Sick computer *cough* *cough*

I'm super worried. Really really worried for my laptop.

It's fan has stopped working and it's started heat up quite easily. ;_; Its already 2 years old. It's not that old, but I really need to get it fixed.

I'm really attached to my laptop because it's a present my parents got for me during the period where I was bed-ridden and I can't use my right knee. Also, it has all the important things.

My musics I have been downloading for this past 2 years and music from my previous mini laptop. My pictures with friends. Pictures and Videos I have took during concerts. Pictures of my bias ;A;

Movies I've not yet watch, my school stuff.

So many things are stored in here and I can't afford it to break down and lose everything.

I have tried to back up as much things as possible. Most importantly, my fanfics I'm writing, pictures and music but with this much of stuff, it's not enough for my thumbdrive.

So I went to back up some pictures on Dropbox, but again, it doesn't let me upload my fan videos I've took.

I'm really really worried. Even if this laptop were to break down, I probably won't be able to buy a new one until I start working part-time which would probably not going to happen for now.

I want to send it to repair, but I'm worried for the fees and the memory drive. HALP.


I'm going crazy. OTL

Ahh, sorry for this super random post. >_>


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