♜ the new age ↷ Ming Su Min

the new age  Ming, Su Min
The troublemaker
jazz | 5 | sica--


tell me about yourself  ↷ 

{ birth name: Ming Su Min
{ aliases/nicknames:  Alias
→ Su Ji ; Alex
                          It's her fake name which she gave herself after the virus spread just to protect herself or
Alex because she sometimes gets mistaken as a guy.                     
→ Mi ; Idiot
                          Both of these are used. Mostly Mi and idiot when she has done   something bad again.

{ height: 161 cm
{ weight: She weighs 54 kg. A mormal weight.
{ blood type: Bloodtype 0 
{ age + birthday: 19 | 07.03
{ birth place: Sihuan ; China
{ ethnicity: Chinese ; Korean
{ languages: Chinese and Korean — Fluent
                      Both are her mothertongue
French             — Semi-fluent
                      She loves France and always wanted to visit France, so she learned french.

you look like a tasty snack  ↷ 

{ ulzzang name: Sasyo Here
{ backup ulzzang name: Yoo Hyun Jin Here
{ dress style: ( how does he/she dress? )

casual: x xsleeping: x xfield: x xdressy: x x

your actions speak  ↷    

{ personality:
                                                         "Live each day to its fullest. “There is no tomorrow!"

Su min or also called Alex, had her own mind. She hated the feeling being under control. She is stubborn! And when something's set on her mind, she will do it. Wether if others are okay with it or not. She does it! She always caused touble to people around her. She sneaked out at nights, had her fun, drank, smoked and the next day, she was the nice girl next door that studied hard for her college. She wanted to live her life even if it meant ending up at the police station like it once happened to her. It is not like she didn't give a about her studies or other things but life was too short to waste it. She wanted to live like other students or people in her age as well! Like she always says "You never know if there is a tomorrow!" and she didn't want to regret it to haven't done the things she wanted to. 
Also in school, if she was bored or didn't want to stay in the classes anymore, she sneaked out of the class and went to the school garden or elsewhere of the campus. Sometimes she made her friends skip too, got them in trouble as they sometimes got caught and she could escape somehow. But not always was she able to escape. She was a carefree, laidback person. Not thinking what could if she got caught when doing something.. prohibited.
She also isn't the kind of person to shut up when things get heated or not. She says what she thinks staight out not caring if the other is hurt by the statement or not. Nor does she take a leaf infront of . Why should she? If someone wants honesty, he/she gets it straight up in the face. Maybe harsh words fall but that is how she is. She is pretty hot tempered as well so once she gets mad, which is actually pretty hard, it gets ugly. Not like she would attack the person. But her words get pretty hurtful, not insulting tho. She never insulted anyone and never does. For her, insulting is a point of weakness. If someone was rude or saying something to hurt her, she'd get sarcastic. Really sarcastic and sometimes it is hard to tell if she something seriously or if it was pure sarcast. She also always was abit strange. She loved things others were scared of or were icky. She loved zombies or apocalyptic things. She was really into them. Or spiders. She just found them amazing.

"As long as there is life, there is hope."

As the virus spread over the world and her parents and also brother died more specifically changed into these monsters, she changed. She finally realized how dicey the situation really was. Knowing from researches of zombies and to protect herself she killed all three. That's when her life changed. When she started to gather all plans she ever made, when she ran away. Not whole Korea was infested by the virus. So she still could move freely. But it spread quickly. Running around with as less things as possible she tried to survive alone. Till she went from group to group, finding the current one. 
Her personality wasn't that different. She just got more distant.. more colder and careful. She didn't want to get attached. That is all what changed. She wasn't that open-minded anymore as before.


{ previous job:
She only had a part-time job at a bar. To support her studies on the Chinese College pf Psychology ; Chinese Acadamy for Sciences.

