Bias Survey (Heechul)

Stolen from Kyuminbias, who stole it from someone else...,lol


1. Name of your bias? (Stage or real)

Kim Heechul



2. Age? 



3. Age difference between you and them? 


4 years



4. Favorite physical trait of your bias?

I shall pick three; Eyes, Lips/tongue, and hands!





5. Favorite characteristic trait?


He's not afraid to stand up for himself, his friends, or what he thinks is right.


6. Are they taller or shorter than you?

Hmmm..., I'm not sure. I think we're around the same height, if not me being a bit taller.

I'm 5'10"...., I think he's either the same or 5'9"ish.


7. Have they ever cross dressed before?





8. Do they smoke or drink?

He drinks a lot!!

and he used to smoke, but quite before debuting.


9. Describe their build

Thin, yet curvy. He has fat deposits in all the right places without being fat. (That sounds weird)


10. Their favorite color is?

Red, I think? He's also said he likes pink and black...,


11. Do they have siblings?

An older sister named Heejin

HanGeng and Heechul's sister!


12. If you could buy them anything as a gift what would it be?

I sent him two dolls I made a few months ago, and he said he liked them a lot because "They were handsom like he is" lol

(True story. My dolls are in Heechul's dorm.)



What would your reaction be if:

13. You heard they were in an accident?

He was in a car accident once. Poor Heechul :(

Heechul shared from the Hospital after he was doing better.


14. They got a piercing/ tattoo?



15. Had a comeback on your birthday?




16. Found they got pregnant/got a girl pregnant?


Well, he always said he wanted to have a baby without getting married.


17. Got kicked out of their company?

It's possible, but at this point, I think SM is stuck with him. They tolerate too much to not want to keep him around.


18. They were involved in a legal dispute?

Good luck, and I hope whatever you did wasn't your fault or was worth. I'll be here to support you, unless you murdered a guy, or something. Then, all bets are off.


19. Beat someone up?

I'd believe it..,


20. Had a habit you couldn't stand?

I'll deal with it.


If you were your bias?


21. Would you date a fan?

Yes, he's said that he would on many occasions.



22. Have a solo album?

He kind of had a solo song as M&D,


but I think he needs his own rock album..,


23. Quit music and do acting?


Heechul debuted as an actor before joining Super Junior...,


it didn't stick.


24. Kiss a fan on the lips? Cheek?


Done that...,


25. Date another kpop star?

He's said that he's not into dating other idols because of all the drama..., but it's his choice.




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That is sooo awesome that you made him dolls and he keeps it in his dorm!!! And i like his eyes and hands too :D
you made him a doll WOW!!!!!!!!

unnie~~ i always follow ur websites and blogs... sorry i dont comment a lot T.T
Ron-kon #3
Haha i loved this, Heechul is indeed very amazing in his own weird but awesome way ^w^
The accident pics.... Isn't that kyuhyun?
that's why he is my idol~~
Haha!! Heechul is such a funny guy XD woah... It's like you and Heechul are destined to be together O_O
I know you don't like when people point out typos, but this one really was so lovely, I just can't keep it to myself.
Please don't be mad, I don't want to insult you!!!
I know you (probably) didn't write the questions, it just went right into my eye XD

"Heechul beduted as an actor before joining Super Junior..."
im going ro reread this after my connection is being cooperative and useful. :"> planning on copying the questions? if it's okay? i want to answer it too.. :">