♚ 10Princesses ♚ SM Entertainment's New Girl Group {Shin Phoung Dáo}

10Princesses SM Entertainment's

New Girl Group {Shin Phoung Dáo}




Who Are You?

Username: Sica--     ->   Monkey

Activeness: 4-5

What should I call you?: Jazz




Do I Know You?

Full name:            Shin Phoung Dáo

Other names     English
                                  Shin Conny

                                  Ming Xin Li

Nicknames:    Dáoui - Given by a chatter from France


Birthdate:   07 /03 /1995

Birthplace:  Sihuan ; China

HometownSihuan ; China

Weight:    57kg

Height:    164cm

Ethnicity:  Korean - Vietnamese

LanguagesKorean                   Fluent
                                 Since korean is her mother language she is of course fluent in it.
Vietnamese         Fluent
                                 Because her mother is Vietnamese she wanted Phoung to learn her second mother language as well.
                     Chinese              Semi-fluent
                                 Due to her parents deciding to stay in China, she had to learn chinese but is not that good in it.               
                            French               Semi-fluent
French has always been interesting to Phoung so she started to learn it on her own. But she couldn't use it in her country so she forgot some things.

Personality:                                                                   R like Rebellious Princess

Phoung would sneak out alot to have fun, get abit loud and upset after when someone tries to controll her; telling her to come back but she wouldn't. She had her own mind, her own opinions. And she surely wasn't afraid to say what she thinks. Oh no. She didn't take a leaf infront of making people to call her rude but actually she just told the truth. When someone asked for her opinion on clothes as example she just would straight say what she thinks without blinking once no matter who stood infront of her. But she also knows how to control herself she just didn't show it at home. And when something wasn't going her way, she'd stay her ground and agrue till the end but there are also time when she just turns away and walks off. Returning late in the night. But she's never use any bad words. She never did that and wouldn't.  You wouldn't notice it right away but that girl is pretty hot tempered. Once you get into a fight with her and can end ugly because then she forgets herself but she also can calm down within 2 minutes again and forgets the fight going back to her usual self. She isn't short tempered tho she a lot of patience.

Even if she was like this, she has a soft and big heart. She was there for those who needed her and always knew a solution. She would take them in her arms and rubs their back, telling them funny and silly things and smile till they would laugh again. She loved making people smile even if Phoung herself would need someone like this as well but she'd never tell. She holds her sadness down to everyone.  Besides all that tho, Phoung is very outgoing. She loves long walks in the park, listening to music, have a volleyball match or just lay in the grass to watch clouds. She makes every so boring sounding idea or walk to the most funny thing, being a big dork. She can get really reckless as well like jumping off a cliff. She just is carefree causing other to jump out of her skin because of their worry.


Due the vocation of her parents in Sihuan, Phoung was also born there because her mother wasn't able to fly back to Vietnam. And because they had to stay for some time, her father decided to stay in China. Phoung Dáo was nice, well mannered and sweet. She always got told to be like that but that wasn't her world. And she knew that. Phoung started to sneak out, finding the "darker" side of life. She started sneaking out more often to finally enjoy her life without any limits. She wanted to have fun with friends and not spent a "fun day" at home with watching or playing crocket or such. It annoyed her. She wanted to move out and start her own life. Not that she hated her parents no, she loved them to hell, she adored them but she couldn't live the life they lived. It wasn't she. It was not what she wanted. She had a nice house, wasn't rich, wasn't poor. Just normal but with a slightly higher standards but not that much more.  


►  Windy days
►  Rainsound
►  Waterparks
►  Stargazing and cloudgazing
►  Playing guitar
►  Dancing to all kinds of music
  Seafood and also spicy food
►  Relaxing while taking a hot bubble bath
  Parties (and all that what includes parties
  Little to really small things



►  Cursing and swearing.
►   Too hot weather.
►   Small and closed rooms.
►   Embarassing her infront of someone.
►   Cats
►   When people talk around the hot point.
►   No understanding (as in, people who don't even try to understand someone's situation)
►   Liars
►   Too much skinship at a first meeting
►   People who act to be nice.



►  Starting to murmur something in Vietnamese when she is really mad.
►  Sticking out her tongue abit when she concentrates.
►  Ruffles her hair when she panicks and runs in circles.
►  Bites her lip or even chews on her bottom lip / inner cheeks when she tries to confess that she has done something bad.
►  Stomping her foot when she get mad at herself for not being able to do something right. Should it be a dance step, a scratch for school or just a puzzle.