{ likes:
Cold days / Cloudy days
► Rain / Rainsound
► Spicy things
► Parties
► Dancing
► Strawberries
► Quiet places
► Atrology

{ dislikes:
► Too hot (summer) days
► Bad smell
► Small rooms
► Impatience
► Cats
► (too much) Sport
► Rushing
► being controlled

{ fears:
► Being locked in small rooms         Claustrophobia
► Phobia of wild burning fire                     Melissophobia
► Scared of insects that fly and stab   Pyrophobia
Fear of clowns                      Coulrophobia

{ habits:
Starting to murmur something in French when she is really mad.
Sticking out her tongue abit when she concentrates
Ruffles her hair when she panicks and runs in circles
Bites her lip or even chews on her bottom lip / inner cheeks when she tries to confess that she has done something bad
Stomping her foot when she get mad at herself for not being able to do something right.

{ health issues:
The right leg is abit smaller then the other one.
► Eczema
► Smoker lung


you're either useful or worthless  ↷ 

{ weapon:
She uses a gun. And on her way she collects other weapons like the baseball bat, knives and stones.
Gun: x  | Baeeball bat: x

{ fighting style:

It surely depends. If the group is about to leave there little safe point to get further to a more safer point or Safe Zone, she plans out everything. Or when she is about to get out she will plan on what she needs, shoes, clothes, weapon, where to go, where to stop, where she can hide.
But if something doesn't go after her plan, she gets a little panicked and she might run into a zombies arms. But she knows her way with zombies and she can help herself out in the end. 

{ strengths:
As long as she can fight from the distance, she is pretty good. She is like the gunman in the back, overlooking things and shooting those zombies who come to close or if they get too much to handle for the team.

{ weaknesses:
Definitely fighting with no weapon and close-up. She might hold herself up for sometime but not for too long. She will lose after sometime. If she has her baseball bat she might win but.. the possibility still isn't that high.
Also if the fight is somewhere she doesn't plan or don't know the place too well it can get very ugly for her.

{ extra skills:
She is zombie connoiseur. She always was amazed by them. She loves apocalyptic movies with zombies. Dreamt about fighting against them. So she knows alot about them and how to fight. But still she has to learn alot. Because.. Reality is different from the movies. 

blood runs deep  ↷ 

{ family:

  • name | Father | 6 | strict, workaholic, calm | Dead | Literally went in the basement to laugh. He wasn't like that but no one knows why he changed.
  • Ming Ha Eun | Mother | 8 | funny, sweet, lovely | Dead | The normal mother. She suffered the most under the father strictness and him too much working.
  • Ming Jun Seo | Brother | 9 | Caring, overprotective, cool | Dead | Junseo was older then Su Min and no one knew her better than he did.

{ friends

  • Park Kyung | best friend | 9 | responsible, clever (nerdy), kind-hearted | unknown | He was like a second brother to Su Min. He was her better half.
  • Woo Ji Hae | Schoolfriend, Apartmentmate | 7 | girly, quiet, temperamental | alive | She always tried to make Su Min more girly but still accepted her. But they fought sometimes

{ love interest:

  • Bang Yongguk | 22 | Laid-back ; Calm ; Nice | Bar-keeper | He is the calm person. calming the freaked-out people, comforts, kind of peacemaker.

{ their relationship:
Both know each other since some time. He was the one with the bar in which Su Min worked in for her college money. They came along well. They had to and before the virus spread they never really had contact. So the relationship was more easygoing.

Later as they had to work in a team things stopped being easy. She always was a bit pissed at Yongguk. Whenever he tried talking to her about plans she'd snap. She did hate it when someone made plans for her when she already had her own. And Yongguk hated it that she was so stubborn and ended up doing her own. Things were abit heated between them. Of course there were days when they got along. But they also fighted alot. And when that happened, Su Min would speak out the truth while he was always saying it will all okay. That's when Su Min let's Yongguk see her broken and scared side. How big her fear actually was. They grew closer after that heated arguement. But still they had this love-hate relationship. That didn't change. Sometimes when they have a moment together, like him helping her with fighting with the baseball bat or gun and he holds her hand, she gets abit awkward with him. She'd also say stupid things making him chuckle. She also always wants to proof him better. Letting him see that he was maybe wrong and then she sticks her tongue out at him. Around him she acts like she knows better or corrects him all the time which gets him annoyed pretty fast and they end up argueing over idiotc and stupid things. They always try to tease each other whenever they can.

