우리 결혼했어요 ? ! We Got Married Application !! Kwon Taeshin


i want to;
get married!  application form



Aff name: silversun

what i can call you: Jessie

activeness: 6-7





idol name: Kwon Taeshin

face claim: Kevin woo

age: 20

date of birth: 05/30/1993

ethnicity: American-Korean

birthplace: Los Angeles, California.

hometown: Seoul, South Korea.

height/weight: 178cm/62kg

blood type: B


Taeshin is the sort of person that will care about his appearance but only to a certain extent. He won't be the first to impress you, but he will certainly leave a good impression on anyone who sees him. He likes dying his hair different colours, but his hair is naturally brown. His skin is pale, flawless and isn't prone to breaking out - despite using makeup. Taeshin never gains or loses a drastic amount of weight and is very careful with his body. He does have a long scar running diagonally across the width of his left bicep, which he gained when he was very young and had accidentally cut his arm on the metal edge of his sister's rabbit hutch.


Usually choosing comfort over style (yet still managing both); Taeshin loves his jeans, hoodies and boots. Although he doesn't dress to impress, he still doesn't like looking bad and hates wearing the same clothes twice if they haven't been washed in between.

(Feel free to swap around)

Casual 01 02 03 04 05 | Formal 01 02 03 04 05 | Relaxing | Date 01 02 03 | Boy's Only | Meet the Family | Meet her friends




Taeshin is a mischievious prankster, who has a heart of gold. He loves pretty much everyone and he always strives to see the good in people. The only possible reason for him to hate you is if you've hurt someone close to him or you continually make yourself seem bigger then everyone else and look down on others. Taeshin is the sort of person who's not afraid to tell you what he's thinking and he won't hide his feelings away. He's not someone that is harsh, but he is honest and will always opt for telling the truth instead of lying. Taeshin can sometimes be naïve when it comes to big situations like politics and management, and his carefree attitude can sometimes lead him into trouble. However, he's also very smart, is a very quick thinker and loves spontaneity; which has saved him a lot in the past. Taeshin doesn't like being in charge of things either - as his attitude rebels against almost all forms of responsibility.

Despite being a happy-go-lucky and bubbly person, Taeshin can become very moody when he's frustrated or upset. He's not the sort of person to lash out physically at people, but he can develop an exceedingly sharp tongue rather quickly. Although when situations like this do occur and Taeshin does snap at people, his (almost) childish innocence kicks in and immediately he's apologising to whoever it is he lashed at. These unhappy moments, however, are few and far between. Taeshin loves his jokes and will try to make light of whatever situation he's in - whether it be sad, tense, annoyed or even downright awkward.


Taeshin was born in California; the youngest child of three. His mother worked as a lawyer in a downtown law firm and his father was an Air Force commander. Growing up under the watchful eye of his brother (5 years older) and his sister (3 years older), Taeshin was a shy and quiet child who never really knew his parents due to the amount of time they spent working. When Taeshin was 4, he was in the backyard, playing chase with the family's golden retriever Ritz, who was pretty much Taeshin's best friend. As the game continued on, Taeshin accidentally ran too close to his sister's rabbit hutch, cutting his left upper arm on the sharp metal corner and earning a gaping wound. Howling with pain, Taeshin was found by his sister - who had come outside to see what the noise was - and taken by ambulance to the city hospital, where he had to have 12 stitches put in place. Taeshin had to wait for nearly 3 months before it healed cleanly.

It was soon after Taeshin started his second year of middle school (he was 12), that his father was medically discharged from the military. The man had suffered extensive wounds from a mid-air collision and was lucky to have escaped with his life. It was around this time that Taeshin began to develop his carefree and joyful attitude - coming out of his shell and saying goodbye to his shy persona. He began to make jokes and tried to lighten up his father's funk continuously - until finally his father smiled and started to laugh again. Having to have both his legs amputated as a result of the crash, Taeshin's father was confined to a wheelchair for almost 3 years, before doctors finally received a pair of prosthetic legs.

By now, Taeshin was starting high school and had been offered a transfer to Seoul Performing Arts from his current high school. After outing the idea to his parents, Taeshin's family decided to permanently move to Seoul - which was where his mother's family originally came from. From his mother's stories, Taeshin had discovered his grandparents had fled South Korea in the September of 1950, a few months after the Korean Civil War had begun and had saught refuge in America. With them they had brought their 5 children; their eldest daughter - who vanished after she married an Englishman, their eldest son - who moved back to South Korea in the 1960s, their second daughter - Taeshin's mother and their twin boys - both of whom are succesful businessmen with companies in Asia and Europe respectively.