Playing her guitar and sing to it. 
►  Swimming in the sea by the woods
►  Dancing and learning new dances
►  Writing. Like when something comes up in her mind, she immediately writes it down and makes a little story out of it.
►   Playing videogames.


  Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces
  Melissophobia- Fear of bees
  Pyrophobia- Fear of fire.


►  Comes from Sihuan
►  Is reckless
►  Loves the adventure
►  Is able to drive people insane
►  Is carefree
►  Is fun to be with
►  Can get shy but not often since she is open-minded and outgoing.

► Actually from Vietnam





They're Precious To Me


Father | Shin Woo Jin | 45 | Historian | Joking, Funny, strict, polite, clever, thinker | Close | Alive

Mother | Shin Hông Yen | 41 | Secretary | Ordinary, neat, calm, nice, smiling | Very close | Alive

Sister | Shin Hyo Ju | 24 | Studying: Teacher | Stubborn, little nerd, strict, nice | Normal | Alive



Amber | 20 | Singer | Nice, Fun, little laidback, encouraging | Like sisters | Alive



Qri | 26 | Singer | Bubbly, giggly, fun, girly, grinning, naive | Close | Alive

Ryeowook | 26 | Singer | Smiling, gentle, kind, funny, worries alot | Close | Alive


I... Love You



Love interestHuang Zi Tao

Tao | Age | Singer ; Exo-M | Kind, careful, stays at the back at first, fun, abit lazy, joking alot, cheeky

How did you met him?:

                   Phoung was late again since she had sneaked out again that night. But she could reach SM just in time to get her Leader just for today out of the trouble. After training for hours Phoung just left the dance room to use the bathroom real quick. She didn't find it and as she did, a long line was standing infront of it. She bit her lip as it was getting unbearable for her to wait as she just simply rushed in the man toilet, surprising Tao and Luhan who just went to wash their hands. While she finally could pee she could hear Tao and Luhan talk about her in chinese and as she got out of the cabine she found Tao and Luhan waiting as Luhan asked what she was doing, Tao standing at the back. Later on Tao went to her and apologized for Luhan and so they started talking.

Status right now:  Uninterested ; Single

Status you want:   Relationship

What was your first impression of him?:

                   First she couldn't really pay attention but when he apologized she was like, "What the- why is he apologizing? Is he stupid?" something like that. She was surprised and just found him kinda... weird and stupid for that.

What was his first impression of you?:

                   Definitely he would be shocked at first seeing a girl walk in the boys bathroom. After he got over the shock he would think that Phoung is kinda.. weird. Storming in the bathroom like that. But on the other hand abit cool and funny that she was like that.



Love Rival: Lee Jung Hwan

Sandeul  | 21 | Singer , B1A4 | Clumsy, shy, nervous around new people, cheerful, nice, caring

How did you met him?:

                  Sandeul was going to get some bread for the breakfast, taking the longer way through the park this day. What was unusual. The park was still kinda empty just a few people here and there. He stopped in his tracks as he heard a feminine whine. He looked around from where it came. He saw a figure on the ground by the playground and walked over. There was a girl on the ground, holding her knee. He asked what happened while just pointed at the little dino she just sat on and moved for- and backwards. He would laugh and help her up, looking after her knee.

Status right now:      Single

Status you want:       Close friends

What was your first impression of him?:

                  Phoung was surprised as he was warm and kind right from the start. No hesistating. She liked him right away since he was really nice and caring. She loved his warm aura right away.

What was his first impression of you?:

                       He found Phoung really amusing and silly. Who would sit on the Dino and move around and even fall from it? And that in that age. He just found her cute and silly. Liking her as well right away.




Back-up Love Interest: Kim Min Seok

Xiu Min | 23 | Lead Singer , Exo-M | Cute, pouty, sweet, lovely, caring, cheerful, kind

How did you met him?:

                            It was more of a weird meeting. It was at a filmset. Phoung went to see a bandmate and to cheer her on as someone tapped her shoulder and she swa Xiumin. He called her trainer or whatever. He wasn't satisfied with his acting and asked her to train with him for abit and tell him what else he could do to improve. First Phoung wanted to tell him that she wasn't who he thought she was but then decided to go along with it and make it fun. So she played along with it and laughed at the end, confusing Minseok who shyly asked if it was that bad but then she confessed and apologized of course and tell him straightly what she found good and what not.

