So... the weirdest and first thing happened to me today.

I was being a tour guide for the day for my family and a friend. I was taking them around London really, and we decided to go to the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. Not gonna lie, I was pretty bored LOL. But nevertheless, I got into looking at the different paintings and started reading their stories and things, and I was staring at one, very interested, I can't even remember what it was now, but suddenly someone said 'hello'.

My head literally shot around, I was so shocked beause I was zoning out looking at this painting LOL. And it was well... I think he was indian...but he wasnt Indian... I don't know, darker skinned english person? (Don't want to sound racist LOL) he was tall and not bad looking at all, attractive actually. :D

But anyways, I said hello back and suddenly it dawned on me that I was being hit on. O.o. And I was so shocked. Like... WOT. I am NEVER hit on. Like... I'm not very bad ugly betty or anything but I'm not exactly angelina jolie either and I was all like WOT IS HAPPENING. He kept going on and he said 'you're pretty' and I was like... UM WOT?!?!? This is me, with my burnt- face, probably smelling bad and my hair looked like hay. WOT??!?! But yes, it was nice... I didnt know what to say so I replied only little things >.<

He was so much older than me... actually not that much he looked 19/20. OTL I should stop. I sound weird. But I felt like sharing that. I was so shocked. O.o

I wish I asked his name but his friends were calling him and he left. Ah well. this feels so weird >.< Ok, I'm leaving. 

-Your weird/shocked/loving/sad friend Scarlett <3 

PS: You guyz HAVE to see this!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOudpQWNf3E


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aww my that's.. cute? I can't find an exact word for this but it was cute I guess. xD
if the same thing happened to me, I will never think so positively about it to be very honest OTL
LOL hahahaha nice i wanna see him
Well hun, u might now be a very bad ugly betty in your book but apparently u were his cup of tea ;) But that is cute that it happened to you :P
lol thats cute! Today after work i changed out of my black uniform and went to get my tea. I go there like almost everyday and the guy cashier complimented my blouse. lol it made me happy if just for a second.
Little things like this can make girls really happy.
Lol meh puuurrdy dongsaeng gots a lover boy :p
Naile128 #6
Lol that's cute!! At least u knew he was hitting on u... this really cute guy was hitting on my friend at the mall and she totally ignored him not even realizing he was hitting on her.
And YES!!!! EXO's cover of Paradise was amazing!!!! ♡♡
shawolBABYkissme #7
OMG LOL!! xD dude..that is so funny! ;D
But that is really cute! I would have been like..'what the heck?' *runs away to mommy*

you just never know who is going to catch your eye (or you theirs) :D
parkchanyeolism #9
Don't worry, I would react far worse than you. I would probably just runaway no matter what the guy looks like. If he is good loooking, it's worse.
ThatVerySong #10
naw you are so going into detail tomorrow bro.
aww, haha did nothing happen afterwards?
And lol something similar (but way less sweet) happened to me yesterday O_O