english, which then became her second language along with korean which was taught thanks to her parents. it was around the time she reached 13 did joori start learning about how popular kpop was even if she were in a different country. of course, she was onto the mainstream stuff. it wasn't too long before joori started getting into her own cultural music, which had also been influenced by her older brother jaehyung. but, although she enjoyed the music, at the time, she was much more interested in acting. acting had, at first, been a passion of joori's and it was at the time she had set a goal to becoming an actress. but, her parents, strict on rules and against on their children's dreams of becoming stars broke that. her brother on the other hand was relentless, and continued to pursue his own dreams. even if their parents had difficulties in understanding as to why their kids wanted to be in activites as this instead of pursuing to becoming a doctor or a lawyer, joori's brother wouldn't take their words for it. due to harsh arguments and frequent disagreements as to how her parents felt about joori being an actress (as much as they hated jaehyung becoming an idol), joori dropped her acting "career" and continued with her studies. by the following year, it had occured to joori that she had the remarkable ability to sing as well as dance just like her brother. at first, it had become just a hobby, for acting was more of her priority, but soon joori shared the same dream as her brother did. soon the two had began to discuss their dreams to becoming idols, and even went as far as to posting videos online of covers and cuts of their singing, rap and occasional dance. although they were unfortunate to have not gone viral, they enjoyed what they did. by 15, joori, her brother (16), the rest of the kwons had reloacted to seoul, where their parents had felt it was time for their children to embrace their own cultural ways in a place where they were originated. by then, the siblings had decided that they would become stars, and thanks to presistence and a lot of convincing, the kwon siblings had finally managed to get their parents approval. though still a little against the idea, they had agreed upon their children to pursuing their dreams, as long as they were passionate and made sure to stick with what they had. for the kwons knew no such thing as "failure". around that time, joori had also met her bestfriend yoo jihoon, who she later grew up with in her journey of becoming an idol. since then, the two three (joori, jaehyung and jihoon) had gone through thick and thin to get where they were. multipule failures led to success, and finally, by the age of 19, everything just fell into place. from kwon joori, to juliah kwon to the current juliah as of today. finally. the journey has been set.

- doesn't have a twitter account; tbh doesn't work well with the interwebs
- fails at aegyo, but can whine pretty darn well
- says she's allergic to all things vegetable (just doesn't like to eat her vegetables)
- calls her older brother (hero's leader, jaehyung) joshie, but never calls him oppa
- has a cat named, "shotgun"; don't ask about the name, she won't remember
- doesn't understand how to work a computer (or most technology)
- barely uses her phone, and even then, struggles to use it (samsung galaxy s4)
- has a deathly fear of dogs because she was once bitten by a chihuahua as a kid
- finds chihuahuas the most deadliest of creatures
- likes money because hey, she's only human
- also likes boys, because again, she's only human
- likes to draw her name and hearts on other people's hands (especially her brother's) with the excuse of, "you are mine~"
- has a habit of clinging to people, regardless of gender
- likes saying, "I LOVE YOU" in different languages to whomever she can "WO AI NI, AIERU, TE AMOOO!"
- has a habit of speaking in konglish (korean-english) when she forgets a certain word
- starts speaking in english if she's ever angered, and rare swears (if she does, it's in english)
- hates it when her brother brings up stories about her when they were kids
- really loves meat (KOREAN BBQ JUSEYOOOO!)
- may appear to be fragile, but challenge her to an arm wrestle and you're going down (.. probably.)
- has a habit of talking to herself and speaking in english when she's nervous
- does weird vocal excersizes before she ever performs (think of sharpey and ryan in highschool musical)
- had origianlly dreamed of becoming an actress, but decided she'd rather follow her brother's footsteps
- likes to mock imitate her brother, especially his raps
- likes to crash at the HERO dorm sometimes at horrible times because sometimes she complains her members kicked her out
- talks to her brother in english a lot, and especially loves to embarrass him
- whenever joori and taehyung are having a bad day (or especially when they're stressed) they sit together, for a long period of time and scream out "STRESS!!" to their heart's content. to them, it's a traditional thing. "ugh, joori, I'm so irritated.." "ah, me too.." /they look at each other. "stress moment?" "stress moment." "AH.. STRESSSS!" / link~



mother: kwon mari / mariah kwon : 54 : irrational, strict, perfectionist : if they aren't in the midst of an argument, they're quiet and talking in awkward formalities. it's never been just, "mom". it had always been, "mother". now, it's easy to say that joori and her mother's relation isn't the best, and despite their constant bickering, they do love each other dearly. it's just the fact her kwon mari wants what's best for her daughter, and joori just wants what she wants.