But whenever she showed her broken side, Yongguk was there to hold her. To give her support when no one else could. He always tried to make it more bearable for her but he never knew the story of her brother and parents so he was upset when he couldn't cheer her up. He knew he never could replace the person if she did miss someone but he wanted Su Min to see him as a person she could hold onto. But when she was like that she only let herself be comforted for abit before she got distant towards everyone. She turned cold to Yongguk hurting him more. So their relationship isn't an easy one. It's filled with love, pain, teasing and sometimes hate. 


{ back up love interest

  • Do Kyungsoo | 21 | reserved ; careful ; thinker | Lab technician | Think of plans, help when someone is hurt, knowing alot about zombies, warn others.

{ their relationship:

Kinda awkward. None of them know how to talk to the other or more like what to about with the other. So there conversation always end up kinda awkward. Su MIn tries her best but for Kyungsoo it is abit harder. He was never the type to get along that good with girls. But after some time he warmed up abit and they were sweet and nice around each other. She gave into him. Trusting him alot more then others. Maybe it was because he was abit similar to Kyung but she couldn't tell. She loved watching Kyungsoo work or think of plans and much more. Soon the awkwardness vanished completely and there relationship stopped being awkward and became more.. caring, lovely and funny. They started to have lots of fun. And since Kyungsoo wasn't reserved anymore it was easier to get along. Of course they had a few arguements before because first that he was so reserved and second because Su Min lied about her name and even her gender when it sometimes was quiet obvious that she was a girl. Sometimes Kyungsoo took his distant from Su Min because he was scared he'd turn gay which he obviously didn't wanted. But they still got close the more they spend time.

Of course Su Min disliked it if someone made plans for her. Even if it was Kyungsoo so she planned with him which made them stick together alot. Her stubborness was shown everytime. Everything had to go how she wanted to and Kyungsoo couldn't allow that which made Su Min even more stubborn and sarcastic. She just disliked it. But she was unable to be like that to him for long. She was scared to lose him like she lost Kyung. She just would hate herself then. That is why she wanted to do better then last time and softed up abit and as long as she could protect Kyungsoo, she was fine. Not happy about the plan maybe but oh well.

Their relationship wasn't really complicated. Others were happy when they were around. Both of them gave off this aura of everything being back to normal. Their jokes, their laughing and sweetness. It gave them and the others abit of the normality back. 


self reflecting ↷ 



Did I expect that? Well no one does. I mean yes, I watched zombie movies. I was into zombies but never really wanted it to happen. I always thought zombies were funny, imagined to fight against them one day like in the movies, made plans just in case but that this would happen in real?`Never.


As soon as the virus got around, I got careful about my real personality. Even before I often got mistaken as a guy so if I met people and they had something weird or strange about them, I told them I was Alex, a guy. But when I met my current team, it was different. Of course I didn't trust them right away. I still was careful but I quickly found out they were clean. I mean nice and trustworthy. I see them as a good help to get to my goals but I also wanna help them like they help me. If I would get let myself killed for them? Well I don't really know but I guess yes if it brings the team further.



My goal? That is simple. I wanna survive not more and not less. Most of my family are dead or one of these flesheaters. I stopped searching for them a long time ago. I gave them up to be honest. So I just wanted to survive, kill a few zombies and find a place to stay. I don't what I want the most. Of course I wanna get to a safe zone but I also wanna find the reason why it all started. Find a solution. Go there where it started to find out more. Even in the safe zone we would live in fear that the zombies would break in somehow.  



Dying. It's a word with lots of meanings. Dying inside, seeing people die while you are watching, letting your heart break.. death. No I don't mind dying I even would prefer dying then turning into these killers. I'd do everything .. really everything to not turn into that monster. If I am not able to kill myself anymore I hope someone of my team does. That is my wish. Shooting my head, burn me.. whatever. Everything is fine. And if I die because of something else, I don't mind either. If I can't reach my goals I want my team to reach theirs and if it means to die, I will.



I hope that just everything is fine and correct. If not, please inform me.
And I hope it's not too late. ;;
scene requests:
Maybe there's a fight scene and there are too many zombies and a close person to one of the team gets killed.
something like that maybe. Or, when they try to escape somehow.
can i kill your character off possibly: 
Sure. I don't mind ouo



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