Bias Survey (stolen from deliberatemistake)

Cos I couldn't resist. Am kind of procrastinating. I will go write more now...


1. Name of your bias? (Stage or real)
Cho Kyuhyun. 


2. Age? 

3. Age difference between you and them? 
4 years, 9 months

4. Favourite physical trait of your bias?
Everything?? I like his cheeky grin. 


5. Favourite characteristic trait?
His evilness ^^ Or his shyness when he gets embarrassed. 

6. Are they taller or shorter than you?
Taller by 3inches! At least that's what his profile says. I don't believe it. He's one of the taller members though ^^

7. Have they ever cross dressed before?


8. Do they smoke or drink?
He loves wine a lot so yes. I don't think he smokes, he had problems with his lungs so I don't think he'd want to damage them.  

9. Describe their build
Perfect? Taller, curvy, nice arse and thighs, he never shows his body off but he isn't a stick anymore (remembers back when he was really skinny after his accident *shudders*). 

10. Their favourite colour is?
Black and white apparently. 

11. Do they have siblings?
An older sister Ahra. 

12. If you could buy them anything as a gift what would it be?

A bottle of wine. 

What would your reaction be if:

13. You heard they were in an accident?
I'd cry and pray. He was already in a really bad one where he nearly died *doesn't like to think about it*

14. They got a piercing/ tattoo?
I wouldn't care - I have them so I wouldn't judge him. 

15. Had a comeback on your birthday?

16. Found they got pregnant/got a girl pregnant?
I would hope he remained an idol/singer and not disappear. 

17. Got kicked out of their company?

It'd be SM's loss. 

18. They were involved in a legal dispute?
Hope he didn't disappear from the music scene. 

19. Beat someone up?
He isn't really very physical so I really can't image it. He is more the type to give someone a tongue lashing. 

20. Had a habit you couldn't stand?
I'd live with it.

If you were your bias?

21. Would you date a fan?

22. Have a solo album?
Definitely. Been praying for one. 

23. Quit music and do acting?
No! I love his voice. I'd marry his voice if I could. If/when he stops singing I will be miserable. 

24. Kiss a fan on the lips? Cheek?
If they were pretty.

25. Date another kpop star?
What about Siwon? Does that count? *dies laughing*



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sagitaboy #1
LoL...Hooo, asking self n answer self....this fan really love am i..^^
Walker, i wanted request kyu pregnant (mpreg) in your other story....i never mind who kyu partner even i almost like wonkyu, but dont had problem with others will love kyu....would u walker, pleas..(>,<) m(~_~)m
You're so funny kkkk :3