fatherkwon jaekwang : 52 : traditional, stotic, judgemental : unlike joori's mother, they rarely ever fight, and rarely ever interact. again, it's only ever been "father", never anything past that. between these two are usually awkward silences and "how was your days" that never finish. it's just not as close as others would have thought, espeically since joori's so friendly with her older brother.


sibling: kwon taehyung / joshua kwon : 20 : reserved, stotic, mature : opposed to what joori is, taehyung is the opposite. now, unlike joori's parents, taehyung is practically her best friend (alongside jihoon of course). like the usual brother and sister, these two are always teasing each other. sometimes, even breaking into cute friendly-fights, but never nothing more. they're usually throwing insults at each other, like "you're ugly" or "stupid-head", "", etc etc. although they seem like they dislike each other, they do have respect for one another. in fact, they knoew each other like the back of their own hands. joori's always trying to cuddle up to taehyung, but taehyung's always pushing her away, because he likes to keep a cool image. even so, they love each other anyways and have each other's backs. even if taehyung gets extremely annoyed by his baby sister, especially when she referrs to him as "joshie" rather than "taehyung oppa". taehyung is also, always playing that older brother role. no matter what, he's always watching over joori. especially when there's boys around. believe it or not, but whenever joori interacts with boys, it tweaks a little irritation in joshua, where he would even go as far as lifting joori over his shoulder and walk away.. just like that. in truth, he just hates all guys gushing over his sister. his excuse to them is, "she's stupid." but really, he just wants to keep her single forever and ever and ever and ever. the only exception is jihoon, because to taehyung - he can't qualify as a dude.



bestfriend: yoo jihoon : 19 : hero's main vocalist, dancer 

personalityat first you'd have though, "oh, what a cutie!" but, sadly jihoon's just as big of a bafoon as joori; called joori's partner-in-crime is what this boy is because just like the hyperactive little dumby, jihoon is just as energetic. except this kid's just a little more flirtatious? maybe more of a jokester too, but we'd never entirely know. here we have a guy who's kind - but not a gentleman. who's sweet - but, not a romantic. and who's humorous - just not very good. yes, sadly, this guy's extremely dorky. the type of guy who literally brings flowers with an idiotic grin. he's not called "charming flower boy" for nothing. sure, he might come off a little obnoxious sometimes, especially when he acts like he's the biggest badass ever (when truthfully he fears of all animals and bugs), but rest assured, yoo jihoon's goddamn charming. we don't know how, why or what, but he just is. perhaps it's just that smile of his? or perhaps he's just the type of guy who'd stay by your side no matter who or what you are.

interaction: typically struck to others as a couple is the one-and-only duo. yeup, when two idiots combine, this is what you get! now, I'm not really saying it's too much of a bad thing, but in this case, it is. this is what joshua likes to call the "double-troubles". because not only are they meddling into other people's lives with pranks and stupid punch-lines, they're practically causing trouble for themselves! jihoon is of course the usual mastermind. although he's known joori and her older brother (jihoon's hyung + leader) for well over 3-4 years now of training, schooling, blahblahblah, this kid has his way with being the stupid flirt he is towards joori just like he is with every other girl. you'd think it's just him hitting on her, but it's also just because joori's so dumbly oblivious to his actions - not to mention stubborn. jihoon can go ahead and put his arm around joori, hug her from behind or even kiss her on the cheek, and joori will only come back with something like, "dude, I hope you washed your.. everything." some might have thought that jihoon might have a thing for joori, but in all honesty, he loves her more as his own sister than a love interest. in joori's case, jihoon's just like another brother, so basically it's the same. she likes to skinship with jihoon a lot, because frankly, he's the only guy who would actually let her. of course, like all best friends, they're always by each other. he's her shoulder to cry on, and she's his break to when he falls. they're so used to doing things like that, that in fact whenever joori's sad, they have this routine of sitting on the couch, joori lying on her side, using jihoon's legs as a pillow while watching something like finding nemo as they ate a bowl of smarties. to joori it's the best thing ever. to jihoon it's torcher. he's a man. he can't gush over a cartoon fish. when jihoon's sad, they always seem to do some sort of sport. specifically basketball for some reason, which joori hates. sports. sweat. moving. and. uck - thus, in conclusion - keep each other happy. and that's just what they do. if they were into each other (which, I'll be honest, they had been), they would be dating. but, being two kids who know too much about each other, good habits, bad habits, and being two kids who've seen each other's relationships come and go - they know too much to want too much. so, what is it then? well, you know. just.. bffs for lyfe.



