Random blog

Hi guys~

I'm supposed to be freaking happy at the moment since I won the bid XD I am, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't show.

For some reason since I woke up I've been feeling sick again. My head hurts and I'm just not feeling good at all xD

Also...I have to teach my cat to play nice. He came into my room some hours ago and well, I started playing with him, and when he moved around, he slipped a little and scratched my arm. It's not deep, but a long scratch (although I can't blame him for being scared when slipping off, he really should be gentler, when he was just biting my fingers lightly it hurt, too and he was just playing around as he usually does xD

Then, my dearest sister some minutes ago barged into my room, asked me if I was asleep, then asked for money. I told her she can have it, and then she asked me 'why did you say mom and dad have your money, they only have a small amoun', her voice quite offending.

Um...one: I've earnt that money and our parents said they'll give it back, why can't I say it

Two: when you ask something from someone, shouldn't you be...you know, nice after they gave it to you, too? o.o

Anyway, I have chores to do today xD

BUT the good side of things: I've started playing Alice the Madness returns and I love it so far xD

That's it for now, sorry for the rant xD


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gingah4evah #1
Sisters are pretty annoying, I know... Why would you give her the money? Is she even going to pay you back?