Kakaotalk o.o

Hi guys :D 

Okay, so here is another completely boring post xD I've been sick since Tuesdays (Wednesday was hell, try concentrating while you have a fever and you don't have ANY motivation to write, not only cause of that), and this is what I made in the midst of my fevery whatever xD



Not my best, I know xD

Also, I started using Kakaotalk. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's freaking cute :D

So, if anyone feels an urge to add me, just do xD My name is Katakatica, just like here xD

Um...what else happened...

I've been reading creepypastas, watched creepy games...yeah, nothing much xD

That's all I guess, sorry for boring ya xD

Bye x3


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I just added you..!
I also have Kakaotalk~ but I dunno how to add people xP