My laziness has almost beaten me half to death ._.

I'm not even lying right now. I don't think I've really done anything social since summer started June 8th. (When school got out). I mean besides help at a few events for my local library but that's pretty much it. I've listened to music and have been watching Criminal Minds like a mad woman for the few weeks. I've already watched through the first 3 seasons and have two episodes left on the 4th. (THIS IS JUST TO SHOW YOU HOW LAZY I HAVE BEEN)

I really want to update. I promise you I do. But Ahhhhh I have had no inspiration yet. I'm really sorry that all my readers are suffering more from my laziness than I am! ; n ;

I really hope I can kick it into gear yet.

- A-lazy-writer-who-wanted-to-let-her-readers-know-that-she's-not-dead. ♥


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I have been pretty lazy too. I want to update my stories but I don't feel like it! I know how you feel Jordi! :)