The modern day society..

2AM seems to be the time where my brain seems to go wild and is lost in ridiculous imagines and unnecessary thoughts which are reality.. I was looking through my facebook newsfeed and instagram and I noticed how.. everyone seems so happy in their lives.. like they've accomplished what the want in their life(?) Okay I exaggerated there but you get my point.. they're young, they wouldn't know too much but it seems as they have what they need to be happy right at that moment.. I see photos of people and they are all.. like..really pretty..(girls in particular) And maybe that's the reason why they are really happy.. it always feels like im in a society where the truth is, you dont matter as much unless you are pretty and/or good looking.. sometimes i wish i was a child in the 90s where nobody really judged how you looked.. (from where i am from anyway) Now it just feels like the face is all that matters.. sure, people say 'its the heart that really matters', but who actually 'really' thinks that in this world..? I know that sometimes i do that too but now.. honestly i feel sick of doing that, and i hate being treated that way.. now i dont even want to step outside the house anymore because i dont want anyone to see the hidious me.. people wouldnt really understand this unless they've experienced this.. i wonder about those people that go 'i know how you feel' in the comments, i wonder if they really do know, or they are just saying in respect.. I've never really had close friends my entire life except for back in korea when i was younger.. everyone didnt care about how you looked, if you were nice then you were a good friend.. now everyone thinks if you hang with someone who doesnt look as appealing, your social status will go down and the public will judge you because.. 'if youre ugly youre unpopular' I hate how everything always turns out this way.. I wish that there were people who were like the past..


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marshmellowcakes #1
Ugh I know. It's so stupid that people who look good are 'popular'. But I'm pretty happy with myself since I look decent (not ugly i mean) but I hang out with people that my grade rejects as 'nerds' cos they don't look nice and . So there definitely are people who actually don't judge you by your looks :))