rivalname : age : personality traits : reason why you are rivals



love interest: wu yifan / kris wu

age: 22

occupation: exo-m's leader, vocalist, rapper

personality: born with a face, and sadly born with a face'd personality too, is what we are given from wu yifan. sure, this guy's handsome, but conceited and arrogant is what he is. to this guy his pride and his ego is bigger than anyone or anything. he's a guy who's willing to take a challenge and will continuie to go at that challenge until he has won. he's idiotically stubborn and has this habit of wanting to be right. even when he's wrong - he's right. between you and I Kris Wu is just an arrogant bastard. ah, pardon me. he's an arrogant bastard to everyone. here we have a guy who loves to be right, hates to be wrong, and always, always, always has to win. you can try to win against him, but believe me, he has his ways. there's also a fact that this guy's just as stupidly flirtaious as jihoon - except with him, it actually works. if he's not smirking, or getting all touchy-touchy with you, then he's throwing a whole buttload of compliments about something that's probably not even worth listening to. and, if you happen to reject all that, then the guy's totally zoning you out. he'll just black-list you. if you've ever gone as far as crossing him without his so-called 'premission" then sadly, you're in for a bunch of angry-bird yifan. it's not just your typical hmph and a look to the sky. it's more like harsh bumps without a sorry, and things like: "hey, what's that on your face-- oh, my bad. it's just you." there are other horrid qualities to wu yifan, such as him being easily jealous - but, most of it is just being him shooting you down with partly-hurtful insults, just because he feels he might not be good enough. he's a jerk, but at least he knows when to settle down, take a seat, and at least you give you an (awkward) hug.

interaction: looks could kill. let's just keep it at that, because if you've seen as to what these two go through, it's death glares, death threats, and even the occasional throwing of-- whatever's-on-hand. be it food, a book, a pillow or a kid, one of these guys will start chucking it at the other. why they hate each other so? well, joori dislikes how arrogant he is. yifan dislikes how overly cheerful she is. if you asked one of them as to why they dislike each other, it'd both come out as: "he/she's ing disgusting!". to explain how things all get down, it's usually just them getting competetive for no real reason. may it be eating or running around the next corner, one of them has to win. even if joori's impossibly (but annoyingly) cute, where she chucks disgusting aegyo at kris (for the fact that she cringes), kris and his advanced height, strength and mind come crashing down on joori at a majority of.. 99.99%. that 1% is probably joori whining about everything. "you're too tall!" "too handsome!" "too.. wu yifan!" and that's just one of the things kris hates. it's not just because joori lists every fault she can, be it real faults or non, but it's also because she doesn't call him kris. yifan. that's his name, but would he ever agree to that? joori on the other hand, can tolerate what kris calls her. except for maybe idiot, moron, shortie, dumby, fatass, kiddo and that god-for-saken "babe", but whatever you know? as long as she has some way of getting on that stupid giant's nerves. as for interaction, let's just call it a battle-zone. because there's never been one day where the two haven't faught at the first 2 seconds of any encounter. the subject doesn't matter, there just has to be a fight. otherwise, these two get weird moments where their eyes will meet and their faces approach from their constant screaming, and their hearts swell at the worst possible moment. admittedly, joori does find kris attract, but with that attiude of his, it makes him.. ugly. with kris, joori does seem cute from her actions when she bites her lips, pouts or puffs up her cheeks - not that he'd admit he'd notice, but in truth he's jealous of her enthusiasm. whenever she's around, she makes him feel like he hates the world, because what ever joori feels, he doesn't. and joori feels happy about pretty much anything - except for himself, wu yifan. BUT, besides all that junk, there comes occasional times where the fights are set aside. if things go wrong, they do try to be a little humane. deep down, they do like each other - it just feels awkward to admit. it's just strange towards them. when he's sad, she's sad. when she's sad, he's sad. he's angry? she's angry. she's happy, he's happy. but would they be able to tell? here, we just have an idiotic relation, where two persons are to struck by what they think, rather than what they feel. or rather, two kids who are two stupidly hard-headed to listen to their hearts.

