Another whining post...

Hi guys.

I'm not crying right now, but I could.

Apparently,  my parents and my gran had been fighting for some...years. Now you have to know, that for financial (and other) reasons, my grandma lives here with us. Technically, the house is mine and my sister's, but since she isn't 18 yet, it's mine and my mother's for now.

But apparently, in the past some things happened that made my grandma have grudges against us, and to this they, she uses it to her own 'good'.

At the moment, my mom had decided to move away from our house. Now, I know, it's not that BIG of a thing, I mean a moving when you barely have money to go to Germany since some stupid bank decided to take away a big deal of your money just for 'fun', isn't a big thing. Nooo...

So yeah, I ing don't get why they can't just sit down and talk like cultured people. Each of them said really bad things, all 3 (my dad included) but seriously? Moving because of some fight that turned into a big one?

Plus yeah, my gran is actually in...well not mentally, but she has problems with her health. And well yeah, I'm just on the brink of yelling my heart out at them. I would write down what all they said, but it was too ugly.

Yup, I just...had enough of fights.

Maybe the best would be to go to some friend's house for now *shrugs*

Sorry for the rant and hope to blog again, saying that 'it's okay' <3


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It's good that you have some sort of outlet to let the steam come out a little; it's never good to keep bad feelings inside. Sometimes adults act like immature brats because they have their pride and , and they don't like backing down and losing from a fight, no matter how small the matter at-hand is. Maybe they need some space, and I guess the "moving out" is a good thing, but temporarily. At some point, they need to just grow up and settle things maturely. And I don't think it's completely appropriate for you to just in in the argument; maybe talking to one of them when both of you are calm and rational is a better way to approach things. So, yeah. Just keep calm and I'll be praying that things'll turn out well in the end. :D
gingah4evah #2
Talking it out won't solve the problem. Write up a prepared dialogue so that you can yell at them without messing up. Good luck!!
maybe you should yell at them so they can see what they are doing?
If I were You I would force them to Talk about everything .... I mean .. Even if Your grandma said things that hurt Your parents or did something, she's still their mother (dunno if Your moms or dads)
I really can't stand it when families break apart (Even If I don't know them very Good or Not at all)
Well .. I hope everything gets better soon :)
Don't let yourself down okay? You have to stay strong for Your own Good And for Your sister (who is younger than You, right?)
Fighting tica!!