Feeling Happier!!!


I have somewhere to live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My friend is currently in the process of getting her own home and is going to let me live with her! I have an awesome friend. I told her what was happening and told me instead of looking for a 2 bed house she would look for a 3 bed place and I could live with her. 


I am so happy and excited and I have the best friend I could possibly need. I haven't seen her very regularly since she is a different university to me. However this will mean that I will have to move to Middlesborough. Which is somewhere I have only visited once (to see her). So basically this will be somewhere completely new for me. 


My rent will also be £90 a month cheaper. £110 cheaper than I paid last year. I will need to get a job sharpish! Need to pay rent (though she said she wouldn't push for it until I got sorted - though doesn't mean I am a freeloader!). 


Also I am currently staying on my sisters sofa. I am helping with my nephew. He will turn 1 on the 21st and he is currently attempting to walk unaided. He is so energetic. I love spending time with them. They are so lovely when I visit them. I feel like I am taking advantage of them though. They are helping me out when they have a little baby and my sister is currently on unpaid maternity leave. 


Oh and I am going to meet up with another friend that I haven't seen in 2 years due to neither of us being anywhere near each other (geographically) this week (hopefully). She is an Cambridge doing Engineering (that is incredibly impressive). I am failing at Economics in Hull. Cambridge is Cambridge and Hull is not so great... However I miss her so much. Plus she would never judge me - my parents would though...


My laptop charger broke and am currently on my sisters laptop until I can use my own again but even this cannot dampen my spirits! 


(I feel like I have been overly using exclamation points recently. I use them everywhere and all the time.)


Anyway I was just so happy that I though I'd share my joy with you. This joy might be due to the vast amount of candy floss I have consumed - We took Tommy (my nephew) to the beach for the first time today! 




Not me - my sister with my nephew this morning. His first pony ride ^^ He was laughing the whole time. Auntie is a crappy photographer though... 


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sagitaboy #1
awesome, ^o^//
Happy for u walker...
After all, n now u got new home on the way....
Ok..keep fight n never give up...xixixixi ;p
Too over exited..>3<
It sound u wanted to war..LoL....never mind what i said, just happy saw friends happy..<3<3
I can feel the happiness from your post :D
I'm so glad things start to get better for you!

Hope you'll find a really great job too! :)
zielddhy #3
Wheeeee!!!!! *cheers*

So happy for you dear, hope you can get the job asap :D
jusrecht #4

I'm so happy for youuuuu ♥ Hopefully you'll get the job thing sorted out soon too ^^
aww baby!! im so happy for you! things are finally getting better :DDDDD I hope it getter a thousand times better and that you find a job quickly! what an exciting adventure lies ahead of you!!! :DDDDD
So glad to see you in such a better mood!!
job hunting believe me I know and you remember me last year before I got my job at the Science center lol
Exclamation points can never be overused!
I love you!!