status: enemies


back love interest: luhan

age: 23

occupation: exo-m's lead vocalist

personalityjust as kind as the boys smile is what comes from our lu mister han. might be your typical prince, but if anything he's far from it. yes, he's a gentleman, but damn is he corny. (think of onew condition). even though he's super sweet, he's sadly not made to be a joker. he can try to act funny, but no one understands. yes, he laughs at his own jokes, but with that smile, it's hard not to join him. here we have a guy who's ready to fight for you no matter what. he could hate you, like you, or maybe even love you, and this guy will be there when you call. poorly though, he can never say no, and practically agrees to anything. he's a er for love, yet he doesn't know what it is. unfortunately, this guy falls for girls way too fast. if a girl bumped into him and flashed him a smile, he'd think for that day he's fallen in love until the next girl comes running into him 5 seconds after, and thus the process starts again. everyone sees him as a poor, innocent little boy, but really this guy's just as manly as joori-- oops, nope. that was wrong. but, truly he is. he truly is a man and is in fact pretty strong of a scrawny looking guy. he might not be the tallest, or most buff, but he's just as physically strong as his heart. he may say he's an adult now,but really he's just a cute little kid.

interactionto be completely honest, they've made no interactions yet, except for watching each other on the side-lines. call it what you will, but here we have two idiots who're both too shy to actually approach each other. if they do however meet face-to-face, it's plentiful moments of stutters and red-faces, because apparently, they've been two admireres with the same train of thought: "I'm a weirdo." in which case, their both weirdos! but, they don't know that. call it what you will, be it a crush or whatvere, be these two have no idea what they feel. they get anxious when they see each other, get excited when they hear one another's names - and it's so torchering to know that they're too scared to face each other! what more is that they both don't know the same thing. even worse, they know practicallyt everything about him and her without having the other knowing. be it with observation or the internet, but without even knowing they've become each other's stalkers. it's funny really, because they both like each other yet they're both oblivious. it only comes occasional that these two talk, and when they do it's sadly awkward. they get extremely shy and their cheeks starts to burn red, and words become flustered. the conversations are quite small too. "so, how's the weather today?" or "what did you eat for lunch?" in which one would nod and the other would, "ah". if it's not for their members, they'd probably never talk. it just to know that these admierers try so hard, to only fail in the end.

status: strangers


rival love interest: yoo jihoon / jihoon

age: 19

occupation: hero's main vocalist, dancer

personalitystated in friends

interaction: stated in friends

status: bestfriens / childhood friends (?)



stage name: juliah

persona: nation's girl-next-door / reference link ; cute, kind, an honest woman or girl. mainly because of her appearance.

personal fanclub: jullies / the way "julliette" is read in korean hangul. 줄리엣 — jul-li-es

personal fanclub colour: #ffff99

specialty: fake crying / having the ability to cry on will ; learned from her days of wanting to become an actress

voice claim: lee jieun / soloist iu / example link


singing: lee jieun / soloist iu / example link

rapping: miss a's jia / example link

dancing: wonder girl's sohee / green shirt, denim shorts / example link


anything else:
actually dated jihoon once, but both broke it off with mutual feelings about how they liked it better being besties rather than being lovey-dovey & has been a fan of EXO since they debuted. SHE ALSO EXO SHIPS. TAORIS, HUNHAN, KAISOO, BAEKYEOL, ETC.