Status right now:      Single ; Interested in some Idol girl at first

Status you want:      Relationship

What was your first impression of him?:

                            Phoung liked his cute and shy, slightly confused expression as he asked her for help. He seemed like a lost puppy to her. She just could like him and let herself fall in his ban. He had something about him which made her feel warm and happy inside.

What was his first impression of you?:

                            There was none at first due him mistaking Phoung as such a trainer and such. But when he found out why she actually was here he was abit sad, finding her cheeky. But then he found it actually funny himself, laughing at her little joke realizing that he found her actually nice and cute.

I'm Confused...


(replace D.O. Oppa's picture with your love rival(boy)'s gif/pic)

Love Rival(boy): SHINee's Jonghyun

Kim Jong Hyun  | 22 | Singer ; SHINee  | Nice ; Badass, Idiot,

How did you met him?:
  Through the agency. Phoung Dáo was walking through the halls early in the morning because she trained the whole night and was tired. Her eyes were half closed already and she was stumbling around. She heard others murmur that she was drunk maybe. But Phoung Dáo was definitely too tired to turn around and say what she thinks. Her mind was set on her fluffy and big bed till she heard someone spot. "Getting drunk that early of your career, at this young age and early in the morning.. " it was Jonghyun. She hissed and didn't want to freak out but she did.

Status right now:  Strangers. Hating each other somehow.

Status you want: Friends.. or more like close friends. But he has feelings towards her.

What was your first impression of him?:
  She just wanted to kick, punch and push him away. She didn't like him for his attitude he showed towards her. She couldn't bring herself to like him. She thinks of him as an complete assh*le.

What was his first impression of you?:
                             He was just his -self. Saying she was drunk and such. He found it amusing that she seemed to be drunk but once she freaked out he was startled. He was surprised and was starting to get interested in her.


Love rival(girl): F(x)'s Victoria

Victoria Song | 26 | F(x) | Sweet, Caring, Considerate, Awkward

What did she do to your love interest?:
She flirted. That is all what it took. She had her eyes on Tao. She wanted to get teached from him and such. Phoung Dáo just .. hated the fact. She knew Victoria was really pretty. But yea. She never hated her till that point. She cooked him food, touched his arms, made compliments.. and so on.

What was your first impression of her?:
Really nice. She was pretty warm-hearted and Phoung Dáo liked it. She was really happy to have met someone like her. Someone who spoke her language and was so nice. Phoung Dáo was just happy.

What was her first impression to you?:
Victoria was happy with everyone who could speak Chinese. She loved spending time with the Chinese people. Also with Phoung Dáo. Victoria liked it that Phoung Dáo was who she is. Not changing or anything.

Do you hate her?:  Phoung Dao doesn't hate her. But still doesn't like her enough to be friends with her after she found out about her interest in Tao. It made her abit upset.


S0 Annoying!



Rival:      Sooyoung

Sooyoung | 23 | Singer , Snsd | Actually nice, always laughing, loud

What did she do to you that made you hate her?:

                  It didn't take much for Phoung to dislike her. When Sooyoung and Phoung met she already knew that she would get in trouble with Sooyoung. She was arrogant or anything like that. But Sooyoung didn't like it how easily Phoung got around with others and Phoung didn't like Sooyoung for telling her what to do and to stay away from Exo and the other and stay at her level because for Sooyoung, Phoung played in the wrong level and she should first reach that level to play around.  For Phoung it sounded like "ing herself through SM" which made it even worse. They always had this little competition between them going on.

How much do you hate her?:

                  Only up to 6


Your Stage's Presence



Stage name:    P.JD

Persona(s): I just choosed one Persona as you saw above already.

2- R- Rebellious Princess,The Rebellious Princess

Fanclub Name:       JD's 

Fanclub Colour:     Colour  | #66ccff

Position: Here I also just choosed one.

Lead Vocalist,Lead Dancer,Sub-Rapper | must be born on 1995,Jan-June | available


How did you get into SM Entertainment?:

                            Due to personal interest. Since Phoung didn't want to stay with her parents anymore she had to find a job quickly. Actually she was against going to the audition because she wanted a normal life. Normal amount of money like others, working hard for it, living... just like everyone else. But all jobs were just part-time. That money wouldn't be enough so she ended up auditioning. She kind of thought they wouldn't take her so she was calm and carefree but then they really took her and then she was like, damn!

How many years did you train?: She trained about 2 and a half years.

