Super Junior's Heechul turns 30!


Super Junior's Heechul turned 30 (31 in Korea) on July 10!


Of course, his fellow members didn't forget to congratulate Heechul. Ryeowook shared on his Twitter, "Happy Birthday, Heenim~~^^!!!! Our Heechul hyung is celebrating his birthday by himself~~~^^!!! Once you're discharged, let's comeback right away and promote together~!!! I miss Kim Heechul on TV~~~♥."



Henry also tweeted, "Heechul hyung!! I love you!! Happy birthday," along with a snapshot of Heechul celebrating his birthday. Unlike the Heechul fans are used to, he was camera shy and covered his face.


Good friend Simon D also seemed to have attended the birthday party with Henry and Yesung. He posted on his Instagram, "YESUNG & HENRY & SIMON D."



Heechul recently started Instagram, so follow him if you haven't already done so! Happy birthday and welcome to your wonderful thirties, Heechul! 







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ELFlisa #1
Happy Birthday, heechul...cant wait for the comeback!!..we were waiting for you...
Heypi beratdeyyyy xDDD more [power suju oppas