I hate this kind of fangirl. Very much.

So I was twittering and I found these s.



Okay, firstly, I'm an exotic too and I'm proud of it. But seeing this kind of fangirl made me feel ashamed of being one. I know she loves exo very much but does it mean that she could bash SHINee all she wants?

Exo and shinee are both extraordinary groups, they're equally handsome and talented! Why is this comparing both of them? No one asks for her opinion, especially the hating ones!

Don't misunderstand me, I love both exo and shinee, that's why I hate this kind of fangirl. I saw more of her tweets and she bashed all SM artists. Take a look guys.

See? And most of all, this is the tweet I hate the most.

Well at least he's more pro than you who bashed people all you want, . I hate this girl so much it hurts.


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Um um um um ummmmmmm
Why don't you try learning over 50 + songs and remember all the lyrics all the time, why don't you?
like yeah
I want to punch you
sooo harrrd
dear darling darling girl :D

But I totally agree with you, I really hate this type of fan girl.
Really really do.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but this is just breaching the limits.
I am a huge SM stan and this kind of people just frustrates me! Hello, all SM artist are extremely popular and talented, there's no point comparing. Whoever wants to start a fanwar between smfamily can go step on a Lego!