How was trainee life?:

                            Sometimes it would be a big pain in her . She was unmotivated and sleepy. It was hard. Plus, this wasn't the reality she wanted either. She wished she had this old life because it didn't seem bad anymore but she was under contract, away from her parents and worked. But after a year she found it nice and had discovered new things about herself, having fun and enjoying trainee life. And being a rebel, it was even more fun. Doing pranks, getting others in trouble, sneaking out at night or practice to skip. She found it fun and nice till there was a meeting with sunbae's and that's when she got it. Being an Idol is hard. She worked harder and harder on becoming better but she still pulled pranks and such. But at least she didn't see it as a joke anymore.

Ulzzang's name:  Gem Tang

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

Back-up Ulzzang's name:  Miyake Wong

Links:  Lookie


                 Phoung dresses kinda dark. Like the grunge style. She loves it rather dark. Skinny ripped jeans, a loose shirt/top, a hat, round sunglasses and red or pinkish lips. On her wrists she has a big amount of booklets of festivals she already visited. She wears normals sneakerd or plateau ankle boots. However she feels like.    Fei of Miss A

   Grunge         |          Shoes  

Talk twin:        Qri of T-ara

Vocal twin:    Fei of Miss A

Dance twin:     Hyohyeon of SNSD

Rap twin:          CL of 2ne1

Ideal Type: Someone who can cook because Phoung Dáo finds it really attractive if a man can cook or also maybe play an instrument. For her guys don't have to be much taller a few centimeters are already enough for her. Also she likes guys who have something mysterious or dangerous about them. And if they have dark brown, but you should still see brown, it is perfect for her.

Natural Talents

Your Best Facial Features :  Eyes
                                                    Due to her kind fierce and cold look. They are really dark, nearly black, that you could stare in them a long time because they seem so deep.

Do you like/love your ANTIs or not?:  Well who loves ANTIs? Not much but Phoung Dáo does like them. She doesn't want them to like the group or her, nor does she really care but still she likes them. Takes them as motivation to do better.

Who in SME is closest to your ideal type?: Maybe Kyungsoo of EXO or Ryeowook of Super Junior.

Who in SME is your closest senior or friend?: Amber of f(x) is Phoung Dáo's closest senior and friend.

Who do you respect/idolise the most?: Kwon Boa. Phoung Dáo didn't really know about it. But the more she heard, saw and read about her, the more she had respect and the more amazed she got.

If you have to be on WGM,who do you want to be partnered with?: Infinites Dongwoo and TRAX' Jay

Who is your bias in:

TVXQ- Chang Min

Super Junior- Kang In

SNSD- Sunny

SHINee- Min Ho

f(x)- Amber

EXO- Chan Yeol

Who treats you the best:

TVXQ- Chang Min

Super Junior- Si Won

SNSD- Taeyeon

SHINee- Taemin

f(x)- Sulli

EXO- Suho

If you are a soloist,what song would you want to do?: A song which is energetic and different. Which not every girl would sing about. Something that goes  into the style of Rihanna's - Jump.

Who do you most respect in the group other than the leader?: Cute cold, Charming Princess

Who is your bestfriend in the group?: The Emotionless Princess

Who do you want to be in a room with/roommates?: Naive, neat Princess

Who do you want to scold the most in the group?: Naive, neat Princess

Who do you want to avoid the most in the group/the one you're most scared with?: Avoiding the most the Elite Princess.

Who do you want to be shipped with in the group?: With the y, silly and sisterly princess or Naive princess

Goodbye Baby Goodbye~


First of, this took me really long to be honest. I spent 3 hours on this but I am definitely satisfied. ^^  But actually it was fun filling this here out so it doesn't matter how long it took. I hope everything is like you wanted it to have. If not, please contact me. c: Oh and... how was I supposed to find the hottest gif of Wookie? Gosh I drooled otl. He is y to me even if he just stands there lol.

Suggestions:     I don't have any ^^

Scene requests:   Well it would be fun if they all got into trouble somehow due to daydreaming and such.

Song suggestions:  Oh gosh.. Something rocky maybe?

Place 5 pictures/gifs of your biases:  :O  there goes my death.








                                                         Thank you for applying~!


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But the talking twin also can't be Kyuhyun,it has to be a girl. Also,you have to check the new app and add a few things.
Okay it is fixed now.
Sure I can fix it and take girls as well. I don't mind ^^
I was about to pick you but you can't pick male idols as your vocal/dancing/rapping twin. Please fix it.~