My boyfriend is following me on Tumblr.xD

And he just messaged me to make sure that none of the stuff that shows up on his dash will show up on mine since I'm following him.XD He's so cute, not wanting me to see all of the pages he follows and stuff even though we both know I know his Tumblr password already. 

I just hope he's prepared for the massive amount of often shirtless Asian men that's going to flood his dash now that he's following me. 

And an update on updates! 

...There are none. I have literally gotten an entire chapter of Henry's Heteroual Adventures In Korea written down on paper, but I'm so lazy I don't want to type it all up. ._. 

And Killer Inside Me is like 1/5 of the way done. But I have made no progress on it since yesterday. >.< 


But I wrote a fluffy Hanchul one-shot. That counts for something, right?


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