60 questions no one asks

Stolen from: Sunshine24


1: When was the last time you ran?

Last November, for a camp I attended.
2: Do your jeans have rips, tears or holes on then?

Nope, but I do want to own a pair of ripped jeans.

3: What are you dreading right now? 
My school posting result. It'll be out next week. ;A;
4: Do you sing in shower?

5: Do you get 8 hours full sleep every night? 
Only on those days where I'm off work or school or any plans.

6: If anyone of your friends come to your house randomly one day, what would you say? 
'Why are you here? You should've called me or text me.'
7: Who last grabbed your ?

No one. ._.

 8: Have you ever been on your school's track team?
That is impossible for me.
9: Do you own pair of converse?
Yes, and I want more. xD
10: Did you copy paste this survey?
Pretty much. I just changed up the answer and format.
11: Do you eat raw of cookie dough?
No? But do Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice cream count?
12: Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
I hit it with my palm instead of kicking it though :')
13: Don't you hate it when radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?

I don't listen to local radios.

14: Do you watch top gear?

15: How do you eat oreos? 
It depends actually. On some days, I dip it in milk. On other days, I eat it as it is. 

16: Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? 

Not really. xD

17: Are you cocky? 

Only on certain things. xD
18: Could you live without computer? 
I can live without a computer, since I can find alternatives like mobile phones or tablets, or even going to a PC room. But I definitely can't survive without wifi. Wifi is love, wifi is life.
19: Do you wear shoes in the house? 
Nope. We don't wear shoes at home. Well, if home slippers count, then yes.
20: Who or what sleeps with you?
I usually sleep with my parents. (My phobias made me unable to sleep alone. I will get really anxious and paranoid if I sleep alone, especially at night.)
21: At what age did you find out Santa wasn't real?
I think at one point of my life, I really hoped that Santa would come and give me presents. But since my family doesn't celebrate Christmas, Santa isn't really 'real'. If you can get what I'm saying here, yeah. ^^;;
22: How many phones or mobiles are in your house?  
One house phones and two mobile phones. My dad and I own one, my mom doesn't.
23: What do you do when you're sad?
Um, knowing myself, I'll probably keep in my tears and pretend to be okay like laughing and smiling. But I'll definitely be more quiet than usual and probably wallow in my own sadness at home.
24: Who would you call first when you won a lottery? 
Definitely my parents. But that would be impossible since I don't have any luck with lotteries or lucky draws.
25: When was the last time you saw your best friend?
We met up briefly yesterday. She came by to pass me her keys to take care of her pets. But in terms of hanging out, it was last Thursday night. We had starbucks after we got off from work.
26: Are you in high school? 
In Singapore, we don't call our schools high school, middle school etc. But high school in Singapore terms would be Secondary school, which means I've graduated just last year. I'm entering a Polytechnic school (or College, to put it simply) in April, I just don't know which school yet.
27: What jewelry are you wearing?  

I rarely wear jewelries since I don't own any. /sigh pathetically/
28: Is anyone beside you right now?
I'm alone in the living room. Heh.
29: What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Get on tumblr, aff, twitter and facebook. And nowadays, I'm into k-dramas so I'll be catching on some.
30: Do you watch grey's anatomy? 

Not really.
31: How do most people spell your name? 
They always spell it wrongly by forgetting a letter or with another letter. Especially when they first met me, and can't seem to get my name right. So, I would always give up and tell them to just call me 'Riz'. /shrugs/
32: Would you wear your wear a boy / girlfriend's clothes? 
It seems cute in those dramas/mangas/animes/fanfics so maybe? I'll see the situation.
33: Where do you work?
Working part time at a local restaurant called Eighteenchefs. I really love the people there. :')
34: What are you doing tomorrow?
35: Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?  
Nah, Michael Jackson is Michal Jackson. Justin Timberlake is Justin Timberlake. 

 36: Favorite name for a girl? 

Um, I really like the name Rianne and Lisa.
37: Favorite name for a boy?
Um, I don't really know. I can't think of any. xD
38: Will you keep your last name when you get married? 
If I could, definitely.
39: When was the last time you left your house? 

40: Do you return your cart? 

Of course.

 41: Do you have a dishwasher? 
Nah. We can wash the dishes ourselves.
42: What noise do you hear? 
The sound of the water running, someone driving by and my mom walking around. xD 

43: Would you survive in prison? 
...will there be wifi? xD I don't really know how life in prison works.
44: Who is the youngest in the family?
Hurray for being the only child~ xD
45: If all of your friends were going to a road trip, who would likely mostly pack? 

It's impossible to go for a road trip in my country. It's too small. /chuckles/
46: Do you know any same name as you? 
Haven't really met anyone with the same name as mine.
47: What's the last you purchased? 

Oreo cheesecake. Yum.

48: Do your siblings ever pay for you? 
I don't have any siblings. Kekeke
49: What brand are your pants now? 
I'm always wearing pj's at home xD

50: Ever been to Georgia (state)? 
51: What irritates you most on the internet? 

Ads. Especially those on YouTube, you can't skip them and you have to wait for them to finish so you can watch your videos peacefully. But then, dun dun dun, they pop up again in the middle of the video. UGH.

52: What brand is your digital camera? 
Canon. But I haven't used it in years. I'm planning to get a new one in the near future.
53: Do you watch movies with your parents? 
We watch movies at home. We rarely go to the cinemas.
54: What song best describes your life right now? 
So far, none.
55: Do you own expensive cologne / perfume? 

56: Are you suppose to be asleep now?

Nope, it's only 6.40pm.

 57: Do you like sushi?
I don't like it. I LOVE IT. SUSHI 5EVA
58: Do you cut your hair every month? 

Nope. The last time I cut it was in September. I cut my fringe into see through bangs and it was meh since my hair wouldn't cooperate.

 59: Are you online everyday? 
/looks away/ Yes
60: What kind of phone do you have?

Samsung Galaxy Note 4


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