XiuYeol on diets



Xiumin you are beautiful and Chanyeol worried about the wifeu ?


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Cho_Yeju #1
I don't think they need diet though. they're already skinny.
Where is this from? Is it a radio show? What's the show called? ^^
OMG! Xiumin is so skinny now, omg. XiuXiu doesn't need to go on a diet! He's skinnier than half of his fans! XDD jk jk jk~

OMO Chanyeol being a sweet hubby! XDD But seriously, Baek doesn't need to go on a diet! He's already y as frick! T^T <333 Channie would want to touch those curves, yesh? ^^ <3

Tao? Diet? HA! IMPOSSIBLE! XDDD Food is his bestfriend! XDD
XD Tao. I can't diet...food is too precious