song suggestions: RAINBOW'S Sunshine / go jerry, go jerry, go jerry boy! / BESTie's Pitapat / K-I-S-S, KISS ME NOW

scene requests
act one:: kris and joori are bickering again, and jihoon comes out of nowhere and whisks his bestie away, shooting a nasty look at kris, which makes kris a little ticked off because one, he was interuppted, and two, he feels alone.
act two:: kris goes too far, to the point where he actually makes joori cry. he feels like crap, and tries to make it up to her by trying to be nice, but he struggles because he doesn't know how.
act three:: this time, joori does something stupid, but instead of joori being at fault, the blame is put on kris. amongst this, taehyung gets concerned and confronts kris, telling him to back off
act four:: their first kiss, but not a very good one. on impulse, during some argument and around where kris and joori have realized their feelings, kris takes the intention to kiss joori, but she resists once the action is taken and taehyung, having horrible timing comes in and interfers. he then forbids joori from seeing kris, or having to do with him.
act five:: joori finally confesses her feelings, but kris is unsure of what he feels, and rejects her. joori apologizes and becomes distant for a short amount of time before kris realizes he likes her back. his reason was because he didn't want the media involved, and when he confesses back he claims he'd even give up his career. his career was his dream, but now, joori is his.
act six:: joori is complaining over her brother and kris is her only option for now because jihoon has a schedule, and as she speaks and whines, he finds it cute and pets her head on impulse.
act seven:: joori feeds kris as they eat something, and go somewhere
act eight:: joori starts talking crap about kris in english, and kris raises a brow saying, "I can understand you." and joori's like, "what how?" where the angrybird responses as, "dude, I grew up in canada." "well, poo."
act nine:: joori and kris start talking in english. "your korean's so bad!" "well, it's not my fault!" "aaah! just talk in english then!" "whatever you say (in english) babe." "(english) DON'T CALL ME BABE!!!"
act ten:: kris is stressed over something, so joori takes him to sit and tells him about what she and her brother does when they're stressed. "ah stresss!" ".. what the heck, are you crazy?" and eventually they start screaming STRESS out and people look at them like they're high.
final act because too many now omg:: bc joori + computers  = wtseriousf. kris helps her and gets skinshippy desu.



comments/questions/concerns: sobs. so, I'm caught between luhan and kris right now, because to be completely honest I can't really choose. asdfg-- is it alright if I ask the sweet authornims to do so for me? ;orz maybe? idek. if not then I'll totally just flip a coin. /eternal sobbing. I want them both. asdfghj-- I also have so many questions. uhm- first of all, was it okay for me to have linked so many things? was it alright of me to have used the bestfriend as a rival love interest? was it okay for joori to have only one friend who was the bestfriend? is it sad that I can't really choose which love interest I like? what was wrong with my app, what was right- and hopefully you won't be bugged by what I added at the bottom. cries. asdfg-- I'm also super sorry I wrote so much. IT'S A DRAG. I KNOW IT. /JUST CREYS. I had a lot of fun with it though. so I hope that's good. ;orz asdfgh-- I thank you for taking the time to read my app, because I know it's super troublesome! ;A; I'm also excited for the review, because I just kind of have a for them. I knoe. I'm weird. asdfg-- ANYWAYS, THANKYOU AGAIN. AAAAH. /crawls away. oh, and I'm wondering if it's possible to have a triple-threat. I'M SORRY. I'M SELFISH. /RUNS AWEEEEI BUT ENJOY THIS LITTLE SCENE THING AT THE BOTTOM. KWON SIBLINGS, YEEEY.

are you okay with the author changing minor details on your app: yes.

password: taoris / one / two / three / bc their perf I can't just creys


"joshie! do these jeans make me look fat?"
".. uh.. not really?.. I mean, you look fat either way.."
"good! cuz, they're your jeans and- yah! you take that back!"
"what? you mean the jeans? well, sure. take them off for me then."
".. oh my--"

- - - - - - -
"ey, julie?"
"you're ugly."
".. MEAN."
- - - - - - - -
"listen here. if you ever touch my sister again, I swear.. I'll ing kill you."
"jaehyung, stop! please, it's not--"
"shut up, juliah! it's for your own freakin' good!"
- - - - - - - -
"sniffle.. joshieeee.."
"yeah, yeah whatever. love you too, sis."
+ this was just made for you guys to have something more interesting to read? asdf-- ;orz



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theres nothing to review tbh
cause everything was like
perfs ; u ;

for your love interest, dont worry, we got that handled

dayum girl, calm your horses down haha
the friend thing is alright,
jihoon is all you need ; u ; haha
jk joori can make friends along the way
and yeah

that little thing you added at the end was so
cute /creys a river/