Cinnamon Tears of Cicadas (Review)

Title (1/5)

- To be honest I have no idea what that story title means. It's bland.

Description/Foreword (5/5)

- Ohh I like that forward. Talkin about spices, and variety and stories. I don't know what's so great about it but it makes me want to read more.

Grammar/Spelling (14/15)

- There were times where you changed from present to past and it was slightly confusing but it was only a few times.

Plot (15/15)

- The plot is good. I like how everything turned out. In the beginning she meets her neighbor, becomes friends with him, realizes she has feelings for him. He get's a girlfriend. She's heartbroken, girlfriend dies, he leaves, and she doesn't know what to do. It's good because not every story has a happy ending and you made that very clear. And at the end when you asked the question. I think people stop and think about it.

Characterization (15/15)

- You can see that Rin starts as a very anti-social girl who just wants time to herself but as she starts to get to know Minho she becomes more open. SHe's a character that really conects to people

Emotion (20/20)

- You can feel the anger and loneliness from Rin she's like the color grey, but as the story goes on she becomes a more vibrant color, like the color blue. She becomes nicer and you can feel the emotion that she has for Minho.

Flow (5/5)

- You didn't mve too fast with anything. Everything was just right.

Poster/Background (4/5)

- The poster is nice but Minho looks a little weird but it's fine.

Font/Spacing/Appropriate Paragraphing (3/5)

- There were times when you could have made it into another paragraph but really other then that it was fine. Sometimes when I was reading it I would lose my place because the paragraphs were too long and then I would have to start from the beginning of the paragraph again.


- Why are people not allowed to savor the darkness without being called "emo"? That was my favorite line in the entire story. It really speaks to people and I'm sure a lot of people can conect with that.

Overall enjoyment (10/10)

- I adore this story,  it has almost every quality. From sadness, to happiness, to anger. This was truly a beautiful story.

Received points: 92/100


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