I had a kind of bad dream

I've been sleeping on and off most of the day and I had a really uncomfortable dream last time I slept. It was kind of in two parts so I'll explain it like that. 


I dreamt that I was coming back to my boarding school after three months of summer holiday. My room was exactly the same as when I lived there in real life. I had my cat with me because she had been home with me for the holidays. However, when I came into my room there was a dog. I suddenly remembered that I had gotten it a couple of months before the holiday and I hadn't known what to do with it for the holdiay so I just let it stay. It was fine after the three months alone, but it was extremely introvert and not really talkative. It didn't even have a name; I could remember that I had tried to come up with a name for it and I had a feeling that I did come up with one but I couldn't remember the name. As I looked at this dog who was clearly sad I just felt so bad, so guilty and disappointed in myself. I knew that it was my responsibility that it was okay and I had just left it in a little room all on its' own for three months. It felt really bad. I was afraid to tell anyone that I had actually owned the dog for so long because they would know that I had neglected it. Just thinking about it now makes me nauseous because I felt so guilty and so bad. I decided to begin walking with the dog twice a day and take as good care of her as I do with my cat but it was clear that the dog had suffered trauma from my abandonment. When we got in from a walk it just went over to lie under my bed. I ended up naming it Meeko but I still felt terrible about it. 

Right now I am trying to figure out what in my life is represented by the neglected dog. I am scared of what I might find. 


Still on the boarding school and still in my own room I suddenly realised that all the rooms in my hall had been taken by boys. Not just any boys, five of them was Shinee. This is kind of blurry, but I was kind of in love with Onew, who was sweet as ever but totally oblivious. And Key was a psycho who tried to kill me by pushing me down from the small balcony that is the beginning of the fire escape. And then one night I was going to the bathroom (I lived at the very end of the hall and the bathroom was in the other end), I was still halfway unconscious and had to support myself on the walls to not fall over. When I got to the bathroom there were boys everywhere. I went to the toilet and two boys was suddenly in the stall with me and wouldn't go out when I asked them to. When I got out and dried my hands after washing them suddenly a guy came up behind me and began touching my back that was suddenly bare which it hadn't been a moment before. I could see him in the mirror in front of me and he just kept touching before he sniffed a line down my spine and disappeared. I was completely froxen and couldn't move in shock. 

The main thing in the other part of the dream was that I expected Onew to do something, including getting Key to stop harrassing me, but he didn't. Also Key seemed to be ever present though he wasn't always with me our even giving me attention. Minho was also there, but I didn't see Taemin and Jonghyun I just knew they were there. The dream ended with me being the main character of a play and Onew was the other. We were dressed in white as all the people were and me and him met at a small bridge in the middle of the set while everyone was twirling around us in white clothes. He smiled genuinely at me and then I woke. 


I really didn't like that dream. It feels kind of like a bad omen or something. Even the ending was not nice as the people swirling around us had no faces but I just knew that Key was out there and could strike any moment.


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