After arriving in Korea, Taeshin started attending Seoul Performing Arts High School and was immediately accepted into the school community, despite his noticeable accent and strange blonde hair. Going through high school, Taeshin easily made friends and everyone loved him for his patient attitude and astounding tolerance level. Once he graduated high school, Taeshin decided to start a university course on media production.


  • Music; Taeshin loves anything to do with music - listening to it, writing lyrics, playing instruments, composing.
  • Animals; He's always loved all kinds of animals - feathered, scaled, furry, creepy crawlies.
  • Sports; What guy doesn't like to play a bit of sports? Soccer, baseball and basketball are Taeshin's favourites.
  • History; There's nothing more intriguing then digigng up old past events and finding out about family you've never met.
  • Cartoons; Watching these are Taeshin's way of reconnecting with his childhood.
  • Writing; Using a journal to keep track of his thoughts, dreams and desires is Taeshin's way of releasing pent up emotion.
  • Star-Gazing; Letting himself relax under the stars and ponder about his existance.


  • Serious People; If you act like you don't know what fun is, there's a good chance Taeshin isn't going to like you.
  • Bullies; Touch someone Taeshin loves and you may be in for a world of hurt. He may look like a weakling; he's anything but.
  • Arrogant People; Taeshin knows no two people are the same, but he also knows no one is better then anyone else.
  • Sour Food; They just really disagree with his tastebuds and often make him sick.
  • Being Taken Advantage Of; Taeshin may be a sweetheart, but he does know when to say no.
  • Being Lied To; Taeshin prefers to hear the truth of every situation, whether it be something hurtful or not.
  • Trash Talkers; "You don't have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut."


  • Sometimes too trusting.
  • Can be really naïve.
  • Tends to walk on the wild side - leading him into trouble.
  • Can become really involved in something - causing him to ignore his surroundings.


  • Exploring.
  • Losing things.
  • Daydreaming.
  • Humming.
  • Chewing his lip.
  • Bounces his leg.
  • Drinks from the bottle/carton.


  • Losing his family.
  • Being left behind.
  • Being made fun of.
  • Dying.

Pet Peeves: 

  • Clingy people.
  • Serious people.
  • Responsibility.
  • Being lied to.
  • Trash talkers.


  • Pets; Ritz.
  • Only dyes his hair natural colours (blonde, brown, black etc).
  • Loves his headphones.
  • Owns a guitar.
  • Lost contact with his brother when he returned to America.
  • Was the best man when his sister got married (on the groom's insistence).
  • Has never had a girlfriend.
  • Is addicted to iced coffee.
  • Can rap in English, Korean and Chinese.
  • Learnt Chinese in high school.
  • He likes American bands like Green Day, Pierce The Veil and Of Mice & Men.
  • Favourite k-pop band; CNBlue.
  • Eye Candy; Amber Liu from f(x).
  • Can't stand white chocolate.
  • Loves wandering street markets.
  • Works part-time as an ulzzang.
  • Favourite colour is red.

Ideal type: Taeshin's ideal type is someone that can understand him and someone that won't judge him for who he is. He wants someone that can accept him and won't try to change him. He also wants someone that he can play around with and someone who isn't afraid to prank him back or joke with him.

Plot Line: Male Carefree Idiot; Taeshin's got the carefree attitude and has been a joker since a young age. He always brightens up every situation and he doesn't care what people think about him; he's just here to have a good time.

Back-up plot line: Male Fluff-O-Mania; With a heart of gold, Taeshin's a very friendly and loving person, who would treat their girl like a princess and would cater to her every need.



Comments: This is my first male character ^^ I hope you like him~

Plot Suggestions?: 

  • Mission; Become responsible parents and look after a child! If you succeed, you get to vacation in Hawaii for 3 days. If you fail, you get clean-up duty on an animal farm.
  • Drama; Taeshin gets a surprise visit from his sister and nephew (who is a very clingy sort of boy) and his partner is suspicious at her sudden arrival.




Why thank you for applying ~~

Don't forget to comment your link only in the turn-in blog post~~





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